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CANDAYA 2024, 720 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

‘At the end of the reading one is left uncontrolled and hallucinating’ Mario Vargas Llosa.

Gustavo Faverón Patriau draws on the need to tell stories, the philosophy of defeat, the dark smile of realism, the horror story, the delirium of the fantastic and the humour of the marvellous to seek unity, however murky and shaky, in the rubble of today’s world. Written after the monumental To Live Under, and drawing on the influence of Borges, Burton and Cervantes, Minimosca crosses the threshold of the total novel and the anti-novel into a new form of fiction and metafiction that may mark the decades to come.

Minimosca is a labyrinth in the form of a novel, a wormhole in history, a portal to maddening parallel dimensions, where reality and memory, fiction and metafiction, imagination and time are confused. In its pages coexist the comedy of horror, the romantic drama of madness, the tragedy of universal history and the revenge of classical myth, like The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night told by infinite Scheherazades.

The countless stories that make up Minimosca cover more than a century of the history of Europe and the Americas: the world wars, the Holocaust, the Balkans, avant-garde art in France and the United States, the dictatorships of Latin America, the Peru of the Shining Path, contemporary confusion in the face of the horror of truth and the seduction of lies. His characters – surviving women, deranged boxers, devouring fathers, split psychopaths, exiles, clandestine migrants, and tragicomic avatars of Stephen King, Marcel Duchamp, Allen Ginsberg, Georgette Phillipart or César Vallejo – are marked by insanity, absurdity and the panic of losing everything, but also by hope, love and friendship to the last consequences. More than a novel or many novels woven together, Minimosca is a life experience that readers will remember forever.

Original Title

‘A barbarity in terms of talent, imagination, craft and respect for storytelling like an infinite matrioshka: everything is in everything, all the holes are connected’, Carlos Zanón, Babelia, El País

‘A rollercoaster inside the mind’, Xavi Ayén, La Vanguardia

By Juan Marqués, in La Lectura – El Mundo, 20 December 2024 : A joyous celebration of pure fiction and extreme invention
‘We have had to reach the end of 2024, almost at the last minute, to be able to read what, in my opinion (and among the 110 or so that I have been able to read), is going to be the best work of fiction published in Spanish in 2024. I am referring to this Minimosca by Gustavo Faverón Patriau (Lima, 1966), a novel grandiose in its ambition and fantastic in its results’. JPG

Press review

Territory of representation
World Wide

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A Simple Fable

Matías Néspolo

CANDAYA,  2024, 192 p. LITERARY UPMARKET, Spanish, Argentine

‘The true novel is always an art of human knowledge. And Néspolo’s novel certainly is’, J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, Babelia, El País

‘A novel without frills by an author who, slowly but surely, is building a work charged with depth’, Alvaro Colomer, La Vanguardia

Behind the mask of a crime plot, this novel tells the story of a few days in the lives of a group of thirty-something aspiring artists who migrated from various Latin American countries to Barcelona. Now, after years have passed, tamed by the unstoppable train of daily life and the need to make a living, they find themselves at that moment when you realize your dreams are no longer going to come true unless something happens that allows you to reinvent your future. A stash of cocaine that falls into their hands will become that last lottery ticket – an unexpected opportunity that will set them all on a journey to nowhere.

Structured in brief chapters and narrated by the protagonist, Gabriel, the novel delves into universal themes such as the abandonment of youthful dreams and rebirth after failure and tragedy. The orality, the agility of the prose, and the dialogues, which condense a diversity of accents, make the novel a literary journey dominated by humor- sometimes dark, sometimes cynical, sometimes innocent- where echoes of authors such as Arlt, Saer, Piglia, and Di Benedetto, among others, resonate.

A novel that explore the urban precariousness, corruption, and crime that push the protagonist and his friends into a spiral of paranoia, violence, and frustrated dreams.

Original Title
Una fábula sencilla

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Manuscrit : Marseille

Un roman-balade poétique, intime et socio-écologique dans la ville mythique. Les yeux du narrateur sont du nord, son cœur du sud.
Par l’auteur du très remarqué Vies déposées (Seuil, 2018) relatant le quotidien de trois personnages vivant dans la rue dans le nord de Paris.
Une belle écriture, imagée et finement humoristique.

Tom-Louis TEBOUL

Étienne, consultant en risque climatique et jeune parent, se retrouve bloqué à Marseille, une journée de forte chaleur. Alors qu’une menace d’incendie envahit les rues, il part à la recherche d’un cadeau pour son fils, « un objet qui l’accompagne ». Retrouvant de vieilles connaissances et des personnages hauts en couleur, Étienne découvre des liens mystérieux qui le rattachent à cette ville. Il se demande d’ailleurs si Marseille, comme lui, n’a pas loupé son passage dans ce nouveau siècle. « C’est d’ailleurs peut-être pour cela qu’aujourd’hui, dans la fraîcheur du soir, il se sent aussi bien. »
L’auteur dit de son texte : “Marseille fait partie de ces villes fascinantes où il est autorisé de prendre son temps, de lever son nez, pour observer la vie se débattre. Ville de mon enfance que je m’étais mise à oublier, j’ai ressenti le besoin d’y revenir, de la rencontrer à nouveau depuis que je suis devenu père. Ce texte tente de comprendre comment les souvenirs nous façonnent, nous soutiennent pour affronter les drames personnels. Ce texte est aussi une ode à la résistance, à l’attente, au décalage que Marseille offre. Un entracte au final dans notre course effrénée contre l’abîme.”

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama


FICTION / Adultes, Jeunes adultes, Français

Un roman plein de générosité, avec des personnages émouvants et truculents, un roman où la cuisine est omniprésente et met l’eau à la bouche. La vie d’un quartier populaire de Marseille, le Panier, sa solidarité, la beauté du partage, la vie belle et cruelle des personnes aux vies décalées (réfugiés, marginaux).

Une famille de réfugiés est chassée de son appartement au cours d’un printemps froid, neigeux. Le père, désespéré, fuit et abandonne sur des marches d’escaliers une femme et ses trois enfants. S’organise alors, dans ce quartier historique de Marseille, le Panier, une véritable solidarité pour aider ces gens en détresse.
L’auteur met en scène des personnages truculents qu’il a côtoyé du temps ou il vivait au cœur de ce quartier populaire de Marseille. En effet, à deux pas du Vieux-Port vit une population mélangée qui s’intègre par les valeurs ancestrales de la ville. Le sens du partage, la générosité, l’ingéniosité, la débrouille, l’altruisme est au cœur de ce récit émouvant. Le lien, le ciment de ce conte moderne est le plaisir de la cuisine.
Dans ces milieux pauvres, abandonnés depuis longtemps par une municipalité obscène, ouvertement raciste, défaillante, le savoir-faire de nos cuisiniers sauve de l’abattement et du désespoir. Madame Udama, la maman est justement une très très bonne cuisinière, elle ne va pas se laisser abattre et très rapidement va, aidée d’une foule d’habitants du quartier, ouvrir un restaurant, « Chez madame Udama ». C’est par les yeux de son second fils, Babacar, un garçon éveillé que nous allons vivre ses aventures cocasses et dramatiques à la fois, qui vont secouer le petit village du Panier.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Welcome to Syntropy!

Anaëlle Théry

Terre vivante, April 2024, 160 p. 21×29,7 cm. Practical Ecology, French

The only book to date written on Syntropic Agriculture for temperate environments, emerging concept all over the world.
After Permaculture, the new revolution in your garden!
This book, based on the field experiments of Anaëlle Théry, a pioneer of syntropy in France, provides methods adapted to temperate latitudes, for vegetable gardening (from 50 m²), market gardening, fruit growing and wood production.

20 000 COPIES SOLD in 18 months, new copies printed regularly to supply continuous demand sustained by buzz and courses.

Author online course platform in French and very shortly in English, and planned later in all main languages.

Initiated by Ernst Götsch over 40 years ago in Brazil, syntropic agroforestry has only been tested for a few years in temperate climates. Syntropy comes from the Greek syntropia, meaning to go from the simple to the complex.

This first book in the world on Syntropic Agroforestry in a temperate climate is based on the double dimension of the fundamental principles of abundance and living organisms, and the results of field research.
It proposes a braiding of science, philosophy and history, as well as experimentation, observation and openings to new possibilities. All seasoned with musketeer mice, fables and turtle plantations!

On her land in the Dordogne, she has created no fewer than 25 areas designed to test highly productive plant combinations, while responding to the problems of the area: limiting watering and adapting to hot weather.

This practice is based on extremely dense and diversified associated crops, which follow one another over time: plants are sown and planted at the same time and will yield in 3 months (vegetables), 2 years (berries), 10 years (fruit trees), 15 years (firewood) or even 250 years (timber).

What is Syntropy?

  • Above all, it’s a paradigm shift, from which field practices flow. There are no ready-made recipes, but a deep understanding that “we are not the intelligent ones, we are part of an intelligent system” (Ernst Götsch).
  • It’s about rediscovering a just and beneficial place going towards the living and abundance.
  • It’s the succession in time and space of production and biomass; an agriculture of process: the more you plant, the richer the soil and the less you water.
  • It’s magical and exhilarating!
What is Syntropy, short presentation with English subtitles available

Different plants are closely linked through their root exchanges, forming an intelligent system that simply needs to be allowed to flourish. We leave behind the paradigm of competition for light, nutrients or water, and enter into cooperation that is beneficial on all levels.
These natural systems lead naturally to abundance. However we have destroyed much of the soil and general conditions they require. By understanding a few key Syntropic principles, we can recreate the conditions for abundance to appear again, quickly and sometimes so amazingly that it’s been called the “cat’s leap”.
In practice, Syntropy makes it possible to plant very dense and productive harmonious systems, permanently enriching the soil without external input simply by producing organic matter to be used as mulch. And with well-chosen disturbances, the entire system can be stimulated to grow quickly to maturity and maximum abundance.
To summarise, Syntropy enables a rapid return to complex, mature and resilient systems of abundance. These plant systems are producing much more, growing up to 2 times faster, and much more resistant to water shortages, disease, temperature changes and other major disturbances. Any market gardener, house gardener, forester, amateur or professional, will thus be able to multiply and strengthen their production and plant environments.

Why so many people are interested about syntropic agroforestry?

  • Syntropy brings focus to a number of elements, in particular the movement that consists of starting from the simple to create the complex, starting from what is available and in the harshest cases starting from almost nothing, very poor soils that are sometimes damaged or lacking water, to rebuild the soil and flourish up to agricultural abundance.
  • This concept is also fully applicable on rich soils with sufficient water because it will lead to giving space for the natural fast and abundant cooperation and stimulation of plant growth through precise combinations of plants and regular perturbations/pruning.
  • It can be seen as another of permaculture‘s multiple branches, and more specifically as a step further with regards to growth speed and soil enrichment.
  • It also gives further information about Forest Garden, allowing especially to accelerate and strengthen the growing phases before the forest is well settled.
  • It’s a regenerating concept with enormous practical potential for increased biodiversity.

In syntropy, oak stands side by side with radish…
“Turtle”, “cat’s leap”, “disturbance”… the author details the techniques for planting a story whose predetermined scenario will lead to a vegetable jungle.
A revolution!

According to Anaëlle Théry, it’s essential to re-examine our ways of thinking, to unravel our beliefs, to get rid of our habits and learn: “the living is our teacher”.

Anaëlle Théry has been experimenting with syntropy on her 5,000 m² land for 6 years, and is now fully dedicated to transmitting and improving that knowledge.

Original Title :
Bienvenue en Syntropie !

Samples available :
– in French, short sample here-below, longer samples upon request
in English, and longer samples upon request
in German (short samples)

RIGHTS SOLD : French world wide

Territory of representation :
World wide

Short sample in French :


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This is not a Western


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2024, 280 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

After The Neons of Sodom and Two square meters of young blood ( 12), Xavier Aliaga returns with a new installment of his peculiar policeman of Guinean origin. With the same load of irony and social criticism, but with a much more poignant and violent story, in what could be considered the author’s first thriller.

This story begins with cynical Inspector Feliu Oyono and his partner Marga Pitarch hearing the lick of death in a wasteland, about to be buried alive. The landscape harks back to frontier tales, with the heroes waiting for the saving irruption of the Seventh Cavalry. But don’t be fooled by mixed-race codes, because this is not a western: the cops have ended up there investigating the death of a young woman, daughter of a Russian businessman rooted in the Navy. A savage murder that takes us into a sordid web of mafias, shady businesses, fanaticism, totalitarian ideologies and men who did not love women. A story at once of secret services with derivatives in the Kremlin and the background of a war that was supposed to be short and becomes a long and endless carnage.

Original Title
Això no és un western

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Theory of Touch

The stories that make up Theory of Touch are snapshots of the many senselessnesses of the contemporary world. Trapped characters, confused between redemption and sinking, are entangled between surrogacy, pornography, prostitution, madness, death, social networks, bereavement and illness, social networks, grief and illness.
A delicate and at the same time savage book, of dark light and painful humour and mournful humour.
A devastating look at family, procreation or sex as territories from which we always emerge dented and confused, cannibals with half a devoured body.” Carlos Zanón, El País


CANDAYA,  2023, 128 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish (Argentina)

With trembling, irreverence and a radical poetics of the uncomfortable, the Argentinean writer Fernanda García Lao turns into bodies a set of emotions of the contemporary world: surrogacy, social networks, loneliness, prostitution, pornography, death, old age and madness. Everything that doesn’t fit. Assembling false and true events, these sharp stories displace the plausible to the delirious and make the real a strange object, in a clear link with the best tradition of the Latin American short story.
Theory of Touch, Fernanda García Lao’s third book for Candaya, and the fifteenth in her career, closes with one of the author’s most intimate and autobiographical texts: “My Two Hemispheres”, a journey through the family past, exile, migration, loss and the reconstruction of identity.

Original Title
Teoría del tacto

Ricardo Baixeras, El Periódico, 21 de noviembre de 2023
“Asumir el cuerpo, el tacto y la piel de los otros, sean lo masculino o lo femenino, y mostrar la paradoja que supone nombrar algo para convertirlo en una herida la mayor de las veces o en una pura contradicción (“Practico la contradicción como método de resistencia”) está en el centro de gravedad de estos relatos que formalizan el tormento de un pensamiento desordenado.”
Press Clipping

9 CLAVES SOBRE Teoría del tacto

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Massilia Dreams


Editions d’Avallon (réédition),  2024, (Librio, 2000; CLC édition, 2004), 94 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, French

One of the Best Sellers by Gilles del Pappas, Marseilles’ Crime and Adventure Novels Master.

Gilles del Pappas. Massilia Dreams, New edition in French by Editions d’Avallon.

Before a middle-aged woman claimed to have lost her jewels in Loule’s taxi, life was pretty quiet for him in Marseille, between errands by day and a tidy, resigned life with Lisa by night.
Why does a wealthy Englishman suddenly take a liking to him, and against a backdrop of shared passion for Elvis Presley, Billie Holiday and a few others, make him his official chauffeur?
Why does a beautiful Asian plant fall into his arms and make him lose his mind?
In this impeccable detective story, Gilles Del Pappas sets the wheels of a fearsome trap in motion, against a backdrop of heat and creeks.

Original Title Massilia Dreams

Rights sold :
Italian (Mesogea),

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Santa María del Circo

Mario Vargas Llosa : Talking about The weight of Living on Earth (“I think David Toscana has written one of the best novels in Spanish language”.
José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major voices of the current Latin American narrative”, EL Cultural, El Español, 15 enero 2023
“David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador.

A corrosive critique of prejudice, the canon of beauty and society as a decadent circus.

David Toscana won Mario Vargas Llosa V Biennial Novel Prize, 2023


CANDAYA,  2023, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish (Mexico)
ALFAGUARA, 1998, Mexico.

A dispute between two brothers, owners of a circus that tours the deserts of northern Mexico, leads to a separation: each of them, with a handful of performers, takes a different path. The story takes us behind Don Alejo and those who, hopelessly, follow him: Hercules, Barbarela, Fléxor, Mandrake, Balo, Narcissa, Mágala and the dwarf Natanael,
they enter a drift that leads to an abandoned village where they finally decide to stay, to leave the the circus life and build their own society, a sort of cemetery for circus performers, which they christen Santa María del Circo.
With clear Onettian echoes and a lacerating humour, the characters in this novel soon discover that they are not the only ones in the town.
Toscana’s novel soon discover that the desire for normality that motivated them ends up leading them to the recreation of a monster: a society that reflects the decadence and meaninglessness of the contemporary world.

Santa María del Circo, the second novel by the Mexican author, recent winner of the V Vargas Llosa Biennial Prize, was originally published in 1998, and is now 25 years old.

“Una obra que en España emparentaría de modo claro con el mejor Luis Landero, puesto que se sustenta en un mismo aliento o eje: el hiato entre realidad e irrealidad y el afán de los hombres por no resignarse a lo que son sin haber, al menos, intentado probar la suerte de lo que podrían ser; en suma: la redención en la búsqueda de lo imposible.” Ernesto Calabuig, El Cultural, El Mundo.
“El humor, y en específico el negro, en las novelas de Toscana es legendario (…) logra unir la gran tradición de la picaresca en español con el universo metafísico de otro checo, Franz Kafka, para imponer un nuevo adjetivo atmosférico a la literatura mexicana: toscaniano o toscanesco.” Juan José de Ávila, El Confabulario, El Universal.

Original Title
Santa María del Circo

Rights sold :
Portuguese (Casa da Palavra 2006 / Oficina do Livro 2010), English US (St. Martin’s Press 2001),
Audiobook in Spanish and Portuguese (Penguin Random House Audio)
Audiovisual adaptation : Brazilian movie by Guilherme Weber (Deserto)

Press Clipping


Territory of representation
World Wide

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What only happens to others


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2024, 332 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish (Alrevés)

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
The new novel from Barcelona’s master of the Crime Novel. Tricky and revealing of the problems of Barcelona and Catalan society.

Marc Olván is a lawyer in a bad situation, in love and an alcoholic, who is not exactly going through a great time. Lidia Pedralba is a mother desperate because her son is in custody, awaiting trial, accused of raping a four-year-old boy. Pedralba needs a lawyer to take action against Daniel Trujillo, the judge who has sent her son to prison without even hearing him, while at the same time releasing the head of the dangerous Klimovski clan, which has controlled drug and arms trafficking in Barcelona for decades. Olván will be the one chosen to carry out the investigation.
It won’t be easy: in a city that is the scene of the split between the pro-independence parties, this Trujillo thinks he is the master of the world. He and his friends, like Inspector Regueira, dictate sentences and expeditious orders and have a great time at the Racket discotheque, a fashionable nightclub in Barcelona where charming women and extravagant characters meet. Olván becomes deeply involved in the case and witnesses Trujillo’s comings and goings with the Klimovskis and the internal struggles of the clan.

Original Title
Allò que només els passa als altres

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Women without Name


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2020, 250 p. FICTION, Thriller Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
The novel that begins the trilogy featuring Inspector Araceli Lavila

In a flush on the outskirts of Valencia appears the body of an unidentified young woman with the phalanges of her fingers cut off and obvious signs of rape.
When Inspector Araceli Lavila begins the investigation, she discovers that beneath that death is hidden a woman who seems to have a thousand names, a mother whose daughter was stolen at birth and a young prostitute who seeks to survive. To discover those responsible for the crime, the inspector must reconstruct a victim’s past that seems impossible to identify.
After Els ossos soburats (The Buried Bones), winner of the III Agustí Vehí-Vila de Tiana Memorial Prize, Silvestre Vilaplana returns to with Women without Name, a thriller novel starring women against the backdrop of baby theft, sexist violence, sex and abuse of power.

Original Title
Dones sense nom

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Les condamnés de l’air

Massimo di Ricco, 2019, 286 p., Non Fiction, Journalisme littéraire/Reportage


Original Title
Los condenados del aire

Territoires représentés
Langue française
Autres droits : Oh!Books agency,

Droits vendus
Colombia (Icono)
Netflix (série en avril 2024, sous-titrée en 26 langues et doublée en anglais, russe, français, portugais et italien) : trailer

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MAREA Gráfica, avril 2024, 252 p., 17 cm × 24 cm, Roman graphique biopique, Espagnol
Nacho Nava, Aitor Iturriza Mendia, Guillermo Gracia-Santos


Original Title

English sample available


Territory of representation
French language
Agent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria

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Vienna, 1912

Antoni ROCA

CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2023, 214 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

X Agustí Vehí-Vila de Tiana Memorial Prize 2023

In 1912, Vienna was a seemingly quiet city, the center of a continental empire that has survived the uprisings of the nineteenth century. It has more than two million inhabitants and the Universal Exposition has given it an unquestionable prestige, seasoned with the waltzes of the Strauss, the sweetness of the sachertorte and the elegance of the dresses of moiré. But luxury and ostentation cannot hide the burning fire of latent conflicts and the city is, like many places in Europe, fertile ground for ideological, political and social struggles. The great tragedy that will dismember that empire has not yet arrived, but it is just around the corner, and in April, as a premonition of how human arrogance ends, the Titanic sinks and seems to be ending a century.
In this turbulent context, Ephraim Zimmerman, reporter for the social chronicle of the Viennese newspaper Die Menschlichkeit, finds himself, without looking for it, facing some inexplicable murders that will disturb his life: little can he imagine what is behind it and what he is about to discover. The novel Viena, 1912, by Antoni Roca, won the X Agustí Vehí-Vila de Tiana Memorial Prize 2023.

Original Title
Viena, 1912

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Angels of Death


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2023, 290 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
After Women without Name and Suburbs of Paradise, Silvestre Vilaplana completes with Angels of Death the trilogy of detective Araceli Lavila, three crime novels with a strong social denunciation that have corruption and abuses of power as a background.

Death seems to have taken over the streets of the city: the bodies of those involved in a video showing the rape of a minor begin to appear, one after another, just as a serial killer, allegedly inspired by God, is preparing to execute a mission as macabre as it is lethal. So journalist Roger Casafont and ex-policeman Araceli Lavila, despite being ill and retired, will be immersed in a crime wave that will test their resistance.

Original Title
Àngels de la mort

Spanish sample available (translated by the author)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Suburbs of Paradise


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2022, 268 p. FICTION, Crime’s novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
A novel denouncing the darkness of factual powers set against the backdrop of political crimes, the rise of fascism and abuses of power.

After Women Without a Name, Inspector Araceli Laula returns. Removed from the body while battling health problems, her life is disturbed by the brutal death of her father. But adverse circumstances will not be an impediment to trying to discover from the shadows who the killer has been, even if it means unearthing a good part of his past and facing his entire environment.
A novel denouncing the darkness of factual powers set against the backdrop of political crimes, the rise of fascism and abuses of power.

Original Title
Suburbis del paradís

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Quasi-poetic justice


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2021, 380 p. FICTION, Thriller, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

A wood, a park and a courthouse. What can these three places have in common? Well, more than you think, especially if we also take a look at the protagonists who move there. Because it’s hard to imagine the things that might unite a media philosopher, a respected judge woman, a young woman with no future, and a superb petty criminal. The rest is the anguish, the tension, the nervous eyes and the hands that turn pages, impatient…
Because don’t forget that justice is often much darker than injustice and, like everything in life, has multiple faces. So, you are about to enter a story full of murky situations, deception, suspicious characters, unexpected encounters, extreme passions…, you are about to see how each step taken leads directly to the abyss of ambiguity, to the extreme of feelings, to the earthquake of actions.
When you’re done, will you be able to look at justice with the same eyes again?

Original Title
Justícia quasi poètica

Spanish sample available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Turned into soup


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2022, 180 p. FICTION, Crime’s Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
A dark book full of humour

IX ex-aequo Memorial Agustí Vehí-Vila Award in Tiana Black Novel Festival 2022

The protagonist of this story is Avel·lí Baldoví, a psychopath convinced that the world works against him and who does not hesitate to eliminate anyone who offends his dignity. He is driven by his inner voices, more specifically that of a sly and ill-spoken iguana that encourages him to commit his crimes, despite the fact that he is persecuted by both the police, a private detective and a journalist, all of them involved in different theories that move groping between egolatry, good faith and stupidity.
In your hands you have a satirical novel, an acid and perverse criticism, ntertainment that castigates institutions and values : the police and the law, the church, the family, private business, psychiatry, journalism… whose banality and corruption plays in favor of the killer and allows him to move freely between this rot to achieve his goals.

Original Title
Fets caldo

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Lives I Did Not Live


CANDAYA, 2023. Fiction, Spanish

A story of gardens, migration, exodus and women in search of a place of their own. In Spain and Iran.
The lives I did not live is a book that oscillates between the intimate and the public in a conversational, everyday, fragmentary and delicate language.

Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

Anna and Pari are two women who meet in Menorca, around an abandoned and occupied hotel and an orchard rescued from oblivion. Anna, a native of the island, now returns in the midst of an intimate crisis after many years away. Pari arrived from Iran after abandoning his former life, and awaits the possible arrival of a visitor.
The Lives I Did not Live is a novel about destinies and spaces in reconstruction; about gardens and orchards; about bodies that inhabit and bodies that can no longer be inhabited. And it is also the story of an island and a country encountered in exodus and migration: throughout the conversation between the two protagonists, historical accounts of Menorca and Iran emerge: shipwrecks, invasions, fires, journeys, objects lost and rediscovered.
The memory of two families, and their future, are the starting points of this novel by Patricia Almarcegui, author of the celebrated travel book Cuadernos perdidos de Japón, in which gender inequalities, the problem of housing, migrations and the right to forget certain episodes of our lives, run through the encounters and stories shared by Anna and Pari, as they await the eviction from the old hotel in Torrepetxina.
Patricia Almarcegui is a writer with a renowned career who, in this, her third novel, takes a look at the territories that are closest to her: Menorca, where she has lived for a long time, and Iran, a complex country that she has already tackled in her works of travel literature. Thus, with a fictional story, but based on some thirty interviews with women from different generations, the author offers us an intimate, personal novel that demonstrates that autobiographical stories are made up of the stories of many lives.
The presence of natural spaces, orchards, gardens, the landscape of Menorca and Iran, the beaches of the Mediterranean and the Caspian Sea, make this book a text in the line of Nature Literature, an approach to history based on the encounter and relationships of the characters and their lives with the spaces that surround them. Moreover, the garden and the orchard are symbols of recovery, of calm and slowness, of patience and the will to resist against the aggressive advance of tourist spaces.

“Patricia Almarcegui is one of the most sensitive and beautiful voices in our country. Her books, imbued with a rapturous melancholy, have a very high literary quality”. Jacinto Antón, El País

Original Title
Las vidas que no viví

Territory of representation
World wide

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The Parking Lot


FEROZSONS,  2022, 200 p. FICTION, Novel, English (Pakistan)

A story of the ongoing struggle between power and poverty in Pakistan’s town.
It’s an investigative novel because the author is a journalist, at times a social novel, but also an intimate novel, and always in a simple and elegant writing. Pakistan, with its social and urban problems, has so much to tell us.

“Set within the framework of a family coming to terms with its own dark secrets, Rabia Ahmed’s novel brings into sharp focus the discrimination, violence and injustice religious minorities face in Pakistan. At times her account doesn’t read like fiction, so familiar is the sequence of events to us. This compelling story should evoke, among readers, greater understanding and empathy for our marginalised fellow citizens who are equal on paper only.” Zohra Yusuf, former chairperson Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

In her search for the ‘other family’, Hina, a young journalist, takes us from her upper middle-class neighbourhood in Lahore, to a very different setting. The Parking Lot deals with the gulf between the rich and the poor in Pakistan, the Christian community discriminated and the muslim richer segment of society.

The Parking Lot was written in English, in an everyday but elegant language, with occasional hints of Urdu or Punjabi, as it is set in the huge city of Lahore, on the border with India. Rabia Ahmed, herself a journalist deeply involved in defending discriminated communities and freedom of expression in Pakistan, tells us the story of a journalist from a wealthy background, and therefore a Muslim, who is facing the complicated moment of her father’s death. She and her sisters are looking for ways to maintain their lifestyle and, above all, to continue caring for their mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. What to do with this big, beautiful house, too expensive for them? In the midst of their preoccupations with inheritance, she discovers that they have a hidden sister, a Christian girl that their father had had before he married their mother. She decides to go and look for her, and meets her living in a Christian slum area. She became fascinated by the people living there and decided to publish a report about their living conditions. During her investigation, she discovered that violence was being inflicted on the community’s inhabitants, and quickly made the connection with a huge, modern, speculative property development being built next to the area. It’s a despised neighbourhood, which is ideally placed to build the car park for the brand new shopping centre that’s coming up.
Gradually, the novel takes on a black novel air, showing us the sordid underbelly of Pakistani society, the unscrupulous rich businessmen, the ordinary discrimination.
Of course, we enter an unfamiliar social world, discovering a city, its tropical environment, its inhabitants, its languages, all thanks to the touching and intelligent characters.

Original Title
The Parking Lot

Territory of representation

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Carnets de l’opium


ARIEL (Planeta), 2023, 269 p., Non Fiction, Journal de voyage littéraire, Espagnol

7500 copies sold, fifth print


Original Title
Los diarios del opio

English Sample available

Territory of representation
French language
Other languages : contact Juanjo Boya (Oh!books literary agency)
Rights sold : Russian (Alpina)

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The Weight of Living on Earth

Mario Vargas Llosa : “Acabo de leer esta novela del escritor mexicano David Toscana que ha ganado el Premio Bienal de Novela que lleva mi nombre, celebrado en Guadalajara, y creo que es uno de los textos más originales publicados en los últimos años”.
“Lo que está en juego en este texto notable es el humor. Un humor extraño e incandescente”.
“Uno de los aspectos originales de este libro es ese juego mediante el cual, en lo más profundo de las tragedias que viven los personajes, hay siempre una luz a la que pueden aferrarse”,
“Creo que David Toscana ha escrito una de la mejores novelas del idioma”.

“David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador.

José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major voices of the current Latin American narrative”, EL Cultural, El Español, 15 enero 2023

Written with the will to believe that imagination and desire are powerful forces for transforming reality, The Weight to Live on Earth puts us in front of an immense frieze of possibilities: life changes as we read, the author proposes, and this is how this group of characters turn the city of Monterrey into every possible scenario from Tsarist Russia to Soviet Russia, and a canteen will be a space station, an orange orchard will be a dacha, the Santa Catarina River will be the Neva, and an abandoned cable car will be the take-off platform.

Mario Vargas Llosa V Biennial Novel Prize, 2023
Mazatlán De Literatura Award, 2023


CANDAYA,  2022, 320 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Mexico)
ALFAGUARA, 2022, Mexico.

The news of the death of three Soviet cosmonauts on their return to Earth after 23 days on the Sailyut space station is the trigger for the delirious journey that Nikolai is about to embark on. Driven by his passion for reading, he changes his name to Nikolai Nikolayevich Pseldonov and his everyday life in the early 1970s in northern Mexico becomes a frieze that combines all the times and spaces of Russian literature: from Tolstoy to Bulgakov, from Chekhov to Akhmatova. Nicholas and his wife, along with a handful of strangers who join them along the way, fervently recreate scenes, conversations and stories from a wide range of novels, short stories and plays, but which, unlike the knights imitated by Don Quixote, star anti-heroes. Dozens or hundreds of stories that help us to piece together their own history and to sense their desolation in the face of a world in which they do not fit, a world they can only face with their imagination. Because, as the protagonist of The weight to live o earth says, “Life is the only infinite thing that has an end”.

“Una obra que en España emparentaría de modo claro con el mejor Luis Landero, puesto que se sustenta en un mismo aliento o eje: el hiato entre realidad e irrealidad y el afán de los hombres por no resignarse a lo que son sin haber, al menos, intentado probar la suerte de lo que podrían ser; en suma: la redención en la búsqueda de lo imposible.” Ernesto Calabuig, El Cultural, El Mundo.
“El humor, y en específico el negro, en las novelas de Toscana es legendario (…) logra unir la gran tradición de la picaresca en español con el universo metafísico de otro checo, Franz Kafka, para imponer un nuevo adjetivo atmosférico a la literatura mexicana: toscaniano o toscanesco.” Juan José de Ávila, El Confabulario, El Universal.

About The Weight of living on Earth :
“Una novela extraordinaria que habla, al tiempo, de la huida, de la liberación, de los sueños, y de la dificultad de la vida en la Tierra, del peso de la vida en la Tierra. Justo en estos días en los que a veces querríamos estar en órbita”, José Miguel Giráldez, El Correo Gallego, 20 diciembre de 2022

Original Title
El peso de vivir en la tierra

Sample in English by Isabel Adey available
Extract in Spanish

Press Clipping

El peso de vivir en la tierra, un libro revolucionario
Según el Nobel peruano, el autor mexicano David Toscana ha escrito una de las mejores novelas del idioma.” La Nación, artículo por Mario Vargas Llosa.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Fourth Girl On The Left


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2023, 480 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish (Alrevés)

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

World War I. While the main European cities are bleeding into conflict, Barcelona is one of the great pearls of the Mediterranean. Despite its status as a neutral territory, no one ignores the fact that on the coast there are ports where they can illegally stock up on fuel and groceries, with the approval of the local authorities, and that German submarines arrive at Cape Ixent where all kinds of interests and conflicts with secret services, double agents and spies from here and there are cooked.
In the heart of this Barcelona in the midst of an urban boom, with the noise of the streets, the bustle of bars, casino games and evening shows, comes Amadeu, a peasant boy fresh out of the seminar, who is looking for a dancer with whom his father had lived a strange adventure. She has only one clue: she is the fourth girl to the left of a photograph she keeps in her jacket pocket. She immediately discovers that her name is Amanda Rogent and that she is on display at Barcelona’s Moulin Rouge: a whole vedet who loves to scandalize. Amadeus needs to find answers, but discovering the truth is not always the best thing that can happen to you…
After titles such as Tibidabo’s Harem, Everyone Will Remember You, Harem’s Favorite, You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy and Cops (the latter, signed with Joan Miquel Capell), Andreu Martín returns to “” with a very retrospective novel, set in the exciting Barcelona of the first decades of the twentieth century.

Original Title
La quarta noia per l’esquerra

Rights sold
Arabian (Al Arabi, Egypt)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Those who listen


CANDAYA, 2023, 544 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish

In Those who listen, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores all the forms of Anxiety and Fear that define our contemporary society.
“A thoughtful novel that avoids sermons: the best way to be a political novel” José María Pozuelo Yvancos .
A novel that reminds us Thomas Pinchon, David Foster Wallace, Don DeLillo, and the Bulgarian Guéorgui Gospodínov. And something to do as well with Vivir abajo by Gustavo Faverón.
The second novel by Murcian writer Diego Sánchez Aguilar (first one, Factsbook) is an extensive book with a deep political, contemporary and current commitment. A novel about anxiety, family, care, madness, the planet, capitalism and language.
It is also a novel about language, about the way in which language constructs the world and, above all, about what future is possible, thinkable or imaginable within the horizon of meanings of a language dominated by the ideology of marketing and economic profit and infinite growth. Diego Sánchez Aguilar shows, with humour and precision, how this language determines common sense, and defines what is reasonable and what is madness.

The closing ceremony of the Future Summit has an unexpected ending that puts the G7 presidents in an awkward position. While their advisors try to find out who has caused this problem and how to solve it, scenes from the lives of characters united by one fact are interspersed: they all hear a strange noise, the origin of which they cannot determine. This sound has side effects that will make them rethink their lives and their ethical convictions in a world that seems to be crumbling by the minute. When the future seems like a territory populated by ghosts, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores, in Those who listen, all the forms of anxiety and fear that define contemporary society. And it will be difficult to emerge unscathed from his relentless enquiry.

Original Title
Los que escuchan.

“Se trata de una de las apuestas más llamativas de la “rentrée” literaria de este año. ‘Los que escuchan’, la segunda novela del escritor cartagenero -aunque afincado en Londres- Diego Sánchez Aguilar en el prestigioso sello barcelonés Candaya, promete atrapar, remover e incluso cuestionar al público con un texto al mismo tiempo ambicioso y adictivo, comprometido y rico, inteligente y emocionante. En un futuro inmediato en que las soluciones tecnológicas al cambio climático ya no surten efecto, la incertidumbre y el miedo al colapso empiezan a generar consecuencias sociales, psicológicas y políticas en un Occidente sin rumbo que baila con el caos.” José Daniel Espejo, El Diario Murcia,, 9 septiembre 2023.
“Los que escuchan“, de Diego Sánchez Aguilar, es una novela sobre distintos tipos de ansiedad. De tipo laboral: la necesidad de ser continuamente mejor; hay una ecoansiedad que sufren el continuo bombardeo de noticias sobre el cambio climático, el agotamiento de recursos naturales; y hay una ansiedad ética: la de no saber cómo actuar ante un mundo que parece encaminarse hacia un colapso económico, social y medioambiental.” por Evaristo Aguado, Todo Literatura, 6 septiembre 2023.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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A Lighthouse at the End of the World

Gerard GUIX

Winner of the most important children’s literature prize in Catalonia: Joaquim Ruyra 2022

Illustrations by Cristina Bueno

ELASTIC BOOKS ( Grup Enciclopèdia ), 2023, 240 p. Teen Novel, Catalan

They say that adolescence is the age of discoveries and anguish. Max knows this well. At the age of fourteen he has just seen how his life takes an unexpected turn: his father has been commissioned to renovate a lighthouse on a remote island and for a few months the whole family will settle there.
Just now that Max was starting to have friends in high school—even though part of the class had been tasked with making him know a word that tortured him—just now that he had begun a special relationship with a girl—even though they hadn’t yet named what they felt for each other—, just now he has to leave everything and start a new life that no one has consulted him if he wanted to.
But Max still doesn’t know that adolescence is also the age of first love, the most intense, which always marks more. And that, when necessary, love moves mountains, crosses continents, oceans if necessary, and finds who to find.

Original Title
Un far al fi del món

Press review on line

Territory of representation
World Wide

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L’île cachée. Chroniques de Cuba.


Libros del KO, 2023, 296 p., Non Fiction, Espagnol

“Quitter Cuba pour la première fois n’est pas la même chose que de
quitter n’importe quel autre pays. Sortir de Cuba c’est tomber dans le
monde, c’est se rendre compte que Cuba est une île prise en otage par
un système politique qui fait que le pays est encore au XXe siècle.”


Original Title
La isla oculta. Historias de Cuba.

Territory of representation
French language

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Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Armella Leung (Art-mella)

POURPENSER, 2015, 2018, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French

Till 14 years old to any age of life


Tome #1 30 000 copies sold in France

Art-mella is a young woman who likes to look for answers to the questions she asks herself. Curious and quick-witted, she observes, goes out to meet people and tries things out. In these pages, Art-mella shares some of the questions she asks and the answers she has gleaned along the way.
You can read this book from cover to cover, or savour it, treat by treat, opening it at random.
By chance?
But… does it really exist?
It’s a fun way to explore topics such as quantum physics, time, love, non-duality, the power of our thoughts, meditation, and much more, always with simplicity, humour and lightness!

Original Title : Friandises Philosophiques – Tome 1 (48 pages)

Samples available :
French sample on author’s website
Whole book available in English

Tome #2 16 000 copies sold in France

More sustained than the first volume, many teenagers will enjoy this second volume of Philosophical Delights.
And adults who like to ask questions will love these new treats!

Armella Leung is an artist, illustrator and animator, curious about life and its mysteries.
Passionate about personal development, she shares her thoughts as she investigates and meets people in the form of comic strips.
Chaos and harmony
Compliments for growth
Happy cat!
Virtual space
Cuddly rabbits
The treasure book
The gift of the inner child
The little apple that wanted to be a mango
What if dreaming were an ecological act?
The power of your observation
Dare to be magnificent!

Original Title : Friandises Philosophiques – Tome 2 (48 pages)

Rights sold :
Chinese (Metabooks)

French sample on French edition website available

Territory of representation for whole series: World wide

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Suicides Company


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2022, 180 p. FICTION, Crime’s Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

X Memorial Agustí Vehí-Vila Award in Tiana Black Novel Festival 2022

Queralt, a psychologist by training, works at the Suicide Assistance Center (C.A.S.) number twelve, an agency attached to the Social Security that regulates suicide requests from her patients. Their task is to assess each case and act accordingly, often administering deadly drugs to those who meet the appropriate requirements to speed up their death: terminal illnesses, chronic depression, family trauma… All this, very simple and hygienic, if it were not for the fact that one morning an unexpected file falls into her hands, which will force her to make drastic decisions and ask questions that will seriously affect her life.
In an alternative and increasingly technological post-pandemic world, where suicide is controlled and promoted by public health, what value is given to people’s lives? What has become of the ability to fight? Why has this type of death become the main public health problem?

Original Title
Suïcidis S.A

Spanish sample available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The City that the Devil took with him

A novel about survival and the ruins of our time.
In the end, although everything went wrong, everyone thought they were heroes. David Toscana reinvents a wounded city where reality is overcome with imagination, nostalgia, rebellion and a good dose of alcohol.

“David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador.
José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major voices of the current Latin American narrative”, EL Cultural, El Español, 15 enero 2023


CANDAYA,  2020, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Mexico)
ALFAGUARA, 2013, 264 p. México.

After the German occupation, Warsaw is a city in ruins, inhabited by people who almost lost everything and now, under the red yoke, have to find a meaning to their existence. The idea of a possible future is not enough. First it is necessary to survive. To do so amidst the rubble is the feat of the true heroes; those who knew how to find the beauty hidden behind the bombardments, in the ghetto or in that strange friendship between the fallen.
Feliks, Kazimierz, Eugeniusz and Ludwick live with the wounds of a city that has not yet been resurrected and walk through the ruins of Warsaw as if they were walking through their own lives torn apart by the war: between walks through the rubble, drinking binges that look into the abyss, lost and endlessly rewritten books and cemeteries where the stories of the living and the dead germinate.
Alongside them, Olga, Marianka, the sisters Kasia and Gosia, a barber, a writer and a group of prisoners understand that survival means rebuilding from the ruins and that the meaning of existence lies in beauty, wherever it is to be found.
The City that the Devil took with him shows the senselessness of the human condition: the weight of the Jewish tragedy on an anti-Semite, the pain of a novelist who has lost his novel, the tricks of a gravedigger in the capital of death, the trade in looted objects, a supposed victory that tastes like multiple defeats.

Original Title
La ciudad que el diablo se llevó

Por Jesús García Cívico. El Hype, 29 de diciembre de 2020.
“La obra de Toscana está cuajada de ternura pero también de pensamiento, por eso hay una cierta filosofía de la alucinación y una suerte de entumecimiento de la moral individual y de la desaparición del decoro como correlatos de la crisis de la razón. La fragilidad de los protagonistas como moradores del mundo temporal, los diálogos universales, los tonos fronterizos aparecen como nudos de una trama leve, como estilemas muy reconocibles del escritor de Monterrey”.

“La ciudad que el diablo se llevó es una novela fantástica, y con esto no me refiero al género fantástico sino a su calidad narrativa yestructural. […] muy pocos se sentirán decepcionados de acompañar a los cuatro borrachines de La ciudad que el diablo se llevó”. -Gerardo Lima, Letrearte, Revista literaria del Fondo Regional para la Cultura y las Artes del Noroeste de México.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Art of Writing Standing up

Eight chronicles on the idea of the great life journey and the different typologies of the postmodern traveller.
As Stendhal or Vila-Matas did. A urban Wanderer, a walking thinker.


CANDAYA,  2023, 160 p. NON FICTION, Travel chronicle, Spanish

The Art of Writing Standing up is a travel book that, through eight chronicles with a clear guiding thread, traces a personal history of the travelling illness, from the Rome of the Grand Tour, at the dawn of modernity, to the current Benidorm as a paradigm of post-modern travel and low-cost tourism, passing through as many destinations that represent different pathologies of this strange restless condition. Aitor Romero takes us through places such as Lisbon, Tangiers, Madrid, Northern Ireland, the iconic America of cinema or Barcelona through pieces that begin as chronicles to later mutate into cultural essays, non-fiction stories or even painfully autobiographical texts that, from so much looking outwards, end up looking inwards, and dig into his traumas as a frustrated traveller and failed sedentary traveller.
Starting from classics of the chronicle of place such as Stendhal or Sterne, to those contemporary authors who have dynamited it from within such as Vila-Matas, Solnit or Foster Wallace, this is also an enquiry into the hybrid genres of prose – the chronicle and the autobiographical essay – which seem to merge with each other and with others constantly, as if their only possibility were to expand, breaking down all borders until they constitute a single transversal writing.
Through disciplines as diverse as cinema, literature, music, urban planning and history, Aitor Romero speaks to us of the need to leave home and go astray as a formula for attaining some kind of knowledge.

Original Title
El arte de ecribir de pie

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Dans les yeux noirs de Lucile


FICTION / Jeunesse à partir de 13 ans, français

Un roman tendre et au langage direct, où une jeune adolescente et un vieil homme fantôme urbain se rencontrent. Des personnages complexes, sûrement pas unichromes qui se heurtent et se connaissent à Marseille, troisième personnage du roman.

C’est dans le décor antique de Marseille que se passe cette histoire. Sous le signe du Mistral, le Maitre des vents, gansaillé par sa force, qu’une très jeune fille, amoureuse d’un garçon de son âge, va retrouver son grand-père. Celui-ci, aventurier, baladé par les chaos de l’histoire, est un réfugié de Russie. Sous la forme d’un clochard famélique, dormant sous une barquette marseillaise, l’homme veut absolument retrouver sa petite-fille, rattraper le temps perdu. Tout se complique quand une bande de trafiquants de drogue croise son chemin.

Del Pappas, écrivain marseillais, utilise le prétexte de cette histoire pour décrire la mentalité et l’âme de cette ville dont il est amoureux.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Don’t be so sure


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2016, 296 p. FICTION, Crime’s Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

Monday morning. The week begins for Mossos d’Esquadra sergeant Jaume Fuentes and his colleague, Santi Planes, with the case of the corpse of a young man snuggled up in a small office in the center of Barcelona.
Over the next seven days, what initially seemed like a routine case goes through a display of stereotypes and situations typical of the black and police genre: murders, betrayals, fugitives, persecutors, mafias, corruption, hitmen, accidental witnesses, revenge, maniacs, sex, violence.
The plot leads us through a territory where no one can be sure of anything. We move forward with a bang while discovering the protagonists who are chained throughout this story.

Original Title
No n’estiguis tan segur

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Stein (Pierre)


Co-édition prévue pour fin 2023 Espagne (Nórdica)/ Allemagne (Bahoe ), 170 p. Roman graphique, 24 X 30.5 cm, couleur, espagnol.

Subvention de l’Institut Ramón Llull pour financer l’avance (aux illustrateurs vivant en Catalogne).
Autobiographie, Mémoire politique, anarchisme, Argentine.

Barcelone, 2020. Un homme de la quarantaine, auteur, cherche à comprendre son passé : l’engagement politique de son père, l’Argentine durant les années 70, ce qui a provoqué l’exil de sa famille à Madrid en 1976. Il s’est toujours demandé comment un père de trois enfants, qui vivait confortablement, a pu choisir le chemin de la révolution et bouleverser sa vie et celle de sa famille pour toujours.
Madrid, 2020. L’auteur cherche les réponses à ses questions auprès d’une amie de la famille, Andrea, son père mort ne pouvant plus y répondre. Andrea était une compagne de combat de son père, également exilée à Madrid, où elle vit depuis 50 ans.
Buenos aires, 70’s. L’auteur et Andrea entreprennent un voyage dans le passé, de nombreux thèmes politiques sont abordés, et une histoire secondaire à l’histoire principale, celle d’un Juif enfui d’Ukraine sur les pas de Trotski (Stein), racontée. A travers ces parcours, l’auteur aborde les thèmes qui l’intéressent le plus : la solidarité, l’idéologie politique et comment une personne peut aller jusqu’à perdre la vie pour un idéal.
Le livre est autobiographique.


Original Title

Extrait en espagnol ci-dessus

Territory of representation
French language
Agent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria

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Nobody House

The story of a migrant mother and daughter, both of them together, working as prostitutes in Barcelona. And the life of Laureano Debat sharing a flat with them.

Laureano DEBAT

CANDAYA,  2022, 296 p. NOVEL, spanish

Shortly after arriving in Barcelona, Laureano Debat went to visit a flat in the Eixample district with the intention of renting a room. The women who showed him around, a mother and daughter, seemed very nice and the room was spacious and bright. And he was even amused that the balcony overlooked the courtyard of a nunnery. It didn’t take him many days to realise that Jimena and Sonia, his warm hosts, worked as prostitutes in the house. This was the beginning of a relationship of friendship and cohabitation that lasted nine months and in which the author, almost unintentionally, gained access to the daily life and secrets of an escort’s dressing room in a private flat.
More than ten years later and after an arduous writing process, in which the author dialogues with his memory and with the log of his notebooks, comes this novel of interiors that explores the lives of two women from Chilean high society who ended up as prostitutes in Barcelona and narrates what is not seen behind the scenes of paid sex.
Although set within the framework of a broad tradition on this subject (the 19th century French novel, the 20th century Latin American novel, the feminist essay of the 21st century, music, cinema, TV series…), the perspective offered by The Nobody House is very singular: the story of a migrant mother and daughter, the two of them together, exercising prostitution in the same space and time.

Original Title
Casa de nadie

Extract in spanish

Press File

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Mia is 20 years old. She takes care of almost everything in her family now, her little brother, her absent mother, her mentally disturbed father.
A novel about the essence of family relationships and the almost always confusing web that shapes them.
Guilt is one of the primary themes of the novel and family secret. There is also a special focus on violence in relationships, abuse, intimate partner violence, especially between young people. What is the life of a 20 year old girl in this world?


CANDAYA,  2022, 224 p. NOVEL, spanish

Seven years ago, Mia’s father was kidnapped for 21 days. He is now in hospital; this is the fourth time he has been admitted since then, as if the captivity has brought to light traces of something that neither the doctors nor his family understand. Since the kidnapping, many things have also changed in Mía’s life: the birth of her brother Victor, for example, or her relationship with Claudio, a boy her family knows almost nothing about. Now it is Mía who takes care of everything. Her mother, who is more and more absent every day. Her gifted brother, who questions everything. Her group of friends.
Mía is the story of a young girl who, between rebellion and resignation, races towards a destiny from which she cannot seem to escape. Through everyday scenes in which, above all, what is left unsaid is important, Miguel Dueñas traces a story, delicate and disturbing at the same time, about family secrets and about the breakdown of the apparent normality that protects us from chaos.

Original Title

Extract in spanish

Territory of representation
World Wide

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En négociation avec une maison d’édition


FICTION /Polar, français

Ainsi Gilles del Pappas introduit-il son roman : “En plein confinement, j’ai entendu une journaliste prouver que les agressions contre les femmes, au foyer conjugal, avaient été augmentées de 35%.
J’en fus horrifié.
Comment cela était-il possible. Que mes collègues, les hommes pouvaient être capable de telles ignominies me surprenait. Pourquoi ? Oui et comment expliquer de tels actes barbares ? Le confinement en lui-même, les tensions qu’il générait ne pouvait pas justifier que l’on frappe sa compagne ! Certes, le fait d’être enfermé déclenchait dans tous les pays des vagues de divorces !
Et puis, dans notre belle France, il y a eu les violences policières terribles, injustifiés, qui m’ont parus digne des plus mauvaises années de dictature, dans des pays ligotés, où hélas, les femmes n’ont pas été épargnées.
J’ai eu initialement le désir, avec cette histoire, de plaider pour nos sœurs pour celles avec qui nous partageons nos vies.
Mais, finalement et comme toujours, mes personnages m’ont entrainé où ils avaient bien envie d’aller.
Alors attention !
Dans ce conte moderne, il n’y a rien de vrai, bien évidemment, et dégun n’a réellement existé. Tous ces personnages fantasques sont sortis, on ne sait comment, de ma tête, point à la ligne. N’allez pas vous trouver quelques points commun avec votre réalité, la plupart du temps, je rêve mes histoires qu’ensuite je vous soumets. Peut-être ont-elles quelques points communs avec la vie, nul ne peut contrôler ces pensées sauvages, libres, éphémères.”

Original Title

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Natural State of Things

With The Natural State of Things, originally published in 2016 by Caballo de Troya, Alejandro Morellón became the first Spaniard to win the prestigious Gabriel García Márquez International Short Story Prize (the so-called Oscar of short stories), making him one of the most relevant voices of the new Spanish narrative, as evidenced by his inclusion in the first selection of 10 out of 30, the anthology of the AECID and Acción Cultural for the international promotion of new generations of writers.
Readers who love the short story genre is a book that connects us with other great short story titles: The Confabulary by Juan José Arreola, The Best of All Worlds by Quim Monzó.

IV Gabriel García Márquez Hispano-American Short Story Prize

Alejandro MORELLÓN

CANDAYA,  2021, 128 p. SHORT STORIES, spanish

Through The Natural State of Things, behind the unpredictable masks of fiction, some of the conflicts and concerns that most secretly define us will parade: violence and rebellion, the expectation of a cataclysm and life at the limits, precariousness and the trivialisation of art, the end of a relationship and the beginning of decadence, illness and the dark shadow of fear.
These are stories populated by strange beings, such as the man who decides to sell his left hand to an art gallery or the woman who cannot stop laughing, in which Alejandro Morellón dislocates thought and modulates the fantastic with an unequivocal purpose: to reveal the absurdity of the world, but also its many contrasts and its most poetic breaks.
With The Natural State of Things , Alejandro Morellón won the IV Premio Hispanoamericano de Cuento Gabriel García Márquez, the most important prize in this genre in the Spanish language. The jury, composed of Alberto Manguel, Roberto Burgos Cantor, Vlady Kociancich, Anne McLean and Vicente Molina Foix, noted, among other things, that “the metaphor that resides in his fantastic plots reflects with great accuracy our everyday concerns”.

Original Title
El estado natural de las cosas

Extract in spanish
Sample in english by Julia Sanches

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me

Gerard GUIX

Les FORGES de VULCAIN, Tout ce que tu devrais savoir avant de m’aimer, 2022, 384 p. FICTION, French (trad. Carole Fillière)
COLUMNA, Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me, 2011, 250 p. FICTION, Catalan

Novel eligible for translation grants for Catalan novels from the Institut Ramón Llull

Pin i Soler de awards 2001

A novel, with a very personal poetic style that opens up to the fantastic, therefore has a very broad reading horizon. The readership is female and male, young adults and avid readers.

If our lives are like a film, are we actors… or spectators?
Five years have passed since Gerard and Anastasia met in London. Five years in which, despite the passion of the first days, they have grown apart until they feel very far from each other, even though they are in the same bed. Now they are about to embark on a journey to the Swiss shore of Lake Geneva. There, in the house where actress Audrey Hepburn spent her last days, Gerard will try to revive his literary career while she desperately tries to save their relationship. Gerard Guix uses humour, suspense and fantasy in this novel, full of love for the cinema, where readers will discover whether it is possible to erase our memories and live without any.
Musical, visual, sensual novel, but not a conventional romance. The fantastic atmosphere that gradually imposes itself, the suspense, the psychological precision of the characters but also the humour nourish a reflection on questions such as the power of forgetting to overcome suffering and difficulties, to the point of envisaging a life without memories. The gradual transformation of the story into a magnetic tape that is slowed down, accelerated and listened to in reverse fascinates by its hypnotising power. The last scene is masterful in this respect. The author’s qualities as a dramatist can be seen in his mastery of the rhythm of the story, the setting of the space and the psychological depth of the characters.

Original Title
Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me

Rights sold
France (Les forges de Vulcain); Spain (Suma de letras); audiobook in catalan (Saga-Egmont, Denmark)

Sample and full-text version available in Spanish and French

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The List of Impossible Things


Book eligible for translation Grants offered by the Institut Ramón Llull for books in Catalan

Premi Carlemany 2021 Crossover literature /Young Adults / Fiction


Original Title
La llista de les coses imposibles

Complete Spanish Translation available
Rights sold : Galician (Costa Oeste) and Spanish (Plataforma)

Territory of representation
French language

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The Book Of Our Absences


CANDAYA,  2022, 464 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Mexico)

A journey through the scenes of the disappeared people in contemporary Mexico.
“Estado Crítico awards in 2022, in its Narrative section, the work by Eduardo Ruiz Sosa El libro de nuestras ausencias (Candaya, 2022). For its daring formula for telling the story of the violence of disappearances in Mexico. For its atrocious lyricism. For maintaining the pain in those who read it and for managing to unite them in the recovery of all the dead of drug trafficking.” Estado Crítico, Crítica literaria diletante.
A totally personal narrative form, similar to a Homeric poem, a long ancient song. Brilliant.

Orsina is a theatre actress who becomes seriously ill. Her disappearance messes up the lives of those around her, especially that of Teoría Ponce and Róldenas, brothers who are heirs to a bankrupt printing press and who devote themselves to searching for her, confronting the atrocious world of the disappeared people. Between attempts to preserve the printing press, theatrical performances and a cast of characters as absurd as they are real, the novel takes us from the violent present to the maddening past of a historical figure marked by delirium and death: José de Gálvez, Visitor General of New Spain, incarnated in an old theatre actor who plays him in the last role of his life.
The book Of Our Absences is a story about the disappearances in the north of Mexico, the violence of drug trafficking, the clandestine graves in the desert and the sierra. A journey of multiple voices and stories, of times that overlap and interweave. It is the intimate story of some absences, of mothers searching for their children, of spaces that have to be transformed in order to continue to exist.

Original Title
El libro de nuestras ausencias

Extract in spanish
English Sample by Will Noah available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Air Hospital

Documentary poetry that reflects on memory, history and the limits of language.
In the line of books like Anne Carson’s The Beauty of the Husband, Wallace Stevens’ Notes for a Supreme Fiction, William Carlos Williams’ Patterson, or Raúl Zurita’s Zurita, Hospital del aire adds to the tradition of poetry books that transcend the conventional barriers of genres and propose to re-signify registers that seem irreconcilable.
An amazing book that I really liked and enjoyed.

Ernesto García López

CANDAYA,  2022, 224 p. DOCUMENTARY POETRY, spanish

Hospital del aire is a poetic fiction about a real event: the tragic plane crash that occurred in Madrid on 27 November 1983. That event had a decisive impact on the future of Latin American literature. Among the passengers was a large group of writers and artists from the continent who, from their various European exiles, were travelling to Colombia to attend the I Encuentro Hispanoamericano de Cultura. It was an event of enormous importance, as it sought to reconnect the literatures of there and here, as well as to promote, after the Transition, an intellectual dialogue between Spanish artists divided by the Franco dictatorship. Among the deceased were authors of the stature of Manuel Scorza, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Marta Traba, Ángel Rama, as well as other figures from the world of music and painting.
Through lyrical reportage, fused with a journalistic collage and a writing diary, we witness the invention of characters who inhabited those dramatic moments. A book that reflects on memory, history, the very limits of language and literature itself. A documentary poetry that reads like a novel, but without losing its evocative capacity to strain the word.

As Diego Sánchez Aguilar says in the prologue: “Hospital del aire is a black box”, that is, the writing that comes after the disaster, a need to find answers or to formulate more precise questions that can guide us towards other ways of experiencing events. That is what this book is looking for: the language we construct to talk about loss.”

Original Title
Hospital del aire

English sample available, by Katherine M. Hedeen & Víctor Rodríguez Núñez

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Heartbeat Of The Maghreb


Mar editor, 2022, 444 p. Fiction, Novel, spanish

A journey to the west of the Maghreb, in Mauritania and Morocco, with two protagonists we already met in Maybe Dakar, Álvaro and his sister Carol. A socio-historical and adventure novel.

Álvaro and Cárol are two brothers who have a difficult relationship with each other, both working in the family business located in the Canary Islands. For business reasons they have to travel to Mauritania and Morocco on the same dates. Álvaro travels to Casablanca and decides to stay a few days longer than planned to visit the city of Fez. There, he meets Bachir, a Moroccan with a jihadist appearance who works in the Qaraouiyine mosque, with whom he makes an important discovery: in the renovation of his old library, some doors appear closed with a padlock with four locks, “The only truth”, can be read engraved on the doors. Álvaro and Bachir embark on a journey to the south in order to discover the enigma they are facing. For her part, Cárol travels to Mauritania, where she is received by an employee of her local partner, Mustapha, who belongs to the social group of the griots, the storytellers, through whom she learns about the complexity of Mauritanian society and the differences with the world she is used to, until a totally unforeseen event happens to her.
A journey to the west of the Maghreb, Al Maghreb Al Aqsa, a plot that develops in two periods, the current period, but also jumps in time to tell the history of both countries, the role played by the independence leaders of Morocco, Mauritania and the Sahara, the cultural reality, the role of women, the crucial importance of Islam, its historical complexity and its challenges for the future. But above all, The Heartbeat of The Maghreb means adventure, not only the adventure experienced by its characters through the different vicissitudes that befall them, but the adventure of the encounter with the other, with those who are different.

Original Title
El latido de Al-Magreb

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Death of the Forests

Francisco LLORET

ARPA, 2022, 272 p., ESSAY, ECOLOGY, spanish

Forests around the world are collapsing.
Some of them are primary, of incalculable value. It is a current phenomenon, very serious and still little known.


Original Title
La muerte de los bosques

English Sample available

Territory of representation
French language

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And They Were a Single Shadow


CANDAYA,  2022, 240 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Colombia)

A first novel that explores the mysteries of family, death and the debts of the past.

Isabel is a living memory and, although everything that surrounds her causes deep sadness in those who knew her, loving her seems to be obligatory. Fearful of the possibility of repeating a life, the narrator, who is named after her grandmother, needs at the same time to get closer to her and to distance herself from her. But sometimes certain destinies are marked and it is not always easy to deviate from what others decide.
And They Were a Single Shadow is a luminous novel, full of plants and birds, mirrors and clocks, hammers, knives and threads, where objects are what they are and something more. Isabel-Cristina Arenas Sepúlveda attempts to reconstruct a world through familiar voices that often contradict each other and leave open gaps and many questions. Tobacco and shoe manufacturing, Isabel and her husband Alfredo’s trades, weave this story full of secrets and some wounds, which begins in the 1920s in Bucaramanga and ends in the present day in Barcelona.

Original Title
Y eran una sola sombra

Extract in spanish
Sample in english by Sarah Booker

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Eduardo Infante, Cristina Macía

Rosamerón, 2022, 272 p., ESSAY, Philosophy and Gastronomy, spanish

A vegan Pythagorean menu, a Kantian menu served on the hour, a medieval meal with a background of Carmina Burana or a Banquet worthy of the best Socrates. An entertaining journey through what some of the most illustrious philosophers thought about food -and what they ate or drank-.


Original Title

English Sample available

Territory of representation
French language

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What The Future Was


CANDAYA,  2022, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Ecuador)

“A luminous and illuminating work, furiously tender” María Bastarós.

What The Future Was is the story of a disintegration, the chronicle of a devastating crisis that threatens a marriage, a house, sanity, and unleashes in the narrator an intimate and profound reflection in which writing and life, landscape and affection, memory and future intersect.
What The Future Was is also the tracing of a family genealogy that incorporates a personal archive: the traces of a past – sometimes luminous, sometimes murky – with which the protagonist tries to give shape to her lineage and reconcile herself with the present. From the recovery of childhood and adolescence to the reconstruction of the shadowy figure of the writer grandfather, this novel explores our relationship with others, with objects, animals and the landscape, focusing especially on the different ways in which we recover life, after those radical breaks that seem to destroy everything.

Javier López Menacho, Coordenadas Literarias, 29 marzo 2022
“Desde un yo indefinido, íntimo, confesional, tierno, autoparódico, sensible, precioso en definitiva, es como Alcívar sigue creando, a fuego lento, una obra personalísima, única en el mejor sentido de la palabra.”

Original Title
Lo que fue el futuro

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Shadow

David Cabrera

Libros del KO, 2022, 256 p., NON-FICTION, LITERARY JOURNALISM, spanish

After years of painstaking interviews and research, David Cabrera has produced an absorbing psychological and police drama, which reads like a high tension novel.


La sombra

Territory of representation
French language

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The Distracted Condition

The Distracted Condition is a vast journey that traces, throughout history and culture, the value, the human weight of absent-mindedness, carelessness or distraction.
This book will be of interest to readers of the essay genre, but also to readers of history, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, etc.


CANDAYA,  2022, 376 p. ESSAY, spanish

The Distracted Condition is a fascinating invitation to a cultural journey through the territories of distraction and oblivion. Between philosophy and cinema, sociology and literature, law and history, the diary and cultural criticism, this essay is, among many other things, a wandering through the clouds, a phenomenology of loss and a list of lost objects, both personal and political: solidarity, class consciousness, the generalised amnesia in the face of corruption.
With enviable and melancholic erudition, Jesús García Cívico draws a map of disorientation inhabited by the most disparate characters: the titan Epimetheus, who is distracted, with fatal consequences, at the moment of man’s creation; Werner Herzog, obsessed with a lost penguin walking towards extinction; Karl Marx, who regards false consciousness as a kind of class cluelessness; Franz Kafka’s young Rossman, who misplaces his luggage and umbrella when he arrives in New York; the Mitläufer, Germans who were clueless under Nazism; the Rolling Stones (“It’s my imagination running away with me”) or Heidegger who reflects so much on “the forgetfulness of being”.

Original Title
La condición despistada

Extract in spanish
English sample by SARAH BLANTON

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Gildas Girodeau

Horsain, 2022, 246 p. FICTION, Detective Novel, french

When Alfons Duru discovers a decapitated illegal immigrant in his vat of Banyuls wine, his world is swept away by a veritable tsunami. Paul Feder gets involved in the old man’s affairs, comes across mafiosi from La Jonquera, unscrupulous thugs from Collioure, and a not-so-gentleman who organises parties in a château in Saint Jean Lasseille; not forgetting the cliffs of Cap Béar, determined to play their part. He will not avoid the blows, but revenge is also a dish that can be eaten cold.

With Tsunamis we find again the rhythmic atmosphere of Gildas Girodeau, dark but full of humanity. This thriller marks the return of Paul Feder and all the characters of the saga that began in 2005.


Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams


CANDAYA, 2022, 208 p., NOVEL, spanish

National Novel Prize of the Pen Club of Puerto Rico 2007

Marta Aponte Alsina is considered the great contemporary master of Puerto Rican narrative. Cristina Rivera Garza included her in a selection of 12 must-read Latin American women authors, published in Publisher’s Weekly magazine in 2018.

At once a novel of family saga, a travelogue, a story of initiation and growth, a hybrid narrative that draws on a variety of resources, The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams is a book that takes us into the amazement of artistic creation, into the relationships of a young woman’s desire to live as an artist and the conflicts that this represents in the 19th century society.

The Happy Death by William Carlos Williams is a novel about the enigmatic Raquel Helena Hoheb, perhaps one of the most important Latin American painters of the 19th century and mother of the poet William Carlos Williams, who defined her as a woman of irrepressible imagination. Her life well exemplifies the rich history of Caribbean migrations: from Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, to the Paris of the World’s Fair, and from there to Rutherford, New Jersey, where she lived for more than half a century the conflict between her role as a family woman and her artistic vocation.
Marta Aponte Alsina, one of the most outstanding authors in Puerto Rican literature, continues an inverse route to the writing of a biography: she gives voice to silence, dares to mend gaps and add detours to the work of the author of Paterson, in order to discover that all biographies are connected and that all pasts are projected onto our lives.

The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams is thus a novel about the mother and about art, about how a son inherits an artistic legacy. It is, therefore, a novel about that elusive but central concept of tradition. The novel questions not only what is a literary tradition but rather what it means to write a literary tradition”. Carlos Fonseca.

Original Title
La muerte feliz de William Carlos Williams

Press and blurbs :
Press note in spanish
“Heiress to Sebald, but also to the Frenchman Pierre Michon, whose biographical passion she shares to perfection, the Puerto Rican Marta Aponte Alsina has managed to weave one of the most resonant works in the Caribbean and Latin American sphere. ” Carlos Fonseca, Revista Otra Parte.
“Aponte, one of the most personal and innovative literary voices in the Caribbean and Latin America, gives us through this novel the opportunity to approach the ideology of this era as embodied in his work, in this decade of the 21st century.” Juan J. Berríos Concepción, Diálogo.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Order of the Aleph


CANDAYA 2021, 352 p. LITERARY ESSAY, spanish

An essay written by a bookish detective: an investigation into the origins and meanings of one of the most important short stories in world literature, The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges.

The Order of the Aleph is an exploration of Jorge Luis Borges’s aesthetics based on his most famous short story, in a reading that weaves together filology, cartography, filosophy and history to reveal the story’s original sources and its final intuitions, particularly those related to the historical context in which it was written, in 1945, as a response – melancholic but hopeful – to the horrors of its time: The Holocaust, the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the World War coming to an end.
In this compendium of stories, references, discoveries, games of mirrors and mysteries, Gustavo Faverón puts himself in the shoes of one of the most interesting characters in Borges’ universe, Erik Lönnrot, the protagonist of “Death and the Compass”, to decipher, like a bookish detective, what Borges hides in the metaphorical and symbolic universe of “The Aleph”. In this way, we will explore, from the work of the Argentinian author, clues hidden in The Thousand and One Nights, The Divine Comedy, the Bible, Anatomy of Melancholy or Hamlet; or in the work of authors and historical figures such as Tycho Brahe, Thomas Browne, Benedetto Croce, Thomas De Quincey, Edgar Allan Poe or Franz Kafka.
The Order of the Aleph is a labyrinth, and at the same time it is a map that helps us to walk through the labyrinths of Jorge Luis Borges’ literature, and it is also a generous exercise in shared reading, a look at the connections that emerge when we look at “that secret and conjectural object… the inconceivable universe”.

Original Title
El orden del Aleph

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Correspondent. A novel inspired by real events

NOVEL published the 26th of January 2022


A formidable docufiction. A mixture of Graham Greene and Kapuscinski, reminiscent of films like Missing or The Year of Living Dangerously


Original Title
El corresponsal. Una novela inspirada en hechos reales

English Sample available

Territory of representation
French language

Rights sold
Portuguese (Minotauro)

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The Odd Names


CANDAYA, 2021, 256 p. NOVEL / ESSAY, spanish

Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30” project, 2020.
A narrative about the blurred margins of identity and a suggestive literary exercise.

Sometimes a story begins with a single sentence or the mention of a name. Here it begins when the film director Tomás Acosta meets the narrator of this novel to tell him about Damián Gallego. From that moment on, they embark on a quest to find out who this man is who lives in Vallcarca, a neighbourhood in the north of Barcelona, and whose past is shrouded in endless circles of intrigue. Their first investigations lead them to suspect that behind Damián lies another person, Darío Galicia, one of the authors who formed part of the Mexican poetry scene of the 1970s and who was lost track of several decades ago. In this way, they enter an uncertain universe that leads them, firstly, to Roberto Bolaño and the generation of infra-realists, and later to Paris in the 1980s. And so they converge in a forgotten corner of the Barcelona skyline.

Los nombres impares is a narrative about the blurred margins of identity and a suggestive literary exercise that asks us how far we are prepared to go to achieve what we have set out to narrate. A work that moves between the essay and the novel and that takes us to other borderline spaces: the line that separates reality from fiction, the limits between truth and verisimilitude, the desire for authenticity and the shadow of falsification, as well as the whim of the canon and the ostracism to which we subject certain authors.

Original Title
Los nombres impares

Extract in spanish
English sample available

Press and blurbs :
“One of the most original voices on the new Spanish narrative scene” Inés Martín Rodrigo, ABC Cultural.

Territory of representation
French language

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I die and I come back

Rafael Guerrero

MAR editor, 2nd edition, 2023; CÍRCULO ROJO, 2013, 213 p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish

“Rafael Guerrero” serie, #2

Prefaced by Paco Camarasa
A real-life Detective, Writer. The novels are based on cases experienced by the author/detective. Rafael Guerrero, a detective, is both author and protagonist of his novels.

A case in the turbulent North Africa of 2011 almost cost private detective Rafael Guerrero his life. To forget what happened and recover from the wounds he decides to escape for a few days to a Central European country to rest, but a new investigation will begin that will make him travel thousands of kilometres in search of two fugitives who are hiding for different reasons or perhaps for the same one. Tunisia, Madrid, Switzerland, Hungary, Barcelona and finally Brazil will be witnesses and sometimes protagonists of the investigations, lucubrations, falling in love and crumbling of this character, as real as the affair that takes him from one continent to another, and as fictitious as this genre allows. And yes, in the end Rafael Guerrero returns, dead or alive.

Original Title
Muero y vuelvo

Rights sold :
audiobook (Storytel)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Armella Leung (Art-mella)

POURPENSER, 2017, 2019, 2020, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French


Couv Enquete mode-emploi tome2

#1 Welcoming an emotion : Having a lot of trouble with her emotions, between periods of emotional turmoil and aridity, Art-mella decides one day that it can’t go on any longer, and begins her investigation of emotions in order to feel better. After having participated in many courses, trainings, conferences, etc., Art-mella finds out :”I am better! These tools work! But then, why didn’t they teach me that at school ?? (it would have saved 30 years of my life !! So, to share this essential knowledge and make it accessible to all, I’m going to make a comic book” she decides.

To know everything about emotions.
The book that therapists prescribe to their patients.
For anyone who wants to know more about themselves, till 7 years old to any age of life.

100 000 copies sold in France, reprinted in May 2024

Original Title : Emotions : enquête et mode d’emploi – Tome 1 – A la source des émotions (48 pages)

Samples available :
french sample on author’s website, french sample 2,
english samples #1,
chinese, spanish

Spanish (Libsa editorial), English (Summersdale, UK), Japanese (Kanki), Chinese (Post and Telecoms Press)

#2 The source of our emotions: our needs : The long-awaited sequel to Emotions :the user’s guide. An investigation that invites us to visit our inner garden, to go back to the source of emotions, and in this volume 2, to take care of our needs. Take back your power, take care of yourself, of your relationships, and make your life beautiful?
Nothing could be easier and more fun! With lots of tools that Rator will test for us.

With the collaboration of Isabelle Padovani !
For anyone who wants to know more about themselves, till 12 years old to any age of life.

70 000 copies sold in France, reprinted in May 2024

Original Title : Émotions : enquête et mode d’emploi #2 La source des émotions : les besoins (48 pages)

Samples available :
french sample on author’s website, french sample 2,
english samples #2

Spanish (Libsa editorial)

#3 The different parts of oneself : In the first volume of the series, Art-mella has taken an interest in the nature of emotions, in particular through the compass of emotions. After having walked, in the 2nd volume, to go to the source of our emotions, we find Rator, Porco and Renardo who discover that to make peace with one’s emotions, it is a question of becoming aware of the different parts of oneself…

The last published opus.The different parts of oneself and the healing of past wounds!
For anyone who wants to know more about themselves, till 12 years old to any age of life.

55 000 copies sold in France

Original Title : Émotions : enquête et mode d’emploi #3 Les différentes parts de soi (88 pages)

Samples available :
french sample on author’s website,
english sample #3,

Territory of representation for whole series: World wide

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Truth Does Not Make Friends

Rafael Guerrero

MAR editor, 2021, 192 p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish

“Rafael Guerrero” serie, #5

10th Wilkie Collins Award for Crime Novels

Franchesca plans to murder her husband and induces her lover to help her. But the man hires detective Rafael Guerrero so that this proposal is on record and he can denounce the ideologue with evidence or escape conviction if she acts on her own and implicates him. He is frightened, believing that if she refuses, the victim could be him. The professional challenge encourages RG to take the case and establish a strategy of seduction under a false identity.
RG returns to Madrid to meet the new clients: a Spanish couple who adopted a baby in Russia 18 years ago. Their son wants to know the identity of the biological parents and the adopters want to know who they were and who they are now before making the decision to allow it. RG is recommended to a Russian tour guide based in Moscow as a local support agent. Her relationship with the Russian secret service is close, as she provides data on foreign travellers and receives privileged access in return.
The stories intertwine. RG becomes embroiled in turbulent romantic relationships that lead him to question his actions. He clashes with the organisation that handles the adoptions: a mafia. He will suffer from a law of silence behind which dirty interests are hidden: falsification of certificates, concealment of vital information (hereditary diseases of the parents), bribes to municipal and state authorities, mistreatment of parents and children, illegal trafficking of people, drugs and weapons under the legal cover of solidarity action. Everything becomes even more complicated when the adopted son escapes to Russia to find his biological parents. RG and Silvia, his assistant, will be prime targets for the mafia.
Some say that Rafael Guerrero draws his inspiration for his successful novels from his knowledge as a professional detective, but nothing can be said about that.

Original Title
La verdad no hace amigos

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Gerard GUIX

COLUMNA, 2011, 424 p. FICTION, Catalan

Awarded with the XXI Pin i Soler Prize

A somewhat fantastic road movie that takes us from Catalonia to London to the centre of Europe, punctuated by flashbacks and music.

Five years ago in London Gerard and Anastasia meet casually. Soon after, the girl goes to live with him in Barcelona, ​​where the young boy had tried to turn her in someone other than the Russian student who attracted him, as she kept a puzzling silence about her past. Now both are on a journey to the center of Europe, the Swiss shores of Lake Geneva. Although Anastasia doesn’t know the reason for this departure, she believes that is perhaps the last chance to save their relationship. Gerard, however , is obsessed with getting out of his creative crisis, and the journey  targets the house in which the actress Audrey Hepburn spentthe late years of her life, where he will try to boost his career as a writer with unconventional methods.
Half way between fiction and autobiography, Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me shows in bare way the always difficult relationships in a couple but makes good use of the suspense, the humour and the imagination to raise questions such as whether it would be possible to live with no memories.

Original Title
Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me

Rights sold
Spanish (Suma de letras); French (Les forges de Vulcain); audiobook in catalan (Saga-Egmont, Denmark)

Book trailer

Sample and full-text version available in Spanish and French

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Cemetery

Gerard GUIX

COLUMNA, 2013, 176 p. FICTION, Catalan

The perfect adaptation of his play Genesi 3.0, a success at the 2003 GREC Festival.
Gerard Guix is inspired by the dystopian worlds of three works of science fiction,
George Orwell’s 1984, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Do Androids Dream of
Electric Sheep?
by Philip K. Dick, to locate its futuristic fable, although the
atmosphere, the characters and the story more approach the convoluted world of
Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and the Gothic tales of Edgar Allan Poe.

In a not too distant future, due to the lack of space on Earth, it is prohibited to bury our dead. Only the rebels, or idealists, try to break this rule harshly punished. Isobel, one of these rebels, reaches one of the last cemeteries with the intention of burying
her mother. She has managed to stop the process for a few hours, but within two days, at the latest, she must incinerate the corpse as required by law. For Isobel this cemetery becomes a paradise where she believes it is possible to realize her
desire, and Travis, the undertaker, is her last chance and hope. But at the same time, he will become her perdition.

Original Title
El cementiri

Rights sold
France (Les forges de Vulcain); audiobook in catalan (Saga-Egmont, Denmark)

Book trailer

Sample and full-text version available in Spanish and French

Territory of representation
World Wide

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My Season at the Hell

Gerard GUIX

FANBOOKS, 2021, 276 p. CROSSOVER, Catalan

A story that seems simple at the beginning and ends up taking us into a spiral of facts and emotions that will shake us and reveal the darker side of our society. A novel that echoes an adult novel he wrote ten years ago, Hunting Day, set in the same mountain and snowy village, Vic. For ages 14 and up.

13 years ago, in a mountain village where nothing ever happens, a teenager died during a raid of hunting. In the same village, today, my mother has disappeared at odd circumstances. The two facts, at his way, connect and relate, disturbing this apparently idyllic place: the death of the teenager converted to the black legend of the people, that scares the boys and upsets the adults. The mother’s disappearance to a palpable threat that arouses the most obscure sentiments of the locals.
My name Ricard. Ricky for the friends. Rick for the mum.
This is the story of the losers, formed by persons like you that one day find themselves in an unexpected, unwanted and alarming situation, that happens the most confused week, the sorriest days, the most obscure hours of my life. At very first hour of the morning of a Sunday of February, a couple of mushroom pickers found the mother’s car at the parking of the Hypermarket. It had the door of the open driver wide open but, not inside nor at the surroundings, there was any trail of her.
Just there began my descent into hell

Original Title
La meva temporada a l’infern

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Dribble assassin

Gilles DEL PAPPAS et Emmanuel PETIT

RAMSAY, 2021, 243 p. CRIME FICTION, french

Second opus of the Trilogy of football polars, with the Commissioner Clémentine Paccini

Tignes, November 97, oxygenation course for the French national team, a local FIFA representative is found with his throat cut and his hands hanged.
Casablanca, May 98, Hassan II competition, a young FIFA representative is found dead, with her throat cut.
At the scene, in the victim’s hand, the police find a torn off part of a key ring with a silver rooster. A clue?
The investigation is entrusted to the commissioner Clémentine Paccini and her assistant, forensic doctor, Anne Legendre.
Marseille, 12 June 1998, France-South Africa opening match, another victim is found in a cupboard of the Velodrome stadium.
In the middle of the World Cup, the investigation turns to the Blues and their entourage.
Why are there so many murders linked to the French team? Is the murderer one of the 23 players in the team?
Experience an exciting investigation by Commissioner Paccini during the 98 epic that left its mark on the whole of France.

Original Title
Dribble assassin

Territory of representation
World Wide

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How many things have we seen disappear


CANDAYA, 2020, 288 p. Fiction, spanish

A novel about lost illusions and a disappearing people, about the possibility of changing the past.
A unique tribute to science fiction, horror, sentimental novels and other genres of popular literature.

Sonia is a girl obsessed with death. Berta’s obsession is the passage of time. Their friendship is inevitable in the Pyrenean village where they spend the summer, a small town doomed to disappear. The excesses and quests of adolescence and early youth create a bond that seems unbreakable, and that is reinforced by an unlikely project: to build a machine that allows them to modify the past. However, life unfolds before them and the two friends drift apart. On the verge of turning forty, Sonia receives a message from Berta, in which she announces that she has finally discovered the way to fulfill the dream that has occupied her whole life: to travel in time. Sonia, fed up with her friend’s delusions, which have caused her so much harm, decides to forget old grudges and agrees to meet her one last time.
Deepening his peculiar commitment to a deep, oblique and subtle narrative, Miguel Serrano Larraz dives once again into the abyss of longing and completes the radiography of an era of our recent history that he began with Autopsia (Estado Critico award for the best novel published in Spain in 2014). Although friendship, the different forms of violence and the search for the impossible remain fundamental, How many things have we seen disappear adds such suggestive elements as the limits of sanity, the depopulation of rural areas and the inquiry into the relationships between women of different generations.

“Miguel Serrano writes out of necessity and it shows” Domingo Ródenas. El Periódico.
“A generational but political work, realistic but aware of the limits of representation, and nostalgic but written with good style and reflective brilliance. Miguel Serrano has shown that it is possible to make strong 21st century realism”. Vicente Luis Mora, Diario de Lecturas.
“Miguel Serrano Larraz’s is honest literature: he is not a fireworks artist, but an old-fashioned watchmaker, a storyteller.” Sergio del Molino
“Miguel Serrano, heir to Bolaño’s chupa” Julio José Ordovás, La Vanguardia.
“A remarkable stylistic power and a sometimes memorable conceptual audacity” Ricardo Menéndez Salmón, Número cero.
“Serrano possesses the same choppy, sometimes suffocating breath as Bernhard”. Sara Mesa, Micro-Revista.

Territory of representation
World wide

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The Anthropoid


CANDAYA, 2021, 288 p. Fiction, spanish

A novel about identity and hidden desires. About the conflict between what we are, what we want to be and what others expect of us.

Eduardo, the son of a powerful publisher, is removed from the family business because of an obscure affair. Banished to a provincial town, he is taken in by his uncle, the editor of a local newspaper, where he first works as a spellchecker and proofreader, and then as a classified ad manager. Rejected by his new workmates and humiliated by his insignificant work in the editorial office, Eduardo experiences something very close to sinking, from which only literature and love will be able to rescue him.
El antropoide, at heart a reflection on identity and the unspeakable desires we hide, confronts the reader with his animality and his most primitive instincts: what happens when the body, illness, old age, everything we try not to see in order to protect our civilised life, is shown to us without filters. With a daring and very singular prose, in which the language astonishingly mimics the character, Fernando Parra tries to immerse us in the abysses and contradictions of human nature: the process through which we try, at all costs, to domesticate our anthropoid.

“A rigorous and well thought-out execution of the formal structure of the narrative, which the author has managed to handle with skill and intelligence, and which consolidates the novel from its very first pages. (…) Fernando Parra, all in all, is already a novelist to be taken into account in the current panorama of Spanish narrative”. José Antonio Santano, República de las Letras.

“The whole narrative is brimming with lyricism and poetic images, thus avoiding the prosaic, rough and tumble realism that is so much a la page. A narrative that exudes immense tenderness and is full of suggestive discoveries”. Vicente Valero

Territory of representation
World wide

Original Title
El Antropoíde

English sample available

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Lost Notebooks of Japan


CANDAYA, 2021. Essay, travel book, spanish

The discovery, amazement and fascination of an ancient culture.

Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

Lost Notebooks of Japan is the chronicle of a traveller who crosses interior and exterior geographies to recognise herself and assert her voice, to investigate writing as a record of the past, the fragility of women who travel alone and memory as a family bond. Halfway between essay, notebook and travel book, Lost Notebooks of Japan brings together fragments of four intimate diaries that Patricia Almarcegui wrote on two distant trips to Japan (2008 and 2018), and her reflections over many years on Japanese society, politics, culture and art.
Film, literature, manga, painting, architecture, villages, towns, cities, baths, political and social bodies trace a brief and syncopated itinerary of Japan. A narrative full of intense and extreme images, woven from loss: the loss of the notebooks that the writer lost on the journey, the loss of people who are no longer there, the loss of a country that was and is no longer. These notebooks are an attempt to reproduce the time of the journey and of life, based on the conviction that experiences do not end when they are written down but when they are read and listened to.

“Patricia Almarcegui is one of the most sensitive and beautiful voices in our country. Her books, imbued with a rapturous melancholy, have a very high literary quality”. Jacinto Antón, El País

Original Title
Cuadernos perdidos de Japón

Rights sold
French (Intervalles); Greek (Vakxikon); Arabic (Al Arabi, Egypt); Saga-Egmont (Spanish audiobooks)

English sample by Kymm Coveney

Territory of representation
World wide

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El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito


Literatura juvenil, novela negra, castellano

Adrià, estudiante de historia e historiador vocacional, verá cambiar su vida cuando encuentre las pistas para encontrar tres cuadros de Vermeer que están escondidos en alguna parte. En el camino, conocerá a Diana, la chica más intrépida, hermosa e inteligente que ha encontrado en su vida. Pero siempre podrá contar con Sonia, su amiga del alma, la que en definitiva habrá de sacarle las castañas del fuego.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN, ilustraciones de RUI CAVALEIRO


ILUSTRACIONES y lectura del manúscrito por Rui Cavaleiro : aquí

Los monstruos dan miedo a los demás, de manera que no deben de tener miedo. Por eso Luis quería ser un monstruo.

Rui Cavaleiro
Rui Cavaleiro

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Fernando CLEMOT

PRE-TEXTOS, 2021, 280 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

“Fiume de Fernando Clemot: preludio poético del fascismo”, José Ovejero

A political novel, exhilarating and disturbing, which works on the memory of the past century to better understand our present. In which we experience the fascination that fascism and providential men can produce, and the destruction that they ultimately engender.

Fiume September 1919. Two hundred volunteers led by the writer Gabriele D’Annunzio occupied a town on the Croatian coast with the intention of forming their own state attached to Italy: the Free State of Fiume. For fifteen months, the writer tried to create a government “of free and heroic men” and developed all the discourse and paraphernalia that fascism would use for its rise over the next two decades. Thirty years later, Tristam Vedder, a correspondent for the New York Tribune at the time, returns to Italy with his family to see the place where his youngest son died in the recent Italian campaign. The encounter with the scenes of yesteryear will make Vedder relive his time in Fiume, the rise of fascism, his initial attachment to it and all that has changed his life during that time. He will reflect on the consequences of totalitarianism and war while trying to put back together some of the pieces that were lost thirty years ago.

Author’s web

“Clemot se ha tomado en serio la disección de la violencia, la alerta contra la irracionalidad.”, Jesús García Cívico, El Hype.
” Una novela esclarecedora sobre nuestros espejismos y nuestras mentiras, sobre la fragilidad de la vida y la imposibilidad de dejar atrás nuestros errores más graves…”, José Ovejero , La Marea.
Press Review

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Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century


RAYO VERDE , 2021, 236 p. NON FICTION, Social Sciences and Politics, Spanish

An atlas of the impacts and migrations resulting from the ecological crisis.
An appeal on the urgency of changing global policies.

The issue of climate refugees is one that demands to be explored in greater depth. Climate change or global change will irreversibly transform the planet, and the most severely affected areas will witness massive human displacements.
COVID-19 has shown us how vulnerable we are when nature responds to the damage we inflict on it. However, the threat COVID-19 poses pales in comparison to that posed by climate change. Climate change spells the desertification of whole regions, the loss of vast areas of crops, reduced supplies of drinking water, rising sea levels and increasingly destructive hurricanes. Such outcomes will produce significant population movements, in the form of both internal displacement and migration. This book details the severity of climate impacts, and offers an in-depth analysis of the climate displacements and migrations that are already taking place and those that may occur in the coming decades. A region-by-region analysis
is conducted, focusing on various parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The book also engages with the debate about whether people fleeing climate impacts should be considered refugees, and proposes measures for both the fight against climate change and the management of migration.

Original Title
Refugiados climáticos. UN gran reto del siglo XXI

Long summary, contents and sample in english available
Press Review available

Territory of representation
French language
Agent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria

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You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

Ara direu que estic boig


ALREVÉS editorial,  2021, 236 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

“Now I fall asleep, now I wake up, now I fall asleep”. This is the life of Francesc Ascás, an extravagant young man who hears voices and says strange things, who draws comics and is hooked on the predictions of a television magician, and all of this locked up in the flat where he lives, with the only light offered by the slits in the lowered blinds. Until one day Blanca Benito, her neighbour and only friend, turns up dead, and it is then that the police accuse him of murder, for being the madman of the staircase, because it is well known that a madman is capable of anything.
Under this plot, Andreu Martín takes us into a wheel of fortune full of unforeseen events and events of all kinds, where finally everyone takes you for crazy because “crazy people always say they are not, so that when you say you are not crazy, they immediately think you are crazy”. And it is precisely here that the reader will play an important role: to discover who really is and who isn’t, who is telling the truth and who is lying, and which voices are mistaken. A novel full of intertextualities, bizarre characters and emblematic places, some of which are already well known in the writer’s universe. After titles such as Tibidabo’s Harem, Everyone will remember you and The Harem’s Favorite, Andreu Martín returns to offer us a story full of ambiguities and with a theme he is passionate about: disorders and psychopathies.

“Es una trama diferente a la mayoría de las de Andreu Martín. Sin querer desmerecer de ningún otro título, y porque no me gusta ser categórico de la especie de “es mejor que” […], sólo diré que me lo he pasado bomba. Pero bomba atómica. Como hacía tiempo que no me lo pasaba leyendo una novela.” Lluis Llort, black novels’ author.

Original Title
Ara direu que estic boig

First Chapter

Territory of representation
World Wide

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TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

Gerard GUIX

  ESTRELLA POLAR 2011, 2011, 2012

Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona.

THE PRODIGY His name is Axel because their parents liked Guns’n’Roses and this was the name of the leader. His name is Axel, but he could have called Odin, the guy from Sweden he has never seen but that each year sends him a birthday gift. Odin is a mysterious and improbable character, and interestingly Axel meet him just when his teenage body begins to undergo some distressing changes that fill him with doubts. Axel does not know that a very tough fight awaits him and that within a few years the books will talk about him, the prodigy, because he is about to change the course of history.
Available in spanish.
THE WIT The sun has started to peek coyly. The whole city is orange colored and is beautiful despite the smoke still around after the last night attack. Since I’m not a vampire, when the rays of the sun will impact on my skin nothing will happen to me. Neither will I realize it. They aren’t powerful enough to undo all the ice in me. I’m not a vampire, unfortunately. I’m much worse .
All stories have two versions. In The Prodigy we eared the Axel’s one, now is the turn of Odin
THE TALENT It’s been too many hours since all the inhabitants of Earth have lost consciousness in this cold sleep, and it seems that the more time passes, the less likely that anyone will survive. Neither human nor animal. Only plants seem to be immune to this deadly sleep. There is no hope in any corner of the globe. All beings seem asleep in this strange coma that has gripped the entire planet. There is only life, and a little hope, at the epicenter of the seventh mass extinction. In Barcelona, the city where is right now fighting the battle of Ragnarök»

Original title
El Prodigi, L’Enginy, El Talent

Rights sold
audiobook in catalan (Saga-Egmont, Denmark)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary

LE CAVALIER BLEU,  2020, 216 p. NON-FICTION, french

A brilliant, original and committed essay on a major geopolitical issue, borders.

Paradoxical geographical objects, borders have criss-crossed the world since modern times and form the basis of international relations, presupposing on the one hand the equality of law between the territories they delimit and on the other hand an exclusive distribution of sovereignty. But this concept is now unstable: beyond the binary limits of the inside/outside of the state, borders have indeed become mobile, like so many complex devices for sorting out the flows of globalisation.
If their linearity seems to be reinforced by the increase in the number of walls that close them, this is only a trompe-l’oeil because a large part of the border mechanisms is invisible. Through a geo-historical approach that shifts the European gaze and allows an economic as well as a political re-reading of borders, this book proposes an original dive into the implicit aspects of their construction. Now dislocated, operating on the basis of heterogeneous locations, contemporary borders are evolving in a way that profoundly transforms our relationship to identity. Throughout the pages, we understand how to reopen the political possibilities from these lines that seem to lock up our imaginations.

Original Title
Géopolitique des frontières. Découper la terre, imposer une vision du monde

French sample “Lire un extrait

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Children Of The Monsoon


Original Title
Los hijos del Monzón

Rights sold
USA (Autumn Hill Books)
Alemania (Campus Verlag); Italia (Marco Tropea); Taiwán (Ecus)

English Sample

Territory of representation
French language

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Factbook. The Book of Facts


CANDAYA, 2019, 352 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish

A vibrant dystopia full of ethical dilemmas that invites the reader to rethink his most intimate convictions.
Factbook is a lucid analysis, neither complacent nor nostalgic, of the last thirty years of Spanish society and of the generation who lived the 15M as a turning point that seemed to open a door to something that was not well known what it was.

In a country living in an eternal economic crisis that seeks to justify all kinds of sacrifices, corruption and impunity dominate political life, and resignation and fear have taken over the people. When the body of the CEOE President appears hanged in an Osborne bull, Rosa debates between the instinctive horror of violence and the desire for that murder to become the detonator of the revolution. This is Factbook‘s starting point. In this dystopian world coexist an illegal cryogenesis clinic, a clandestine social network (Factbook) whose members incite rebellion through the objectivity of facts and data, terrorist groups with rock band names, agents who monitor and control social networks in search of conspiracies and enemies of the system…

Original Title
Factbook. El libro de los hechos.

“Sánchez Aguilar achieves what is so difficult to transform descriptions into actions, to make them not only place us on the stage, but also give us information about the characters”. Verónica Nieto, Magazine of Letters.

“Diego Sánchez Aguilar dissects the loneliness, the failure, the lack of communication or the tiredness of some characters with whom it is not difficult to identify, to our regret, the same thing happens to us as to them: sex and life is not as they told us (…) We are, in short, before a splendid book, in its conception and in its making. Not just one more book of those that populate the table of novelties but a truly necessary book that, hopefully, will serve for many to discover this magnificent poet”. Javier Moreno, El Cuadernos digital.

“This book is a catalogue of dissatisfaction. A poetics of the everyday with which Sánchez Aguilar analyses with great skill and depth the human soul of contemporary man and demonstrates an unusual subtlety, extreme sensitivity and great capacity for observation”. Pedro Pujante, La opinión de Murcia.

Excerpt to download

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Wild Bolaño

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU, co-authored with Edmundo PAZ SOLDAN

CANDAYA, 2008 504 p. LITERARY Essay, spanish

Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) has gone, in just a few years, from being a marginal poet to occupying a central space in the imagination of the last generations of readers, who perceive in him a new way of conceiving the world of letters as a passionate adventure and of assuming the task of the writer with the rebelliousness of a perpetual discontent. As Bolaño’s influence grows, critics try to understand his life and to access the still wild and secret land of his fictional worlds. Exploring the inexhaustible universe of Bolaño from very different perspectives and approaches is precisely the purpose of this collective book. Along with unpublished essays (such as those by Celina Manzoni, a pioneer in Bolaño’s studies, or Chris Andrews, his English translator) which provide a good example of the way in which academic criticism today approaches the work of the Chilean writer, the reader will find in Bolaño salvaje more personal texts by writers very close to Roberto Bolaño, such as Ignacio Echevarría, Juan Villoro, Rodrigo Fresán, Enrique Vila-Matas or Carmen Boullosa.

Includes DVD with the film:
Nearby Bolaño (Erik Haasnoot, 2008)
The family and closest friends of Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño talk about his life and reveal some fundamental keys to his writing. Set in Blanes, Barcelona and Mexico City, Bolaño nearby collects the testimonies of Carolina López, Alexandra and Lautaro Bolaño, Antoni García Porta, Enrique Vila-Matas, Rodrigo Fresán and Juan Villoro. (40’).

Original Title
Bolaño salvaje

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Other book rights available



CANDAYA, 2020, 144 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

What makes a man fall apart when, apparently, nothing has happened? Two years after the break-up with La Rubia and in full post-operative convalescence, the protagonist of this novel suffers an unexpected crisis that cannot be explained, a collapse that buries him in the rubble of disaffection and in the devastating memory of childhood: a persistent echo that, mute to his ears, continues to resonate within.
Amidst hallucinations, memories and ravings, Carlos Frontera tries to narrate that echo in a book that dares to talk about the legacies that annihilate and is governed by a decisive question: how do we survive the collapse of our own history?
Echo is the story of a broken individual, the bloody story of a fracture that leads him to rethink his relationship with himself and with others. During a long convalescence that keeps him locked up in his house, the narrator of this short novel goes over fragments of his past, especially from his childhood and adolescence, fragments that hide a family secret and make us question everything we assume about free will, will and decisions. Echo is a novel about intimate collapses, but it is also a novel about desire: the desire to survive, to escape from confinement, to recover one’s space, to overcome the limits of the body and of personal and family history. Through a fragmentary prose, full of intense images and a singular humour, Carlos Frontera proposes a journey from the immobility of convalescence to the origin of a hurtful memory that has to be recognised and unravelled, in order to be left behind

Original Title

Excerpt to download

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Machine of The Future


TUSQUETS, 2014, 449 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

“Perhaps it is the flow of the narrative, and not the meaning of the story, that shows us that we are alive.”

A prodigious story about a secret project: the machine that anticipates the future.

Túsquets Price 2014

When his mother dies, Óscar travels to Berlin to take charge of her belongings. He hasn’t had word from her in years because, in fact, she was living with another woman and had turned her back on her son. And neither can he inform his father, a stranger he has seen on only a few occasions, the author of successful books on the search for happiness. Dismayed, lacking roots, Óscar hopes to reconstruct the story of his family in 1930s New York, 1970s Cadaqués, Mexico and Buenos Aires, only to find that he may belong to the ranks of the dissatisfied and the visionary, of the obstinate seekers of a transcendental truth. A prodigious story told in three time periods with three characters from the same family, attracted by the same project: the construction of an artefact that anticipates the future.

Original Title
La máquina del porvenir

Territory of representation

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The Other Part of The World


TUSQUETS, 2017, 256 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

A love story in the 21st century, cold, sweet, unforgettable.
A novel about the loss and recovery of oneself, an unforgettable tale about love in the 21st century.

The narrator of this novel, a character suspiciously similar to the author, needs to dive, as if it were a patient archaeologist, in the most significant facts of his past, after a critical and decisive episode that will mark him for the rest of his life; a change of vital panorama that comes to him in his stage of maturity, and that forces him to rethink all the certainties sheltered until now: his passion for some of the most representative writers of twentieth-century literature, the need to write in order to understand what he experienced, the curious obsession that has haunted him since he was a child to travel or the importance of personal ties.

Original Title
La otra parte del mundo

Excerpt to download

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The End of the Cold War


BELACQVA, 2008, 299 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

“[…] this narrative goes far beyond the political statement and the redistribution of the cards of power: in reality, it turns them around and asks us to judge what is really going on in everyone’s head. “Albert Bensoussan, En attendant Nadeau (french)

The End of the Cold War unfolds the parallel stories of three characters, Dona (flight attendant), Tomás (young Barcelona native) and Zheng (young Chinese). The reader is immersed in their lives, which have in common the uprooting, the feeling of strangeness and alienation in a world they do not understand; despite this, these characters are animated by a life impulse that pushes them to seek a space of their own. We follow Dona, Tomás and Zheng, who drift without diving, who take us into their waters. Barcelona is the crystallizing place where their lives meet at a point, in time and space. What is going on at this crossing? How do the city, daily or exceptional events, affect the course of their lives?
This polyphonic novel is a literary work of a masterful composition that leads to a surprising end, a firework display mixing sublime and intimate emotions, very cinematographic in style (the three parallel lives that intersect at one point are reminiscent of the Mexican director Iñarritu’s Love Dogs), it also offers a committed analysis of modernity and our civilisation. It has been compared to the Don DeLillo’s novels.

El fín de la guerra fría

Rights sold
French (Actes Sud)

“With this debut work, and with an eye on the great tradition of American realism (DeLillo, Roth and Franzen appear as transvestites), Trejo begins a personal process of renovation of Spanish realist literature, far from the hackneyed costumbrismo and with an important degree of sophistication”, Robert Juan-Cantavella, The Barcelona review. com

Text in french available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Last Time it was Yesterday


CANDAYA 2019, 160 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

Chambéry’s first novel festival award (category spanish literature) France
The life of a lost slum, narrated with humour, tenderness and fierce criticism.

The run over of Chico B, an event all too common in the hostile environment where the novel takes place, is the trigger for a change in the two protagonists of this story: the narrator and the neighbourhood. This painful death will enliven a memory that the narrator believed he had buried and under control in the deepest part of his memory, and at the same time it will accelerate the transformation of the neighbourhood. For the sake of that dubious mirage of prosperity and progress (which rescued some, but also overwhelmed many), the streets, businesses and homes will begin to change, and with them the characters who frequent and inhabit them. Narrated in first person, with a direct and voluntarily aseptic style, the novel has something of an intimate chronicle of one of those peripheral neighbourhoods of our cities, punished by misery, deterioration and violence. The story of some confused and forgotten young people who, amidst tricks, obsessions and dreams, try to survive and be happy. The emotional portrait of a few strange characters that give them something similar to tenderness: a camel fond of canaries, a boy obsessed with fire or a mutt called Mazinger who wanders around the neighbourhood.

Original Title
La última vez que fue ayer

Rights sold
Audiobook rights sold in spanish (Audible)

English sample available
French sample available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Living Below


CANDAYA 2019, 672 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

Short list of The Vargas Llosa Awards
A key novel in 21st century Latin American literature

Living Downstairs is an adventure book, a horror story, a police mystery, a story made up of a thousand stories and a chronicle of journeys through the territories of insanity and terror. It is also a quixotic humorous novel, populated by crazed artists, erudite spies, ghost poets and wrong revenge. It begins in Peru, when an American filmmaker commits a murderous homicide in the basement of a house on the day of the capture of Abimael Guzmán, leader of Shining Path. The prehistory of that crime comes twenty-five years earlier and its solution will take another twenty-five. The reader will discover in wonder how the pieces of the enigma emerge from catacombs, madhouses and underground jails along an infinite journey through the dark dungeons of the history of Latin America, Europe and the United States.

Original Title
Vivir abajo

Rights sold
French (Christian Bourgois, released in january 2024)
Audiobook rights sold in spanish (Audible)

English sample available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Gabriela PONCE

CANDAYA, 2020, 160 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

“A novel of resistance. From body and against the body. One novel that screams…”

In an environment of wild nature and wild relations, the protagonist of Sanguínea enters and leaves caves and bodies, ghostly inhabited or uninhabited spaces, links crossed by loss, denial of the future and despair. Sanguínea is the record of her flow of consciousness and of an intimate crisis: the story of a woman who slips on some skates along abrupt roads and tries to face a drift in love, an unexpected and impossible motherhood and the most painful of detachments. But Sanguínea is also a novel of resistance. Of resistance of the body and against the body. A novel of disturbing revelations. A novel that shouts.

Territory of representation
World Wide

US (Restless Books); UK (Galley); Italia (Cencellada); Audiobooks (Saga-Egmont)

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Mónica OJEDA

CANDAYA, 2018, 208 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

Finalist for the 2022 US National Book Award for Translated Literature
Longlisted for the 2023 US PEN Translation Prize

Was Nefando a horror game for freaks, an immoral staging or a poetic exercise?

Nefando, Journey to the Insides of a Room, was a little-known online video game that was soon removed from the net because of its controversial sensitive content. Players’ experiences are now the center of gamer debates in the deepest forums of the deep web, but their users don’t seem to agree: was it a horror game for freaks, an immoral staging or a poetic exercise? Are they as deep and twisted as the bowels of that room seem? Six young people share a flat in Barcelona and their rooms vibrate like beehives. In each of them are cooked activities as disturbing and murky as the writing of a pornographic novel, the frustrated desire for self-castration or the development of designs for the demoscene, artistic computer subculture. His private spaces are white architectures where the territory of bodies, mind and childhood is explored.

Rights sold
English (Coffe house, US), Italian (Alessandro Polidoro editore)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Siberia, One Year Later


CANDAYA,  2019, 160p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

The devastating experience of surviving a child. First novel.

Siberia is the writing of a duel that is lived in the body, in the mind and in the language. It is the mourning of a mother who loses her child and leaves the city that has been her home for fifteen years, but it is also the search for the word that expresses, at the same time, the pain of absence and the hunger for light. She explores in her first novel death and desire from a place of extreme vulnerability: that of the experience of loss. Here there is no artifice of narrative order, but rather the moving chaos of a suffering body, which cries out the emptiness within and works a poetic and indomitable word, a language inhabited by fear, guilt and the need for calm. A year later, she experiments with writing after the passage of the crisis. If, in Siberia, what is at stake is the extent of the pain while it is happening, this story wonders what happens when the landscape has apparently returned to calm, even though that calm is still affected by the spasms of horror.

Original Title
Siberia, Un año después

Italian (Unicopli); Audiobooks (Saga-Egmont)

English Sample available with dossier by Sarah Booker

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Sound Wall


TUSQUETS, 2019, 320 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

A writer recounts his personal biography and confronts his own work and also that of his favorite authors when life poses the most difficult challenge.

The narrator of this novel, a character suspiciously similar to the author, needs to dive, as if it were a patient archaeologist, in the most significant facts of his past, after a critical and decisive episode that will mark him for the rest of his life; a change of vital panorama that comes to him in his stage of maturity, and that forces him to rethink all the certainties sheltered until now: his passion for some of the most representative writers of twentieth-century literature, the need to write in order to understand what he experienced, the curious obsession that has haunted him since he was a child to travel or the importance of personal ties.

Original Title
La barrera del sonido

“Con esta opera prima, y con un ojo en la gran tradición del realismo norteamericano (DeLillo, Roth y Franzen aparecen travestidos), Trejo inicia un personal proceso de renovación de la literatura realista española, lejos del manido costumbrismo y con un importante grado de sofisticación”, Robert Juan-Cantavella, The Barcelona review. com.
« […] ce récit va bien au-delà du constat politique et de la redistribution des cartes du pouvoir : en réalité, il les retourne et sollicite notre jugement sur ce qui se passe vraiment dans la tête de tout un chacun. » Albert Bensoussan, En attendant Nadeau.

Excerpt to download

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You are Cobalt Blue


Ediciones Idea, 2006 (1ère édition), M.A.R. editor, 2014, 148 p.

The story of a woman who sought her way through the art and life of Frida Kahlo.

You are Cobalt Blue, the exciting story of a woman who sought her way through the art of Frida Kahlo. Dori has just turned thirty, she lives for her husband, her son and her work, one day she meets a disturbing man who penetrates her intimacy and discovers Frida Kahlo. The paintings and the biography of the painter awaken unknown emotions and shakes her to make new decisions.

Original Title
Tú eres azul cobalto

Rights sold
Spanish (Colombia, Oveja negra)

“It is a journey that will leave you covered with scars, but it will also show you the poetry of life.” Ignacio del Valle

French sample available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Maybe Dakar


M.A.R. editor,   2016, 420 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish


Spain, 2012, the hardest year of the current economic crisis. Álvaro Camino, a young Canary Islands businessman, is convinced by his father to make a trip to Dakar to look for new economic opportunities for the family business. But what does he know about Africa, which is so close? On the first day of his arrival, he met an attractive woman at the hotel who sold African art objects. Álvaro, without knowing why, is interested in a mask that is not for sale. What secret is behind this little mask that reminds us so much of those who inspired Picasso when he painted The ladies of Avignon?
Thanks to Musa, a local businessman with whom he quickly discovered a great complicity, Álvaro penetrated the Senegalese urban reality. He seeks to understand the mystery of the woman he met, the mystery that hovers around the desired mask, and through them seeks to understand who he is.
His quest will lead him to discover the essential role that African art has played for European artistic avant-gardes: cubists, dadaists, surrealists, Pablo Picasso, Tristan Tzara, André Breton. The role played by the first great black intellectuals who lived in Paris, the Senegalese Léopold Sédar Senghor, the Martinican Aimé Césaire and also Jean Paul Sartre in the process of decolonisation of the French-speaking African continent.

Original Title
Tal vez Dakar

Rights sold
French (L’harmattan)

“The construction of identity is a central theme of the novel Maybe Dakar. Possibly the most important, and it is outlined in the plot in such a way that it invites us to project that question into larger spheres. Today, identity has also become a crucial issue in Spain, in Europe, and logically in Africa.” Johari Gautier Carmona, El Paí

French sample available

press review

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Black Secret Society


RBA, LA MAGRANA, 2013,  304 p. BLACK NOVEL, catalan, spanish

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

V Crims de Tinta Award in 2012

“Soong, Dona, Home i Nen, Señora, Caballero y Niño, Lady, Gentleman and Child Fashions, Wholesale Only”. This is how it appears on the business poster of some Chinese businessmen that camouflages the secret bank that is robbed before the macabre discovery. After the discovery of the head in a street in Barcelona, the rest of the body, which was hidden, was dragged by a car when the driver started it up. Later on we learn of other brutal murders committed that same day and they are all related. From the beginning all the rumours that are circulating point to the Chinese. As soon as he hears them, Chief Inspector Diego Cañas of the National Police Force knows that it is true. The Mossos d’Esquadra believe that it is a Latin gang.
Chinese Mafias, Triads, Hei She Hui, Black Society. Latin bands, the maras, the Salvatrucha. These are the axes of the novel, about which the author has developed an extensive documentation task that makes it, in some moments, remind us of a journalistic chronicle.
Andreu Martín masterfully combines violence, corruption, sex, crime, politics… ingredients that make him a sure bet for lovers of good crime novels.

Original Title
Societat Negra

Book rights sold
French (Asphalte)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Fair Violence


RBA, LA MAGRANA, 2016,  448 p. BLACK NOVEL, catalan, spanish

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

The murder of two partners in a financial consulting firm triggers a major police operation involving Germán Rojo, a powerful man who believes he is untouchable and far above the other mortals, those annoying cockroaches he can crush whenever he wants. However, it has a weakness. Melba, a young woman, who will show her how cockroaches struggle to death to survive, and can take revenge. Corruption, scandals, money laundering, espionage, violence, sex… are the ingredients of this noir novel in which Andreu Martín paints a particularly critical portrait of the times we live in, as Andrea Camilleri in Italy and Petros Markaris in Greece doe

La violència justa

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The cockroach sputum does not reach the seventh basement of the pedestal from which my statue rises


BROMERA, 2014, 336 p. BLACK NOVEL, catalan
CIENTO CUARENTA EDITORIAL, 2014, 384 p., spanish

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

The murder of two partners in a financial consulting firm triggers a major police operation involving Germán Rojo, a powerful man who believes he is untouchable and far above the other mortals, those annoying cockroaches he can crush whenever he wants. However, it has a weakness. Melba, a young woman, who will show her how cockroaches struggle to death to survive, and can take revenge. Corruption, scandals, money laundering, espionage, violence, sex… are the ingredients of this noir novel in which Andreu Martín paints a particularly critical portrait of the times we live in, as Andrea Camilleri in Italy and Petros Markaris in Greece doe

Original Title
Les escopinades dels escarabats no arriben al seté soterrani del pedestal on s’aixeca la meva estàtua

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Everyone Will RememberYou


ALREVÉS editorial,  2019, 290 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, spanish

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

Vila-Real town Novel Award 2018

A few months after the Jihadist attack on Barcelona’s Ramblas, and with days to go before controversial regional elections, the lifeless body of National Police inspector Santiago Ortuño appears in the port, between concrete blocks and a raging dark sea. Weeks earlier, Ortuño, an inspector who had been less relegated to the Foreign Brigade, had been visited at the police station by the fascinating vocalist Leire Alfaro – also called Dorothy Gale – with the aim of applying for a residence permit for Abduh Fayad, a Moroccan electrician who works in the suspicious business of the Shaddad brothers and with whom she has a relationship. Instantly, Ortuño will fall under Leire’s spell and, in his eagerness to conquer her, will meddle in a crucial anti-terrorist investigation carried out by the Mossos d’Esquadra in the Raval district, with a focus on the Shaddad shop.

Original Title
Tothom et recordarà

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Tibidabo’s Harem


ALREVÉS editorial,  2018, 355 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, spanish

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

Up there, on Tibidabo Avenue, where the old Blue Tramway runs, among the modernist and imposing villas is “El harem”, an exclusive brothel, which was already very popular during the Franco era. The most luxurious in the city: golden doors, coloured stained glass windows, curtains and tapestries, it multiplies hidden refuges, elegant clandestine rooms and secret passages. As secret as the mysteries surrounding the colourful characters of the place. Mili Santamarta, histrion and sole heir to family secrets, manager of the club her missing mother owned, receives the news that her body was found with two bullets in her neck. Assisted by his adoptive mother and right hand of the brothel, Sancha (whose son had been murdered years earlier), he undertook to shed light on the facts that led to his mother’s disappearance and to try to mourn by knowing the truth. His path will be punctuated by surprises, disappearances, traffickers of women, satanic sects and voodoo rituals, sadomasochist clubs, which also constitute the flesh of Barcelona.

Original Title
L’Harem del Tibidabo

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Harem’s favorite


ALREVÉS editorial,  2020, 256 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, spanish

The art of intrigue, of shaping spectacular characters, the truculent language in the dialogues, all the qualities found in Andreu Martín’s novels, are particularly remarkable in this novel.

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

The Tibidabo Harem is back, the most luxurious Modernist brothel in Barcelona, with its oak doors, heraldic stained glass windows and castle gargoyles. It’s like something out of a fairy tale if it weren’t for the brothel’s regent, the histrionic Emili Santamarta, who will be immersed in a plot where he will have to defend innocents in a fight between corrupt cops and, above all, between two clans that want to take over the monopoly of the city’s arms and drug trafficking: the De Santiago, dangerous yet sophisticated, and the Klein, led by two ruthless, extremely cruel, five-foot-tall dwarves who are only seeking revenge for the death of their beloved son, Delfín. Once again, the writer immerses us in a violent, dark and sordid Barcelona with a gallery full of extravagant characters and, of course, all spiced up with the acidic and corrosive humour of his main character, the exaggerated and theatrical Mili. After The Harem at Tibidabo, Andreu Martín returns with the second installment of his Harem, where once again the action and violence runs at the speed of a shot.

Original Title
La favorita de l’harem

Territory of representation
World Wide

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And The Sky Was a Beast

Robert Juan-Cantavella

ANAGRAMA  2014, 375 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish

A choral novel, of love and literature, which handles the registers with mastery.
A fabulous reading pleasure.

Sigurd Mutt returns to Barcelona. Nearly thirty years have passed. Back then he was a young cryptozoologist determined, alongside his colleagues Belaire and Sjögren to unravel the mysteries of Hidden Naturalism and trace, against the dictates of official science, the track os dangerous animals and animals that no longer exist. ‘Official Science’, that’s what they scornfully call it, as their teacher before them did. But now, at the end of 2007, beaten and tired, Sigurd Mutt heads for Vor, a village in the Pyrenees where he intends to spend a short while in an old aristocratic spa: the Vulturó spa. He takes with him the last wishes of his colleague Belaire, which were sent to him in Hamburg together with what seems to be a fragment of an unusual text entitled Tras Columbkill. If he wants to discover its impact and meaning, he will have to complete it.

Original Title

Y el cielo era una bestia

New spanish books forms in german (, japanese ( ), french (

Interview.Blisstopic, S. García-Tirado,

“Una fantasía traspasada de suspense, humor e irracionalidad, en el enrarecido ambiente de ese estrambótico sanatorio, metáfora crítica y distanciada de nuestro enloquecido mundo actual”. Jesús Ferrer, La Razón.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Robert Juan-Cantavella


A magnificent novel about subversion, the subversive, the use of the enemy’s language to turn it against itself. The enemy is the European Union, the institutions of this Union, which the European people, like myriads of worms, nibble on with humour and rebellion.
A grammar of revolt, which the novel masterfully adopts.

Qwerty, a Brussels official, thinks he is being sued and does not know why. He suspects a woman who calls herself Nadia Europa, although he knows very little about her. He then hires Ariel Kempes (a detective without a map, a shadow agent) to find out more about her. Two assistants accompanied him: Circa Bonnekill and Juan Doshermanas. They then set off in pursuit of him, constantly frustrated, since not only did Europa always escape them but she also used the three accomplices on her own account. The story is told by Doshermanas, and the reader follows the three characters throughout the novel. The reader will experience the same sensations as the poor detectives, feeling lost, manipulated, deceived.
Europa is part of a worldwide underground network of activists from Fluxus and post-situationism. A group of small isolated groups that use the enemy’s language to fight him, with irony as their main weapon, and organize actions to ridicule their opponents by hiding behind collective names such as Luther Blisset or Karen Eliot. Europa, and with her the reader (and again behind the three characters Kempes, Bonnekill and Doshermanas, always lagging behind, the poor) follows many of these small groups around the world (collectives that exist in reality, such as the Provo, the Hippies, los neos, Ariadna Pi, Class War, La Oficina de Medidas Insólitas, La Fiambrera Obrera, The Yes Men, Le Comité Invisible, etc. that Europa calls its “cousins”. Like Forrest Gump, Europa participates in many actions organised by these small groups (actions that have actually taken place).
Kempes, Bonnekill and Doshermanas will eventually discover what Europa was looking for: to study the street actions of the “cousins” in order to carry out its own great action, which effectively has Qwerty and the European Union as its victim.
Not only will the three accomplices fail to stop Europa, but they will also serve as an audience for its action, and ultimately join its fight.

Sample in english available, by Isabel Adey.

Interview in the diary Levante (Óscar Gual)
Interview in the magazine Otra Parte (José Ignacio González)
Interview in Radio-3, program: Efecto Doppler (Laura Barrachina)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Rafael Guerrero

CÍRCULO ROJO, 2015, 238 p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish

“Rafael Guerrero” serie, #3

Prefaced by Juan Madrid

Sicily, Madrid and Syria at war are the places where Rafael Guerrero’s new investigations are taking place in 2014. Places that will lead the author and character to an ultimatum. Prostitutes, mobsters, spies and private detectives form the crowd of characters involved in the same story. A story that is rooted in the reality of a detective for real, both lived and written, reinvented in writing. Rafael Guerrero catches you in his ironic, sarcastic and not always glamorous canvas to show you the most sordid and tragic facets of our world.

Original Title

Rights sold :
audiobook (Storytel)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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I, Detective

Rafael Guerrero

Republished by EOLAS, 2020, 260p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish

“Rafael Guerrero” serie, #4

A woman threatened with death by her ex-husband is forced to flee without a trace by adopting a new identity. She loses everything to try to save herself.
A young man in love travels to India to meet his future in-law family and ends up disappearing, kidnapped, perhaps dead, perhaps reincarnated.
Detective Guerrero will try to keep the first one hidden and far away while he searches for the second one to the bottom of his ashes. Those who leave cross paths with those who don’t come because no one is where they should be or would like to be.

Original Title
Yo Detective

Sample in italian available

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Last Days of Roger Lobus

Óscar GUAL


Quadrilogy “Sierpe” #3

Short listed for the 2014 Herralde Prize

“Gual has assumed the conventions of the novelistic format in order to subject them to a systematic reprogramming in the service of a new realism: an unusual look at a reality in expansive mutation” Juan Francisco Ferré
“There was a time when Spanish literature admitted in its pavilions brutality, irony, buffoonery, insolence and fun under the auspices of a militant humanity. Well, to restore that state, Oscar Gual has come.” Santiago Garcia Tirado

Junior, the poly-addicted son of the former mayor Roger Lobus, decides to return to the city of Sierpe where, after suffering an overdose that is on the point of killing him, he finds out that his father has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. This coincidence, along with Junior’s old obsession with death, will drive to him to rebuild his damaged relationship. The novel describes the final days that the two men will spend together in the hospital room, where they come across a parade of characters including a psychopath with a fondness for martial arts who blames all his problems on Kurt Cobain and the deformed gangster owner of a brand of perfumes. This third novel expands the boundaries of the universe of Sierpe, the imaginary city where the author recreates his previous works, and approaches the subject of the death of the father from a sharp and uncomfortably funny perspective.

Original Title
Los últimos días de Roger Lobus

“Siguiendo con su apuesta estética, en donde la literatura se entremezcla con pensamiento, tecnociencia, ciencia ficción, deporte, videojuegos, lumpen, drogas y rock & roll, Gual encara los grandes temas y los trufa de crítica literaria y cultural sin que el lector deje de reírse o de reflexionar, según el caso, gracias al uso de personajes rotundos, como Carlos Manrique de la Santa Delgado. En este sentido, tras una capa de supuesta vulgaridad, se esconde un autor con un saber enciclopédico”.

New spanish books forms in german (, portuguese (

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Man with the Look of Stone

Óscar GUAL


Quadrilogy “Sierpe” #4

A journalist and writer whose name is unknown, follows in the footsteps of a certain Drákos Vasiliás who, according to rumours, is able to “see” the global flow of speculative investments, give it meaning and predict its behaviour. A strange being with Savant syndrome who nevertheless paid a high price for turning into this kind of human super computer and who now lives prostrate in one of the highest skyscrapers in the City of London. Is it possible to predict the future in this way? Who exactly is behind Drákos Vasiliás? Our hero will try to answer these questions by reconstructing the different lives of the enigmatic Drákos who, before turning into an oracle, tried to develop a curious program to communicate with Mother Nature, and before that triumphed in the industry of self-confidence and motivation under the name of Milhomes, and above all was a poor devil named Chema who transformed the boring market of office equipment into a bloody battlefield.
His investigation becomes even more complicated with the appearance of other characters, such as Tony Drákos’ assistants invaded by his own demons, Tella y Yazir two tramps living in the Millionaire’s villa away from the world, “the Hobbits” a gang of hackers and activists who appear and disappear from history in silence.
A novel that moves between unauthorized biography, plot novel and failed investigation. Or, as Vladimiro Rascón says in the voice giving the orders by telephone, an epistemological thriller. A novel in which macroeconomics, personal development, positive psychology, naturism and investigative journalism all turn out to be powerful belief systems, endowed with the narcotic talent to calm the human being.
“It seems that with God’s corpse still warm, the man began to wander around looking for another dealer who could offer him the same thing. But he no longer found good products, only substitutes of dubious quality that certainly fulfilled the same functions: to calm down, not to ask questions. But the effects disappear more quickly.”

Original Title
El hombre de la mirada de piedra

“Destaca la facilidad del autor para esbozar imágenes fulgurantes con los materiales de la ciencia (la biología pero también la alquímia, la economía pero también la religión) y mezclarlas en un ritmo sincopado que va de la serena meseta reflexiva a la ajetreada cumbre de la acción y la intriga” | Robert Juan-Cantavella, Quimera

“El tema central de la novela es la adicción del cerebro humano al orden. Es por ello que necesitamos creer que todo ocurre por una causa, que hay un sentido oculto detrás de todo lo que ocurre. Pero a veces o no lo hay o simplemente no somos capaces de asimilarlo. Y si esas respuestas ya no nos las proporciona Dios, pues nos inventamos nuevas religiones que nos tranquilicen, ya sea la economía financiera, la superación personal o el naturismo. Cualquier cosa antes que rendirnos al caos, que nos aterra”. Por Juanma Velasco, LEVANTE

“Aunque desde un principio es evidente que el libro de Gual se mueve cómodo en un registro que tiende a lo cómico, también es cierto que regala pasajes memorables en el que el humor da un paso a un lado y deja que sople una corriente de pensamiento que trae preguntas también difíciles de responder como por ejemplo, ¿fue la irrupción de la conciencia un accidente de la evolución? O: ¿quién nos gobierna? ¿Personas, números o genes? ¿Qué hay detrás del velo de la realidad que ni siquiera intuimos que permite que funcionen los procedimientos ultrahumanos de personas como Daniel Tammet o Drákos Vasiliás?”. POR EDUARDO ALMIÑANA, CULTUR PLAZA

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Gildas Girodeau

Au-delà du raisonnable, 2015, 250 p.
To be republished, FICTION, Black Novel, french

A brave woman like the Captain, like the Passionaria, like so many who found energy and strength to fight for ideas and for life. It makes us want to follow in her footsteps, it awakens our longing for political and ordinary heroism.
Her name was Antonia.

The press in the ’70s called it the Pistolera. Antonia, a young activist and her friends from the Brigades alert all the carabinieri in Italy. Forced to flee her country, she finds help and hope in a religious congregation that offers her a career in humanitarian action. But two policemen organize a chase that will never leave her alone. In her escape, Antonia is divided between the strength of her political commitments and her impossible love for her cousin Anselme, her healing with whom she does not share the faith, her duty of silence to stay alive, and her impulse to act in the countries she crosses or resides in. In Rwanda, he shouts to warn of the first barbarities in the 90’s, but who listens? Once upon a time, a woman wanted to sound the alarm…

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Destroy Roma

Gildas Girodeau

Rivière blanche, 2019, 220 p. FICTION, medieval fantasy, french

Saga Xavi el Valent #3

Montsegur resisted! But the fight continues. Xavi El Valent and his Katalans are leading the reconquest against the Evil Forces. In disarray, Pope Posel Virt Schneesturm and Seneschal Laguerre asked for help from the terrible Teutonic knights. As for the alien cardinals, they gather their reptilian forces in the eastern deserts. Ready for all-out war. Between betrayals, ambushes, clashes with liches and necromancers, surveillance of enemy lines by goelaks and other joys, the Xavi saga transports us into an original and suspenseful Pyrenean heroic-fantasy. The key to victory is now in Roma, the holy city. For the anti-pop supporters, we must destroy Roma

“Mood, humour and a real sense of epic…” François Rahier, Sud-ouest Dimanche

Original Title
Détruire Rome

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Gildas Girodeau

Horsain, 2020, first publication, 2018, 292 p. FICTION, Black Novel, french

On a beach near Perpignan, the body of a decapitated man is discovered. Around him, in the sand, there are signs calling out to a young PJ investigator recently posted in the South, a woman called Laurence Guéguen.
“Miguel Cesplugas stopped chewing his meat and stared at it with astonishment. When he saw that she was not joking, the colossus burst out with a thunderous laugh. – It’s my turn not to understand, Miss Guéguen. No one has ever told you about the role of the French in Argentina from the 1950s until the end of the military dictatorships?”.

“After Antonia, Gildas Girodeau once again offers us a superb portrait of a woman… This novel is simply brilliant…”, Pierre faverolle, Blacknovel
“Xangô”: behind this enigmatic title, hides a feverish and ample thriller that takes its roots in the rites of South America and takes us from France to Argentina!” The Passerelles bookshop.

Sample in french

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Afrikaner


GUERNICA Editions, 2019, 240 p. CANADA, english.

A woman’s adventure story set between South Africa and Namibia, The Afrikaner covers the terrains of race, love, historical guilt, scientific obsession and the tensions of a society “lost in transition.”
The book is inspired by the five years the author spent in South Africa working as an international reporter for the Italian press and is currently being adapted to film by the author in collaboration with Dr. Ernest Mathijs, Head of the Centre for Cinema and Film Studies at the University of British Columbia.

Zoe du Plessis (33), a paleontologist of Afrikaner descent in newly post-apartheid South Africa (1996), is a conflicted woman struggling with white group guilt and a dark family secret seemingly wrapped in an ancient curse. After losing her lover and colleague to a foretold accident, Zoe embarks on a field expedition into the hot plains of the Kalahari Desert, Namibia in search of early human fossils. Her scientific quest will gradually morph into a journey of atonement and self-discovery. She will find resolution in an old bushman’s wisdom, a black entrepreneur’s warm-heartedness, and a troubled writer’s love.

Original Title
The Afrikaner

Links to the reviews/ ITWs

Chapter 1 in audio read by South African author Dennis Kleinman

Territory of representation
Europe, except Germany and Italia

GERMANY (PalmArtPress, 2020), ITALIA ( Ensemble Edizioni, 2021), Afrikaans (2021), EGYPT ( National Centre for Translation and Publishing )

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In Chopin’s heart

Mònica BATET

  Editorial Empúries, 2020, 141 p., FICTION, Short stories, catalan

Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona.

In Chopin’s heart is fruit of the fascination that exerts Poland on the writer Mònica Batet. Since the 2007, the notebooks of the writer collect histories of every type related with this country of cosy persons, sentimental and wound for the History. The reader will find the tale of the Catalan writer that does not achieve to talk for telephone with his father, the of the boys that view like a night of December some tanks cross Warsaw, the tale of the dish of more that there has to be at each table for Christmas, the of the Japanese that gross every year the contest of piano Frederic Chopin… The author has endinsat at the heart of Poland and offers at the readers this book that makes to smile and makes to mourn.

Original title
Dins del cor de Chopin

Territory of representation
World Wide

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What’s a border today?

Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary

PUF,   2015, 142 p. NON-FICTION, french

It is a book about borders written in the foreboding of what is now commonly known as the “migrant crisis”. Based on a longstanding partnership with scientific writings on the border issue (multidisciplinary texts written in different languages), it escapes the constraints of academia to propose a writing open to all. What is a frontier today? poses a thesis, that contemporary international boundaries are not simply lines cutting the world into states placed side by side on the planets: as filters of globalization they have become constituent elements of the lives of individuals and institutions alike, and it is becoming urgent for everyone to become aware of their growing weight in our political future.

Today, the importance of borders in people’s lives is more than theoretical. Borders unite and divide; they have become mobile and individualized, letting some move around freely and restricting access to others. Hence, whether they are opening or closing, borders have become an object of public policy as well as an essential resource for private interests; they are both a governing tool and an advantageous one for the market economy. They represent a point of political, social, economic exacerbation, a laboratory of our times. For the moment, international borders remain the basis of citizenship, on which democracy is built… But the manner in which they oscillate reveals the uncertain future of our political systems. To understand what a border constitutes today means raising fundamental questions in order to visualize our future societies, as well as redefining our relation to the world.

Original Title
Qu’est-ce qu’une frontière aujourd’hui?

PRESS, Interviews
France Culture- Planète terre / Sylvain Kahn 08.04.2015

English sample with Introduction and extract of the third part
Full English translation available, by Niall Bond

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Constantine’s Goya


DE BOREE,  2018, 240 p. FICTION, polar adventure novel, french

Serie of adventure polar books Constantine the Greek, 22 volumes already published
Last published, Constantin n°22
Takes place in Marsella and Hamburgo
Each one is a part of Marsella’s chronicle, from the 90’s, and often an adventure in another place in the world. The Marseille’s Bob Morane.

Two new Manuscripts, rights available in french and in foreign languages

The Seven Constantin’s Lives (takes place in Marsella), The Mummy in Palermo (takes place in Marsella and Palermo).

The next one will take in Place in french Polinesia.

Late 1980s. Constantin, with the complicity of the museum curator, steals a painting by Goya exhibited in Marseille. In Hamburg to sell the painting, he is pursued by thugs who have murdered the curator. With the help of Bella, the German police commissioner, he tries everything to conclude the sale and help the curator’s daughter, an orphan and ill.

Original Title
Le Goya de Constantin

“Constantine’s Goya” is a refreshing polar novel who messes up your hair! A hectic adventure in the field of Art that will take you from Marseille to Hamburg. An explosive cocktail alternating funny situations with a dark and squeaky humour. I really liked the author’s panoply of stories. All the ingredients for a good policeman without any headache are gathered together, Livres addicts.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Last Tackle

Gilles DEL PAPPAS et Emmanuel PETIT

SEUIL, 2019, 256 p. POLAR FICTION, french

First opus of the Trilogy of football polars

Immersed in FIFA’s hot topic, Clémentine Paccini, a young commissioner at 36 quai des Orfèvres, with a strong head and a passion for gastronomy, was sent to Marseille as a matter of urgency. Astonishment throughout France: the charismatic OM coach was found murdered. Alongside the director of the investigation, Romain Dugrand, Clémentine will have to manœuvre for advantage in an almost exclusively male environment and is reluctant, to say the least, to see a woman get involved in the ultimate national sport. However, nothing can stop the young woman whose flair is as sharp as the palate. When other murders follow one another at the Commanderie, the Marseille training centre, Clémentine will awaken painful secrets…

Original Title
Dernier tacle


Turquia, Points Seuil (poche)

Territory of representation
World Wide with Seuil

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Knowing Iran


FÓRCOLA EDICIONES, 2018, 144 p. Non-Fiction, spanish.
Second edition.

New edition of the book Escuchar Irán (Newcastle, 2016) enhanced with articles and photographs.

“Desde mi primer viaje, he vuelto en varias ocasiones y he residido en Shiraz. En cada visita, los iraníes me han mostrado un país diferente. El cambio entre 2005 y 2017 es enorme, al igual que ha sucedido en tantos lugares. Irán es una de las grandes potencias mundiales y, sin embargo, apenas se sabe de ella. Oriente no interesa; Irán, tampoco”. Patricia Almarcegui.

Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

Conocer Irán is the story of a trip that Patricia Almarcegui took alone for seven weeks in 2005, but also the compilation of articles written since then, from her repeated travels to the present day. On each trip the Iranians revealed a different country to her. In this book she expresses the impressions she had noted in two notebooks that she informed every day. Transcribing them allowed her to rediscover this past and to witness his own experience as a character. Writing the journey is an intimate act: his way of seeing the places visited, of reflecting on the world is through writing a way of knowing herself as much as of meeting the other, of listening to them.

Original Title
Conocer Irán

Territory of representation

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The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture


FÓRCOLA EDICIONES, 2019, 312  p. Non-fiction, essay, spanish

An essay, in short, erudite and entertaining, which reformulates the traveller’s imagination from the perspective of the genre.

Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

Since Antiquity, travel has been one of the preferred ways of representing human beings. Getting to know new places and new people is a form of culture and describes the society and mentality of men and women. It is impossible to think of a culture without the encounter with otherness, and the travel story becomes the aesthetic, documentary and testimonial proof of that encounter. Patricia Almarcegui, a renowned chronicler and essayist who has travelled to Egypt, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, India and Iran, aims in this volume – which brings together an anthology of her best writings on the subject over the last decade and several unpublished ones – to advance the study of travel aesthetics and culture, in an attempt to identify the elements that organise it and the literature it generates. Almarcegui unravels the myth of travel from the adventures of Marco Polo and Ruy González de Clavijo; from the journeys to the East of Lady Montagu, Alí Bey and Carsten Niebuhr; and from the literature of Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Ryszard Kapuściński.

Original Title
Los mitos del viaje. Estética y cultura viajeras

Territory of representation

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An Ending for Benjamin Walter


CANDAYA, 2017, 256 p. ESSAY/FICTION, spanish.

The last hours of Walter Benjamin’s life in Portbou
The end of an european cross-border village

Recommended by Enrique Vila-Matas (blog, enero 2018)

In September 1940, a group of refugees left France through a clandestine passage in the Pyrenees. They hoped to cross Spain and follow their route to America, fleeing the barbarism that had taken over Europe. Their first stop is a small border town, Portbou, a bay lost between hills and paths, and a key place in the long march of exile. However, not everyone manages to continue on their way. One of them, a stateless man without nationality who the Spanish authorities renamed Benjamin Walter, was found dead a few hours later.

Seventy-four years later, the narrator of this story decides to travel to Portbou in order to find out what happened during Walter Benjamin’s last hours. Nevertheless, his initial investigation is branching out and giving way to new questions that affect this self-absorbed border town and the events that have occurred there from the end of the 19th century to the present day.

Halfway between the essay, the novel, the diary or the travel chronicle, An Ending for Benjamin Walter proposes a two-way reading from Portbou to Walter Benjamin and vice versa, as well as a melancholy reflection on the past that questions the present and on the difficult art of surviving.

Original Title
Un final para Benjamin Walter

Press and blurbs :
“Está escrito con pulso de poeta y con ambición de filósofo. Es una sabia novela.”, Jorge Carrión, recomendación en Librería Berlín

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Split Bodies


CANDAYA, 2019, 256 p. NARRATIVE NON-FICTION, spanish

Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30” project, 2020.
A sharp reflection on language, memory and emigration

During the 1960s, many Spanish workers left their place of origin and sought employment in Europe. Some time later, with the oil crisis and the rise of xenophobic movements, some took the road back. However, not everyone returned to their hometown, but to an intermediate area that had already served as a welcoming city years before: Barcelona. This novel relates one of those journeys, the one undertaken by Manuel Chico Palma from a village in Granada to a small town on the Franco-Belgian border. The narration branches out and becomes a choral story in which the conflicts posed by any process of displacement and the split personality of the person who carries them out are tackled. Characters fractured between nostalgia and amnesia, the past and the present or reality and fiction and who, in their own way, fulfilled Emmanuel Carrère’s phrase: “Promises to tell the truth and lies as best as possible”.
Split bodies is also a sharp reflection on language, memory and writing as tools to reconstruct an absent being, someone we did not know and yet who is part of our lives. A hybrid narrative that moves through different genres and that converts this border literary space into a reflection of those places of blending that little by little the men and women who inhabit them are constructing.

Original Title
Los cuerpos partidos

Press and blurbs :
“This book is, above all, poetry. A precious sum of poetic prose. What gentleness in his writing, what gentleness in the way Alex Chico narrates. And moreover, with an impressive narrative maturity, as if it was written by someone who has visited several worlds and lived several lives” Rubén Darío Fernández, Excodra Magazine, December 22, 2019

Territory of representation
French language

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Chiado tobacco stores

Fernando CLEMOT


Distinguished and terrible characters, echoes of childhood, looks of yearning and of disgust at life run through ‘Estancos del Chiado’, a volume that brings together the best stories by the Barcelona author Fernando Clemot, all written before 2005. Disappointment and irony go hand in hand in all the stories here, in a less than idyllic vision of a time that, in a journey to the incorruptible memories that refuse to be sweetened or let their most traumatic recollections be erased, was aware that true greatness lies in the fall, if by this we mean a self-aware starting point from which to begin afresh. The book sheds light on every sphere of human existence, but above on memory, in a multitude of different perspectives grouped into three great thematic blocks: Mythologies, The garden of memory, and Twilights.

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Gulf of Poets

Fernando CLEMOT


The protagonist and narrator, Leo Carver, is a perceptive figure who takes a tragic approach to life through an excess of alcohol, sex, and parties, even though he knows his struggle against the void is condemned to failure. Looking for something to give meaning to his life, he sets off on a journey in search of lost memories: the clues he needs to clear up the death of a young woman poet with whom he was in love thirty years ago. Unable to retain his recent memories, he forces himself to write down everything in a journal to try to reconstruct key moments in his life by means of contact with places and people from the past. But his deformed vision of reality forever imposing itself, giving rise to a different story and a subjective reality that takes over what he is trying to do, and creating a parallel scenario that is more real if it fits in Leo’s tortured mind.

Original Title
El golfo de los poetas

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The language of the Drowned

Fernando CLEMOT


The most ambitious and rounded book of stories by Fernando Clemot, one of the best authors of the current Hispanic short story.

Tragic memories, visceral reactions, equivocal geographies, absurd situations, lost battles and meager revenges, spectral visions, infidelities and blackmail, indiscreet rooms … In the sixteen stories that make up The Language of the Drowned the reader will find a brief compendium of human nature, a universe of diverse and intense emotions expressed with a firm and tense narrative rhythm and with a structure that combines ellipsis, ambiguity and irony. The consummate master of the short story, Fernando Clemot, unfolds himself in different narrators and memorable characters who probe the folds of his memory in search of a reason that gives meaning to his present, a detail that supports his existence. All this with an original and unmistakable, elegant and precise style, which is the mark of Clemot and that flees from the everyday of the word towards a lyrical, personal language, with multiple connotations, to unveil what is hidden behind the reality. An ambitious, deep book that does not end with a first reading.

Original Title
La lengua de los ahogados

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Fernando CLEMOT


“It succeeds, indeed, in transferring to the reader the oppressive atmosphere of the ship and subjecting us to a reading navigation that fills us with anxiety”. S. Birado, Librújula
“In Clemot’s own words “no storyteller is reliable”, but ‘Polaris’ will take us to the height of insecurity”. M. Suero, La cueva del erizo

The Arctic Ocean, 1960. Everything has changed on board the Eridanus, an old prospecting ship anchored off the island of Jan Mayen. In just a few days the crew’s cabins have become prison cells and the pantry has been transformed into an interrogation room where Vatne and the mysterious Mr Dodt viciously carry out their work. Now comes their turn to question Dr Christian, the ship’s sick and tormented doctor, who suffers from gaps in his memory but also sudden flashes of lucidity that illuminate the dark passages of his story. During this unrelenting interrogation the strange relationship between the doctor and Mutter, his assistant, as well as other members of the crew, begins to surface. Amongst it all hovers the traumatic memory of the war, of other voyages and of the never-failing presence of the Central, the shipping company for which they all work and which exercises a strict control over the ship.

New Spanish books forms in german (, japanese (panel choice 2017, portuguese (

France (Actes sud, 2017)

Territory of representation

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Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Mònica BATET

METEORA, 2015, 184 p. LITERARY FICTION, catalan

Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona.

A 10-year-old girl is left at home with her paternal grandfather when her parents have to flee, for political reasons, from an Arctic country that is currently experiencing a climatic phenomenon called the Great Snowfall. Paris is the destination of fugitives. Time passes and the little girl and then the young girl will gradually understand this hasty escape and learn about her father’s link with a political and literary movement, ” We Don’t Think Like You “, a movement that fuels resistance to the dictatorial regime and provides a framework for reflection for new generations.
The child, driven by the desire to go to Paris to join her parents, will discover the atrocities that are taking place in her country and will be comforted only by the memorable gesture of explorers Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott in their quest to discover Antarctica. These braver men than the others will be his imaginary supporters and his refuge during the Great Snowfall and Oppression.

Original Title
Neu, òssos blancs i alguns homes més valents que els altres

Territory of representation
World Wide

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Nine Islands in the North

Mònica BATET

  BROMERA, 2019, 224 p., FICTION, catalan

Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona.

Can I tell a story that doesn’t belong to me? What can I talk about and what can I keep quiet about? These are some of the questions raised by the six narrators of this story, which tells the story of a past that may also be the present. In any case, we are talking about certain islands that seem to come from a very distant world, where exotic trees grow that bloom during the sleepless nights in a village on the island of Skogar, a ferry that the inhabitants take on summer Sundays to spend the day on the mainland, a school teacher who does not want to get married, a young boy who only dreams of travelling when his mother abandoned by her husband refuses the idea that he is leaving her a light that belongs only to the northern landscape. About world maps that make you dream, make you travel. Finally, everything is a journey in this history, a journey to discover the world and language.

Original title
Nou illes al Nord

Territory of representation
World Wide

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A Traveller Woman in Central Asia. What’s left of the world


Universitat de Barcelona, 2016, 172 p. NON-FICTION, spanish.

Very little is still known about Central Asia in the West; travel books written by a woman about these regions are rare. In 2007, Patricia Almarcegui travelled alone through Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan for two months. Tashkent, Samarkand, Bujara, Jiva, Fergana, Osh, Biskek, Karakol…, magical names that invite you to dream and fantasize. This trip was seen as the continuation of a journey that had begun in Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen and Iran. It draws an imaginary line linking countries with a Muslim majority in order to understand the stereotypes forged by the West on this East and to confront them with reality, her reality. In her travel experiences, she has thus built her own East, a living and dynamic East, an East that is nevertheless always imagined.

Original Title
Una viajera por Asia central. Lo que queda del mundo

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman


Ediciones B, 2011, 208 p. FICTION, spanish.

Historical novel. A fiction that is both entertaining and theoretical. Both the aesthetic debates and the beautiful friendship imagined between Ingres and Lady Montagu in Paris delight the reader.

In The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman, Ingres, tormented and lacking inspiration, fled Paris and isolated himself in the countryside. He regained his confidence and the desire to create thanks to Lady Montagu’s company, an independent and liberated traveller, famous throughout Europe for her oriental notebooks. Although these two characters lived a century apart, Patricia Almarcegui brings them together in this delicious novel, whose reading takes us through the Louvre’s rooms and into the passionate debates that Ingres, Delacroix, Baudelaire and Nerval have been having together, but also on the path of passion between two great visionaries. A brilliant and tasty uchronia on the representation of women in art and on the place of art in society.

Original Title
El pintor y la viajera

FRANCE (Intervalles, 2016), IRAN (Gabeh publications, 2021)

Territory of representation
World Wide

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The Body’s Memory



A feminine novel, very personal, yet universal.

The origin of this novel is a question by Patricia Almarcegui: what would have happened if, instead of continuing her studies in Zaragoza, she had gone to Russia and become the first Spanish dancer to enter the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, the most important ballet in the world? This experience, she realizes it in this false autobiography, she becomes the first dancer of the famous theatre.

Bool eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

From her retreat in St. Petersburg, in her fiftieth year, the dancer and protagonist of the Memoria del cuerpo, remembers her life through her loves, her body, and especially music and dance, to which these pages pay particular tribute. In these dummy memories, the reader is a witness to what a life entirely dedicated to an art can be like. She brings us her most intimate, most painful (like the exile of a teenager far from her family), most fabulous experiences. Against the backdrop of the city of La Neva, its palaces, theatres and grand avenues, she shares with us her thoughts on ambition and competition, fame, sacrifice, personal relationships biased by an invasive profession, pleasure and desire, but also the melancholy that gradually intrudes into the heart of the woman who is witnessing her own decadence, the wear and tear of her body, and who has no other remedy than to be reborn anew.

Territory of representation
World wide

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CANDAYA editorial,  spanish

Famous for publishing contemporary Latin American Literature.
But as well fond of Peninsular Literature…

Catalogue CANDAYA 2023


Catalogue CANDAYA 2023

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A Simple Fable

A Simple Fable

Manuscrit : Marseille

Manuscrit : Marseille

Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama

Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama

Welcome to Syntropy!

Welcome to Syntropy!

This is not a Western

This is not a Western

Theory of Touch

Theory of Touch

Massilia Dreams

Massilia Dreams

Santa María del Circo

Santa María del Circo

What only happens to others

What only happens to others

Women without Name

Women without Name

Les condamnés de l’air

Les condamnés de l’air



Vienna, 1912

Vienna, 1912

Angels of Death

Angels of Death

Suburbs of Paradise

Suburbs of Paradise

Quasi-poetic justice

Quasi-poetic justice

Turned into soup

Turned into soup

The Lives I Did Not Live

The Lives I Did Not Live

The Parking Lot

The Parking Lot

Carnets de l’opium

Carnets de l’opium

The Weight of Living on Earth

The Weight of Living on Earth

The Fourth Girl On The Left

The Fourth Girl On The Left

Those who listen

Those who listen

A Lighthouse at the End of the World

A Lighthouse at the End of the World

L’île cachée. Chroniques de Cuba.

L’île cachée. Chroniques de Cuba.

Morts non accidentelles

Morts non accidentelles

Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Suicides Company

Suicides Company

Women who Fuck

Women who Fuck

The City that the Devil took with him

The City that the Devil took with him

The Art of Writing Standing up

The Art of Writing Standing up

Dans les yeux noirs de Lucile

Dans les yeux noirs de Lucile

Don’t be so sure

Don’t be so sure

Stein (Pierre)

Stein (Pierre)

Nobody House

Nobody House





The Natural State of Things

The Natural State of Things

Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me

Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me

The List of Impossible Things

The List of Impossible Things

The Book Of Our Absences

The Book Of Our Absences

Air Hospital

Air Hospital

The Heartbeat Of The Maghreb

The Heartbeat Of The Maghreb

Death of the Forests

Death of the Forests

Berlin Meeting, Ukranian Death

Berlin Meeting, Ukranian Death

And They Were a Single Shadow

And They Were a Single Shadow



What The Future Was

What The Future Was

The Shadow

The Shadow

The Distracted Condition

The Distracted Condition

The World Begins

The World Begins

As Long As We Could

As Long As We Could



The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams

The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams

The Order of the Aleph

The Order of the Aleph

The Correspondent. A novel inspired by real events

The Correspondent. A novel inspired by real events

The Odd Names

The Odd Names

I die and I come back

I die and I come back

Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Truth Does Not Make Friends

Truth Does Not Make Friends

Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

The Cemetery

The Cemetery

My Season at the Hell

My Season at the Hell

Dribble assassin

Dribble assassin

How many things have we seen disappear

How many things have we seen disappear

The Anthropoid

The Anthropoid

Lost Notebooks of Japan

Lost Notebooks of Japan

El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito



The Weight of Stars

The Weight of Stars

Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century

Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century

Building the World

Building the World

You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Lady Tyger

Lady Tyger

The Analyst. An accidental spy in the Assange and Snowden cases

The Analyst. An accidental spy in the Assange and Snowden cases

The Happiest Place in the World

The Happiest Place in the World

Children Of The Monsoon

Children Of The Monsoon

Factbook. The Book of Facts

Factbook. The Book of Facts

Wild Bolaño

Wild Bolaño



The Machine of The Future

The Machine of The Future

The Other Part of The World

The Other Part of The World

The End of the Cold War

The End of the Cold War

The Last Time it was Yesterday

The Last Time it was Yesterday

Living Below

Living Below





Siberia, One Year Later

Siberia, One Year Later

The Sound Wall

The Sound Wall

You are Cobalt Blue

You are Cobalt Blue

Maybe Dakar

Maybe Dakar

Black Secret Society

Black Secret Society

The Fair Violence

The Fair Violence

The cockroach sputum does not reach the seventh basement of the pedestal from which my statue rises

The cockroach sputum does not reach the seventh basement of the pedestal from which my statue rises

Everyone Will RememberYou

Everyone Will RememberYou

The Tibidabo’s Harem

The Tibidabo’s Harem

The Harem’s favorite

The Harem’s favorite

And The Sky Was a Beast

And The Sky Was a Beast





I, Detective

I, Detective

The Last Days of Roger Lobus

The Last Days of Roger Lobus

The Man with the Look of Stone

The Man with the Look of Stone



Destroy Roma

Destroy Roma



The Afrikaner

The Afrikaner

In Chopin’s heart

In Chopin’s heart

What’s a border today?

What’s a border today?

The Constantine’s Goya

The Constantine’s Goya

Last Tackle

Last Tackle

Knowing Iran

Knowing Iran

The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture

The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture

An Ending for Benjamin Walter

An Ending for Benjamin Walter

The Split Bodies

The Split Bodies

Chiado tobacco stores

Chiado tobacco stores

The Gulf of Poets

The Gulf of Poets

The language of the Drowned

The language of the Drowned



Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Nine Islands in the North

Nine Islands in the North

A Traveller Woman in Central Asia. What’s left of the world

A Traveller Woman in Central Asia. What’s left of the world

The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman

The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman

The Body’s Memory

The Body’s Memory

Our Successes

English Samples of series “Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap” – #3 The different parts of oneself

An illustrated discovery of Internal Family Systems (IFS)








Translation : Nonta Libbrecht

Longer sample available upon request from SoSavBooks agency.

English Samples of series “Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap” – #2 The source of our emotions: our needs

An illustrated discovery of Non Violent Communication (NVC) with the collaboration of Isabelle Padovani.








Translation : Simon Wells

Longer sample available upon request from SoSavBooks agency.

English Samples of series “Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap” – #1 Welcoming an emotion





Translation: Francesca Devalier

Longer sample available upon request from SoSavBooks agency.

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English Samples of series “Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap”

Very short sample of

#1 Welcoming an emotion





Translation: Francesca Devalier

Longer sample available upon request from SoSavBooks agency.

Very short sample of

#2 The source of our emotions: our needs








Translation : Simon Wells

Longer sample available upon request from SoSavBooks agency.

Very short sample of

#3 The different parts of oneself








Translation : Nonta Libbrecht

Longer sample available upon request from SoSavBooks agency.

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Authors writing in Spanish

Authors writing in Catalan

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“Detective Rafa Guerrero, the one in the novel, perhaps also my real friend Rafael Guerrero, turns out to be a man who no longer believes in anything and anyone. Although not enough to leave that world of adventure.” Juan Madrid 10th Wilkie Collins Award 2021 of the MAR publishing houseCrime Novel Award 2016 Editorial Circulo […]


GREAT MASTER OF BLACK NOVELAuthor supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants Pepe Carvalho Prize from the BCNegra Festival (Barcelona, 2011) Dashiell Hammett Prize of the Semana negra de Gijón (three times winner) Deutsche Krimi Prize (Germany, 1993) National Prize for Children’s Literature (1987) and about TWENTY other awards (1949, Barcelona) Andreu Martín is […]

Gildas GIRODEAU (French)

His last three black novels were published by Au-delà du raisonnable, now disapeared. Peace more than Truth (2013) Antonia (2015) are available to be republished in french. Xangô (2018) has been republished by Horsain. Delta noir Prize 2015Virtual Prize of the detective novel 2012 (Collioure, 1953). In addition to writing since his youth, he had […]

Emmanuel PETIT (French)

ex-Footballer, TV and radio Columnist, Writer World Champion, European Champion, French Champion, English Champion (1970, Dieppe) Emmanuel Petit, who was selected 63 times for the French national team, ended his football career in 2004, after having been world champion and ultimate scorer in the France-Brazil final in 1998, European champion in 2000, French champion with […]


“Proust Fiction has fun with other styles and genres, with no more respect, guided by the refreshing taste of unexpected beauty and scattered meaning”. Nils C. Ahl, Le Monde des Livres, 06/10/2011. (Almassora, Valencia, 1976. Lives in Barcelona)Considered one of the most talented writers of his generation, Robert Juan-Cantavella is also a French translator (notably […]

Óscar GUAL

˵Los novelistas de raza tienen esto : hacen, aunque no se lo propongan, metafísica profunda; esclarecen simbólicamente, partiendo incluso de los elementos más intrascendentes, los problemas clave de los hombres de su tiempo.” Vicente Luis Mora, Quimera. “Óscar Gual continues to nurture one of the most original worlds in Spanish literature today. On this occasion, his […]


(Tenerife, Canaries, 1969) Writer, economist and Director General of the Service for Relations with Africa in the Canary Islands Government since 2007. To date, he is the author of four novels, the first Tú eres azul cobalto (You are Cobalt Blue), which has been widely published in Spain and Mexico. Several of his short stories […]


Matías Néspolo is an Argentine writer and journalist who has been living in Barcelona for more than two decades. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1975 and studied Literature. He has written and published in various genres: poetry, essays, novels, short stories and children’s stories. His best-known novel, Siete maneras de matar a un […]

Gerard GUIX

49th Joaquim Ruyra Award for Youth Novel for A lighthouse at the end of the world , most important Youth’s literature prize in Catalonia (2022)Pin i Soler de Novel-la Award for Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me (2011) Fundació Romea de Textos Teatrals Award for Genesi 3.0 (2006) Gerard Guix (Vic, 1975) is […]

A few of Crims.cats authors

Clandestina, col.lecció Below is a list of authors and at the bottom of the page some books from the catalogue for which rights are available. This list is not complete, of course, as it is still being compiled. Authors supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, Translation Grants Xavier Aliaga Journalist and writer (Madrid, 1970). […]


Author eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands (Zaragoza, 1969). Lives in Menorca. Dancer in her youth, writer, lecturer and great traveller. She has lived in countries such as Yemen, Uzbekistan, Japan, India and Iran (where she made a documentary), Sri Lanka… Patricia Almarcegui was a guest researcher at EHESS and the Sorbonne in […]

Arianna DAGNINO (English Canadian)

In the last thirty years Arianna Dagnino has built a diversified cultural and professional experience across many borders and four continents. She was born in Genoa, Italy, and studied in London, Moscow and Boston before starting her career in journalism and international reporting, which led her to spend five years in South Africa. She holds a […]

Anaëlle Théry (French)

(Lives in Dordogne, South West of France) University-educated in Anthropology and History, children’s books writer, nursery gardener and field experimenter, she was trained in France in 2018 by Ernst Götsch in syntropic agroforestry after years of practice, learning and gardening. She is passionate about education, resilient adaptation to climate change and the search for a […]


MARIO VARGAS LLOSA V BIENNIAL NOVEL PRIZE, 2023 Mazatlán De Literatura Award (Mexico), 2023 Elena Poniatowska Iberoamerican Award (Mexico), 2017Xavier Villaurrutia Award (Mexico), 2017Antonin Artaud Award (France), 2009José María Arguedas Award (Casa de las Américas Novel Award), 2008 SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE “Toscana’s writing proves overall to be witty and disarming, alluding amusingly to Latin American […]


Rabia Ahmed has lived here, there and everywhere, but now lives in Lahore (Pakistan). She is writer, translator and journalist. She has worked and written for newspapers, currently working freelance, writing for various magazines and newspapers, such as Pique, Express Tribune, Friday Times, The Dawn, Pakistan Today. She is the author of several stories for […]

Anne-Laure AMILHAT SZARY (French)

(1971, Paris) Geographer whose research focuses on border dynamics, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary (PhD. and former student of The Ecole Normale Supérieure) is Professor at the University of Grenoble-Alpes and member of the renowned “Institut Universitaire de France”. She directs the PACTE social sciences research lab and is one of the co-founders of the ‘ antiAtlas of […]


(Lima, 1966) holds a PhD in Hispanic Literature from Cornell University and currently works as an associate professor at Bowdoin College, Maine, where he directs the Latin American Studies Program. He is the author of Historia Rebeldes (2006) and Contra la allegoría (2011), and the essay Bolaño salvaje (co-writen with Edmundo Paz Soldán, Candaya, 2013). […]

A few of Oh!Books agency’s authors

Agustín COMOTTO Agustín Comotto was born in Argentina but has spent half a lifetime travelling from one end of the planet to another. He writes to draw and he draws to write. Author and illustrator of numerous books, his graphic novel, Matricula 155, about the life of the anarchist Simon Radowinsky, has been published in […]


Túsquets Price 2014 for The machine of the Future (Barcelona, 1970) Juan Trejo graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona, he was a member of the editorial team of the magazine Lateral and co-director of the literary magazine Quimera from 2006 to 2009. At present he is a literary translator from English and […]

Art-mella (French)

(Lives in Pyrénées Orientales Country, France) Armella Leung is an artist, illustrator, animator, curious about life and its mysteries. Passionate about Self-Help, she shares her thoughts as and when her investigations and encounters in the form of comic strips. For many years, for this investigation in several volumes, Art- mella met with specialists in emotions, […]

Fernando CLEMOT

Fernando Clemot works on memory as the work of a lifetime. He scrutinizes all its functions in order to give meaning. His narration is as personal and chiselled in his novels as it is in his short stories. Setenil Prize for the best book of short stories 2009 (1970, Barcelona) Fernando Clemot has published the […]

Gilles DEL PAPPAS (French)

Great Price of Literature of Provence for his work as a whole (1949, Marseille), writer Born in the popular district of Racatti in Marseille and of Greek origin, Gilles Del Pappas was a photographer, film director and frequent traveller. He has been writing polars books for the past fifteen years, with 40 books published, including […]

Tom-Louis TEBOUL (French)

Prix des jeunes romanciers du Touquet 2018Prix “De Gaulle” décerné par le lycée français de Londres 2018 (Né en 1987) En mars 2018, Tom-Louis Teboul a publié son premier roman Vies déposées (Seuil), accueilli favorablement par la critique. Ce roman raconte sans misérabilisme l’histoire de celles et ceux qui survivent dans les rues de Paris. […]

A few of Candaya’s authors The Candaya publishing house takes its name from that fantastic kingdom to which they go, mounted on Clavileño, Don Quixote and Sancho to end the evil spells of the giant Malambruno. With the same quixotic vocation and will, the publishing house Candaya pretends, from its modesty, to fight against those other spells, even more […]

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Publishing house Barcelona (Spain)

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Rabia Ahmed has lived here, there and everywhere, but now lives in Lahore (Pakistan). She is writer, translator and journalist. She has worked and written for newspapers, currently working freelance, writing for various magazines and newspapers, such as Pique, Express Tribune, Friday Times, The Dawn, Pakistan Today. She is the author of several stories for adults and children, one of the collections of short stories published in Australia.

Author’s Blog:


Author eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

(Zaragoza, 1969). Lives in Menorca.

Dancer in her youth, writer, lecturer and great traveller. She has lived in countries such as Yemen, Uzbekistan, Japan, India and Iran (where she made a documentary), Sri Lanka… Patricia Almarcegui was a guest researcher at EHESS and the Sorbonne in France, at Colombia University in New York.

Author of seven books, five non fiction books and two novels, she regularly writes daily or feature articles in the fields of orientalism and travel literature (some translated into Arabic, French and English). She regularly collaborates with the newspaper La Vanguardia, El País, the ABC cultural supplement,, the travel magazine Altaïr, etc.

She is one of the leading European specialists in travel stories and orientalism.

His third novel entitled La herida (The wound) is carried by the voices of 3 women of different ages, Japanese, Iranian and Spanish. This manuscript is available for first publication.

Author’s Website:

FRANCE, (Intervalles, 2016, 2023); IRAN, Gabeh publications, 2021; EGYPT, arabic, 2023)

Anne-Laure AMILHAT SZARY (French)

(1971, Paris)

Geographer whose research focuses on border dynamics, Anne-Laure Amilhat Szary (PhD. and former student of The Ecole Normale Supérieure) is Professor at the University of Grenoble-Alpes and member of the renowned “Institut Universitaire de France”. She directs the PACTE social sciences research lab and is one of the co-founders of the ‘ antiAtlas of borders’ collective (, a science-arts project.
She has published several books related to the border theme, including What is a Border Today? (PUF, 2015).

Author website :

Art-mella (French)

(Lives in Pyrénées Orientales Country, France)

Armella Leung is an artist, illustrator, animator, curious about life and its mysteries. Passionate about Self-Help, she shares her thoughts as and when her investigations and encounters in the form of comic strips. For many years, for this investigation in several volumes, Art- mella met with specialists in emotions, researched, read and participated in numerous training courses. Today, Armella is a regular speaker at conferences. She has written to date a first series of two volumes entitled Philosophical Sweets, a one shot book Allô moi-m’aime? and especially a series on emotions which was a great success, 3 volumes to date, the 4th is in progress.

1 Tedx, 8000 followers.

Rights sold
Emotions series : Spanish (Libsa, #1 and #2), English (Summersdale, #1), Japanese (Kanshi, #1), Chinese (Post and Telecom Press, #1 )
Philosophical Delights series : Chinese (Metabooks, #1 and #2 )

Author website :

Fernando CLEMOT

Fernando Clemot works on memory as the work of a lifetime. He scrutinizes all its functions in order to give meaning. His narration is as personal and chiselled in his novels as it is in his short stories.

Setenil Prize for the best book of short stories 2009


(1970, Barcelona)

Fernando Clemot has published the books of short stories Unforgettable Safaris (2012) and Chiado tobacco stores (2009), which was a finalist for the National Prize for Narrative and the Setenil Prize for the best book of short stories published that year. He is the author of the novels Polaris (2015), The Book of Miracles (2011) and The Gulf of Poets (2009). He has also published a creative narrative essay entitled ‘How to Create and Uncreate a Story’ (2014) and his work has been included in numerous anthologies. His last book of short stories, The Language of the Drowned, was published in November 2016 (Menoscuarto). He currently balances his time between working as a teacher at the “Escuela de escritura de l’Ateneu de Barcelona” and “Escuela de escritura de Madrid”, with his role as director of the literary magazine Quimera. Two new novels, will be published soon, FIUME and The Savages.

Author’s web


France (Actes sud, 2017)

Arianna DAGNINO (English Canadian)

In the last thirty years Arianna Dagnino has built a diversified cultural and professional experience across many borders and four continents. She was born in Genoa, Italy, and studied in London, Moscow and Boston before starting her career in journalism and international reporting, which led her to spend five years in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and Sociology from the University of South Australia and currently teaches at the University of British Columbia. Her publications include a creative nonfiction, Transcultural Writers and Novels in the Age of Global Mobility (2015), two novels – The Afrikaner (Toronto, 2019) and  Fossili (Rome, 2010), and several books on the social impact of science, digital technology and global mobility – among them, I nuovi nomadi (Rome, 1996), ans Uoma. La fine dei sessi (Milan, 2000). A member of the Writers’ Union of Canada and the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada, she holds Australian, Canadian and Italian citizenship.

Author website :

Territory of representation
Europe, except Germany and Italia


GERMANY (PalmArtPress, 2020), ITALIA ( Watson Edizioni, 2021), Afrikaans (2021), EGYPT ( National Centre for Translation and Publishing )

Gilles DEL PAPPAS (French)

Great Price of Literature of Provence for his work as a whole

(1949, Marseille), writer

Born in the popular district of Racatti in Marseille and of Greek origin, Gilles Del Pappas was a photographer, film director and frequent traveller. He has been writing polars books for the past fifteen years, with 40 books published, including his famous series of Constantine the Greek (the last episode of which (22) appeared in De Borée in 2018 and the next volume will be released in 2024). Three manuscripts of the series are available to be published for first release. He is now one of the acknowledged masters of the Marseille adventure criminal novel. He initiated a series of football criminal novels written in cooperation with Emmanuel Petit. The first volume entitled Last Tackle was published by Le Seuil (2019), the following by Ramsay (Dribble Assassin, 2021).

Author’s Website:


Germany (Blanvalet), Italia (Misogea 2023, Unipapress 2022)
For Last Tackle writen with Emmanuel Petit : Turquia (2019)


(Lima, 1966) holds a PhD in Hispanic Literature from Cornell University and currently works as an associate professor at Bowdoin College, Maine, where he directs the Latin American Studies Program. He is the author of Historia Rebeldes (2006) and Contra la allegoría (2011), and the essay Bolaño salvaje (co-writen with Edmundo Paz Soldán, Candaya, 2013). His first novel, The Antiquarian, has been translated into English on the Black Cat label of Grove/Atlantic (2014) and into Turkish, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese; it will be translated in Russian (Arkadia). To live under (Vivir abajo, 2019) was in the short list of The Vargas Llosa Biennial Novel Prize and has been translated in French (Christian Bourgois, 2026) and in German (Droschl, 2025).

His last book has been published in 2024 by Candaya : Miniscule (Fiction, 2024)

Gildas GIRODEAU (French)

His last three black novels were published by Au-delà du raisonnable, now disapeared. Peace more than Truth (2013) Antonia (2015) are available to be republished in french. Xangô (2018) has been republished by Horsain.

Delta noir Prize 2015
Virtual Prize of the detective novel 2012

(Collioure, 1953). In addition to writing since his youth, he had many trades as a navigator in the commercial navy and is now a farmer of olive trees. He wrote several books of detective novels (Paul FEDER series, recently republished by Horsain. The last one, Tsunamis, is the 6th of the series). He writes as well Fantasy novels (Xavi el valent series, a medieval catalan heroe, with three other authors).

Author’s Website


Malaguanyat, Nuclear parano, (CATALAN, Curbet edicions)

Óscar GUAL

˵Los novelistas de raza tienen esto : hacen, aunque no se lo propongan, metafísica profunda; esclarecen simbólicamente, partiendo incluso de los elementos más intrascendentes, los problemas clave de los hombres de su tiempo.” Vicente Luis Mora, Quimera.

“Óscar Gual continues to nurture one of the most original worlds in Spanish literature today. On this occasion, his merciless gaze passes seamlessly from journalism to computer science, from economics to self-help, from naturism to contemporary art and architecture, questioning all our collective beliefs through irony and bad language”.
Jorge Carrion

Short listed for the Herralde Prize 2014: The last day of Roger Lobus (2014)

(Almassora-Valencia, 1976)
Óscar Gual is a qualified Computer Engineer and works at the Jaume I University of Castellón. He is the author of a novel quadrilogy entitled Sierpe (name of the invented city where each of the opuses of the quadrilogy takes place), and he is co-author of the short novel Julia’s Heart (Morsa, 2011). His stories have appeared in collected works such as I Hate Barcelona (Melusina, 2008) and You’ll Never Have a House in All Your Fucking Life (Melusina, 2009).

Author’s Wikipedia


“Detective Rafa Guerrero, the one in the novel, perhaps also my real friend Rafael Guerrero, turns out to be a man who no longer believes in anything and anyone. Although not enough to leave that world of adventure.” Juan Madrid

10th Wilkie Collins Award 2021 of the MAR publishing house
Crime Novel Award 2016 Editorial Circulo Rojo
Crime Novel Award 2011 of the College of Detectives of Catalonia

©Ana Portnoy

(Madrid, 1969)
Private investigator, Director of the “Grupo Agency World Inv. agency”, criminologist at the Complutense University of Madrid, Director of Security for the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and member of the United States Private Investigators Association. Author of four detective novels by an eponymous character, the detective Rafael Guerrero, Un guerrero entre halcones. Diario de un detective privado (A Warrior in the Midst of Falcons. Diary of a Private Investigator, 2011), Muero y vuelvo (I Die and Return, 2013), Ultimátum (2015) and the last one Yo detective. Passionate about black movies and novels, he regularly participates in the major festivals of the genre in Spain. He has a new manuscript to be published for the saga Detective Guerrero.

Author’s Website

Saga Guerrero (4 books) in Audiobooks, spanish language (Audible, Storytel)

Gerard GUIX

49th Joaquim Ruyra Award for Youth Novel for A lighthouse at the end of the world , most important Youth’s literature prize in Catalonia (2022)
Pin i Soler de Novel-la Award for Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me (2011)
Fundació Romea de Textos Teatrals Award for Genesi 3.0 (2006)

by Agata Casanovas

Gerard Guix (Vic, 1975) is a writer and a playwright, he teaches at the famous Ateneu de Barcelona writing school. He has published the novels The Continental Drift (2005) and Hunting Day (Columna, 2007). He is also the author of novels for young people (a fantasy trilogy, My Season at the Hell, 2021). Among his works as a playwright, Gènesi 3.0 (winner of the 2006 Fundació Romea de Textos Teatrals Award), awarded at the Grec Festival in Barcelona, and the trilingual play U, Due, Três, also performed in Portugal and Italy, stand out. Dirrrty Boys is his last play staged in September 2022 at the Akadèmia Theatre in Barcelona. Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me won the Pin i Soler de Novela Award, and was translated into Spanish by Suma (Penguin Random House) and in french by Les Forges de Vulcain (published in 2022). This publisher translated as well The Cemetery in french (2019) and will publish in first edition his next novel in 2025.

Press review on line

FRANCE (El cementiri, Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me, Doppelgänger – Original edition in 2025-,Editions Les forges de Vulcain)
Audiobooks (All novels, Saga-EGMONT)

Territory of representation
World Wide


“Proust Fiction has fun with other styles and genres, with no more respect, guided by the refreshing taste of unexpected beauty and scattered meaning”. Nils C. Ahl, Le Monde des Livres, 06/10/2011.

©Jordi Vidal

(Almassora, Valencia, 1976. Lives in Barcelona)
Considered one of the most talented writers of his generation, Robert Juan-Cantavella is also a French translator (notably of Mathias Enard, Virgine Despentes, Jonathan Litell, Mathias Malzieu, Rabelais…) and a professor at the Ateneu Writing School in Barcelona. He was a contributor to the Barcelona literary magazine Lateral in the 1990s (alongside Mathias Enard, Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Juan Trejo, Jordi Carrión, etc.) and Quimera which he managed several years. He is the author of several books, including Otro (2001) his first novel, El Dorado (Literatura Mondadori, 2008), the collection of short stories Proust Fiction (2005, translated by Mathias Enard), El corazón de Julia (2011, with Óscar Gual), the collection of poems Los sonetos (2011), Asesino cósmico (Literatura Mondadori, 2011). His last book published before Nadia is an essay, The Reality: Chronicles of Scoundrels (Malpaso, 2017).

Here we talk about Robert Juan-Cantavella as an avant-gardist : El país 26/10/2020

Author’s Website


French (Le Cherche Midi)
Translated in german a short story in a collection published by Klaus Wagenbach Verlag
Audiobooks (Saga-Egmont)


(Tenerife, Canaries, 1969)
Writer, economist and Director General of the Service for Relations with Africa in the Canary Islands Government since 2007. To date, he is the author of four novels, the first Tú eres azul cobalto (You are Cobalt Blue), which has been widely published in Spain and Mexico. Several of his short stories have been published in the anthology of Canarian authors (Generación XXI, nuevos novelistas canarios) or in the journal Ñ. In 2002, he won the Vega Isaak short story competition. His latest published novel, The Hertbeat Of The Magreb (Mar editor, 2022), is the second in the trilogy initiated by Maybe Dakar (Mar editor).

Author’s Website:


French (L’harmattan), Maybe Dakar.


Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

Pepe Carvalho Prize from the BCNegra Festival (Barcelona, 2011)
Dashiell Hammett Prize of the Semana negra de Gijón (three times winner)
Deutsche Krimi Prize (Germany, 1993)
National Prize for Children’s Literature (1987)
and about TWENTY other awards

©Ana Portnoy

(1949, Barcelona)
Andreu Martín is one of the great masters of the Spanish Black Novel. Accomplice of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Francisco González Ledesma, he is now the last living Barcelona author of this generation who introduced the Spanish criminal and detective novel to France in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly through his novels published in the Série Noire (Gallimard). His work includes both adult novels (more than fifty) and novels for young people, including the Flanagan series published by Gallimard jeunesse, written in collaboration with Jaume Ribera. Very active (he has published several novels in the last five years) he is also a screenwriter of films, comics and playwrights. It has been awarded the highest prizes for noir fiction and children’s literature and is translated into several languages including French, German, Italian and Dutch. His last novels are published in the collection, in 2024 the last title is What only happens to others.

Author’s Website:
In catalan


Audiobooks : 30 TITLES, Audible for serie Flanagan and several polar titles in catalan and spanish; Storytel (El haren del Tibidabo, Todos lo recordarán, La favorita del harén), 80 TITLES, Saga Egmont Group.

Works translated in France :
Société noire (Asphalte, 2016), Bien sous tous rapports (série noire Gallimard, 2005), Un de ces jours (Caribéiennes, 2004), L’homme au rasoir (série noire Gallimard, 2001), Le Poulpe : Vainqueurs et cons vaincus (1999, Librio 2001), , Barcelona connection (série noire Gallimard, 1998), Jésus aux enfers (série noire Gallimard, 1996), Un homme peut en cacher un autre (Seuil, 1995), Prothèse (série noire Gallimard, 1994), Pour l’amour de l’art (1988, série noire Gallimard 1994). Série Flanagan : 5 titles (Hachette and Gallimard, 2 youth titles (Gallimard and Flammarion).
Other translations : German (Beltz und Gelberg, CBT, Europa Verlag), Nederland (Uitgeverij Signature), Italian (Mondadori-Junior), Arabic (Al Arabi, Egypt), Serbian (Magnus)

Available : PDFs in english (one Flanagan), french; ebooks in italian, german.


Matías Néspolo is an Argentine writer and journalist who has been living in Barcelona for more than two decades. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1975 and studied Literature. He has written and published in various genres: poetry, essays, novels, short stories and children’s stories. His best-known novel, Siete maneras de matar a un gato, has been translated into English, French, Italian and Dutch, and is forthcoming in German. In 2010 Granta magazine listed him as one of the best young storytellers in Spanish. He has been a cultural journalist for El Mundo and El Periodico de Cataluña and currently writes for La Nación.

His last book has been published in 2024 by Candaya : A Simple Fable (Fiction, 2024)

Emmanuel PETIT (French)

ex-Footballer, TV and radio Columnist, Writer

World Champion, European Champion, French Champion, English Champion

(1970, Dieppe)

Emmanuel Petit, who was selected 63 times for the French national team, ended his football career in 2004, after having been world champion and ultimate scorer in the France-Brazil final in 1998, European champion in 2000, French champion with Monaco and English champion with Arsenal. He has written three books in collaboration, the latest My Passionate Dictionary of the French Team, Hugo sport, 2017 (with Daniel Riolo); Franc-tireur (Sniper), 2015, Solar édition, (with Kader Boudaoud); À fleur de peau (Very sensitive), éditions Prolongations, 2008 (with Jérôme Le Fauconnier). He initiated a series of football criminal novels written in cooperation with Gilles del Pappas. The first volume entitled Last Tackle was published by Le Seuil (2019).


For Last Tackle writen with Gilles del Pappas : Turquia (2019)

Tom-Louis TEBOUL (French)

Prix des jeunes romanciers du Touquet 2018
Prix “De Gaulle” décerné par le lycée français de Londres 2018

(Né en 1987) En mars 2018, Tom-Louis Teboul a publié son premier roman Vies déposées (Seuil), accueilli favorablement par la critique. Ce roman raconte sans misérabilisme l’histoire de celles et ceux qui survivent dans les rues de Paris. Il a été recommandé par le jury du Renaudot dans sa liste de lecture du printemps et a remporté le Prix des jeunes romanciers du Touquet et le prix “De Gaulle” décerné par le lycée français de Londres.
Par la suite, Tom-Louis Teboul a été lauréat de la Bourse Stendhal pour un projet d’écriture autour de l’Éthiopie puis de la bourse “Mondes nouveaux” grâce à laquelle le texte Marseille a été rédigé. Ce manuscrit est disponible à la publication en France.
Après avoir exercé la profession d’avocat pendant deux ans, Tom-Louis Teboul a rejoint en tant que responsable Emmaüs Connect, association membre du mouvement Emmaüs, qui vient en aide aux plus fragiles.

Manuscrit avec droits disponibles pour première édition en français : Marseille

Anaëlle Théry (French)

(Lives in Dordogne, South West of France)

University-educated in Anthropology and History, children’s books writer, nursery gardener and field experimenter, she was trained in France in 2018 by Ernst Götsch in syntropic agroforestry after years of practice, learning and gardening. She is passionate about education, resilient adaptation to climate change and the search for a just and beneficial human place in living systems.

Anaëlle Théry has been conducting experiments
to adapt syntropy to temperate climates. On her land in the Dordogne (France) she has created no fewer than 25 spaces to test highly productive plant combinations, while responding to the problems of the location: limiting watering and adapting to high temperatures.

Teacher in practical agriculture on her land and gives courses in France, Belgium and Swisserland.

Welcome to syntropy! a practical ecologic book that presents Syntropy in temperate climate zone. The first one in the world!

Author website :


Mazatlán De Literatura Award (Mexico), 2023
Elena Poniatowska Iberoamerican Award (Mexico), 2017
Xavier Villaurrutia Award (Mexico), 2017
Antonin Artaud Award (France), 2009
José María Arguedas Award (Casa de las Américas Novel Award), 2008

“Toscana’s writing proves overall to be witty and disarming, alluding amusingly to Latin American writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Carlos Fuentes.”

(Monterrey, Mexico, 1961). He graduated as an Industrial and Systems Engineer. He was part of the International Writers Program at the University of Iowa and the Berliner Künstlerprogramm.
He is the author of Estación Tula (1995), Lontananza (1997), Santa María del Circo (1998), Duelo por Miguel Pruneda (2002), El último lector (2004, Antonin Artaud, Bellas Artes de Narrativa and José Fuentes Mares awards), El ejército iluminado (2006, Casa de las Américas José María Arguedas Prize), Los puentes de Königsberg (2009), La ciudad que el diablo se llevó (2012, Candaya 2020), Evangelia (2016) and Olegaroy (2017, Xavier Villaurrutia and XI Elena Poniatowska prizes).

Translated into more than ten languages including French, English, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, Polish

Territory of representation
World Wide


Túsquets Price 2014 for The machine of the Future

© Padro Madueno

(Barcelona, 1970)
Juan Trejo graduated in Hispanic Philology from the University of Barcelona, he was a member of the editorial team of the magazine Lateral and co-director of the literary magazine Quimera from 2006 to 2009. At present he is a literary translator from English and contributes to the cultural supplement of La Vanguardia and The Altaír’s magazine. His first novel, The End of the Cold War was celebrated as “a superb exercise in the recovery of sentiment written with new tools” (Robert Juan-Cantavella) and translated in France by Actes Sud. In 2014 he won the Túsquets price with the novel The machine of the Future , and has since published in this publishing house.


El fín de la guerra fría (France, Actes Sud, 2017)

A few of Candaya’s authors

The Candaya publishing house takes its name from that fantastic kingdom to which they go, mounted on Clavileño, Don Quixote and Sancho to end the evil spells of the giant Malambruno.
With the same quixotic vocation and will, the publishing house Candaya pretends, from its modesty, to fight against those other spells, even more perverse and malicious, that condemn many Latin American writers to ostracism.

Below is a list of authors and at the bottom of the page some books from the catalogue for which rights are available.

Daniela ALCÍVAR BELLOLIO (Ecuador)

(Ecuador, 1982) Daniela Alcívar Bellolio was born in Guayaquil and lived in Buenos Aires between 2005 and 2017. She is a writer, literary critic, academic researcher and editor. She has published the novel Siberia (Joaquín Gallegos Award 2018, La Linares Award 2018), her last one Lo que fue el futuro (Candaya, 2022), the short story book Para esta mañana diáfana (2016) and the essay books Pararrayos (Lightning rod), and two more. She is general editor at the Ecuadorian publishing house Turbina and a member of the Editorial Committee of the magazine Sycorax. She currently directs the Benjamín Carrión Cultural Center in Quito.
Siberia has been translated into italian by Unicopli.
BOOKS’ Forms in this Website : Siberia (Fiction, 2019); What the Future Was (Fiction, 2022)

Marta APONTE ALSINA (Puerto Rico)

(Puerto Rico, 1945). She has published the novels Angélica furiosa (1994), El cuarto rey mago (1996), Vampiresas (2004), Sexto sueño (2007), winner of the National Novel Award from the Pen Club of Puerto Rico, El fantasma de las cosas (2009), Sobre mi cadáver (2012) and Mr. Green (2013); the books of short stories La casa de la loca (2001) and Fúgate (2005); and the essays Somos islas (2015) and PR3 Aguirre (2018) among many others.
She has been editor of numerous books and magazines, such as the anthology Puerto Rican narratives published by Fundación Biblioteca Ayacucho.
In 2014, the Women’s and Gender Studies Programme at the University of Puerto Rico awarded her the Nilita Vientós Gastón Chair.
Cristina Rivera Garza included her in a selection of 12 essential Latin American women authors, published in Publisher’s Weekly magazine in 2018.
With Candaya she published one novel : La muerte feliz de William Carlos Williams (2022).
BOOKS’ Form in this website : The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams (Fiction, 2022)

Isabel-Cristina ARENAS SEPÚLVEDA (Colombia)

Isabel-Cristina Arenas Sepúlveda was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia, in 1980 and lives in Barcelona. She studied Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Industrial de Santander; she also completed a Specialisation in Journalism at the Universidad de Los Andes, a Master’s Degree in Literary Creation at the Universidad Pompeu Fabra and a Postgraduate Diploma in Bookshop at the Universidad de Barcelona.
She has been writing for the Colombian newspaper El Espectador since 2012. In his section “El Cisne: libros y espacios” she has published interviews, literary reviews, short stories and reports. Her blog is El hermafrodita dormido. Y eran una sola sombra (Candaya, 2022) is her first novel.

Laureano DEBAT (Argentina)

Laureano Debat (Lobería, Argentina, 1981). He graduated as a journalist and social communicator at the National University of La Plata, where he also worked as a teacher in different writing workshops. He arrived in Barcelona in 2009
to study the Master in Literary Creation at the Pompeu Fabra University.
As a cultural journalist, he has collaborated in the supplements Radar, of Página 12, and Cultura(s) of La Vanguardia and in the magazine Orsai. He has also worked in different fields of journalism: architecture, science, politics and human rights. He was a radio producer and broadcaster, advertising copywriter and scriptwriter. He is currently working as a columnist for Clarín’s Ñ Magazine and Anfibia of Argentina, Altaïr Magazine, Plural and Vice of Spain and Radioacktiva of Colombia. With Candaya he published two books : Barcelona inconclusa (2017) Casa de nadie (2022)
BOOKS’ Form in this website : Nobody’s house (Fiction, 2022)

Álex CHICO (Spain)

(1980, Plasencia-Extremadura. Lives in Barcelona).
Álex Chico has a degree in Hispanic Philology and a DEA in Spanish Literature. He has published the notebook Sesenta y cinco momentos en la vida de un escritor de posdatas (2016), the fictional essay Un hombre espera (2015), four books of poems and the anthology Espacio en blanco 2008-2014 (2016). His poems have appeared in different anthologies and prestigious publications such as Turia, Suroeste, Ærea, Litoral, Estación Poesía or Librújula. He has worked as a literary critic in different media, such as Ínsula, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, Nayagua, El Cuaderno, Ulrika, Revista de Letras and Clarín. He was co-founder of the humanities magazine Kafka. He is currently a member of the editorial board of Quimera.

Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30” project, 2020.

Miguel DUEÑAS (Spain)

© Blanca Imedio

Miguel Dueñas (Madrid, 1975) is a writer, teacher and session musician. He has participated in concerts and television programmes as a drummer, percussionist and musical director. He is the author of the novels Suficiente Soga (III Premio de narrativa Francisco Ayala, 2015), La Prohibición del Jade (2019) and La Crecida (XIII Premio Fray Luis de León, 2020). He is also the author of short stories for which he has won awards in various competitions. He has participated in the anthologies Relatos por descubrir (2021) and IX Selección de cuentos Alberto Fernández Ballesteros (2022).


(Lima, 1966) holds a PhD in Hispanic Literature from Cornell University and currently works as an associate professor at Bowdoin College, Maine, where he directs the Latin American Studies Program. He is the author of Historia Rebeldes (2006) and Contra la allegoría (2011), and the essay Bolaño salvaje (co-writen with Edmundo Paz Soldán, Candaya, 2013). His first novel, The Antiquarian, has been translated into English on the Black Cat label of Grove/Atlantic (2014) and into Turkish, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese; it will be translated in Russian (Arkadia). To live under (Vivir abajo, 2019) was in the short list of The Vargas Llosa Biennial Novel Prize and has been translated in French (Christian Bourgois, 2026) and in German (Droschl, 2025).

Carlos Frontera (Spain)

Carlos Frontera was born in 1973 and lives in Seville. He is the author of the short story book Walking Without Noise (2017). Echo is his first novel.


Jesús García Cívico is a philosopher, cultural critic and lecturer at the Universitat Jaume I in Barcelona. He has published the book of aphorisms, poems and thoughts ‘Una casa holandesa’ (2014), the short novel ‘Singular’ (2018) and the essays: ‘Vania en la calle 42: mérito y decepción’ (2018), ‘La tortura: aspectos jurídicos, sociales y estético-culturales’ (2018), ‘La norma y la imagen’ (2020) and ‘Ficciones, las justas’ (2022).
His academic research encompasses the philosophy of law, the history of ideas, morality and literature, and the relationship between film and social change.
He has worked as a lecturer and researcher at the universities of Buenos Aires, Florence, Palermo, Lausanne and Radboud, at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg and at the Centre for Social Studies in Coimbra. He has been artistic editor of the magazine Canibaal, co-director of Registros and is a regular contributor to various cultural publications: El Hype, Revista de Letras, Quimera, Turia, El Estado Mental, Barcarola, Bostezo, Le Monde Diplomatique, Pasajes de pensamiento contemporáneo, Dilema, MAKMA, Factory Magazine and Dirty Rock. He was a FIPRESCI jury member at the San Sebastian Film Festival and is currently secretary of the Spanish Film Press Association.

Fernanda GARCÍA LAO (Argentina)

Fernanda García Lao was born in Mendoza (Argentina) and lived in Spain from 1976 to 1993. She is a storyteller, playwright and poet. She has published the novels Muerta de Hambre (First Prize from the Fondo Nacional de las Artes), La Perfecta Otra Cosa, La Piel Dura, Vagabundas, Fuera de la Jaula, Nación Vacuna (Candaya 2020) and Sulfuro (Candaya 2022); and the books of short stories Cómo Usar un Cuchillo and El Tormento Más Puro. She has also written the poetry books Carnívora, Dolorosa and Autobiografía con Objetos. In collaboration with Guillermo Saccomanno, she published the erotic novel Amor Invertido and the book of short stories Los que Vienen de la Noche. Her last book published by Candaya is Teoría del tacto, a Short stories book (2023).

Some of her texts have been translated into French (La dernière goutte), Portuguese, English, Swedish and Greek.

She has contributed to various publications on both sides of the Atlantic (Babelia, Revista Quimera, Letras Libres, El Buensalvaje, Página/12, Revista Ñ) and has been coordinating reading and writing workshops since 2010.

Ernesto GARCÍA LÓPEZ (Spain)

Ernesto García López (Madrid, 1973) is a writer, visual artist and anthropologist. He has published the poetry collections ‘Voz’ (1998), ‘Fiesta de pájaros’ (2002), ‘El desvío del otro’ (2008), ‘Ritual’ (2011), ‘Todo está en todo’ (2015) and ‘Los afectos’ (2019); and the plaquettes ‘Últimos poemas de Félicien Rops’ and ‘Tierra de nadie’ (2005). His poems have been translated into English and published in the anthology ‘New Poetry from Spain’ (2012) and in ‘Streets where to walk is to em bark. Spanish Poets in London, 1811-2018’ (2019). From 2008 to 2012 he was co-director of the International Review of Literature Galerna (Montclair State University and The City College of New York). He has collaborated as a literary critic in different publications, including the digital magazines Culturamas and La Vaca Multicolor. As a visual artist, he has realised the exhibition De donde huye la raíz, at the Galería Habitar la Línea, as part of the Hybrid Festival in Madrid (2019). In the field of anthropology, his research has focused on studies on social movements and political culture.

Agustín MÁRQUEZ DÍAZ (Spain)

(Madrid, 1979). He is a Telecommunications Engineer and carries out research studies in Art, Culture and Literature. He has participated in several anthologies, in 2016, he created, with two other partners, the publishing house La Navaja Suiza. The Last Time it was Yesterday is his first novel.
Chambéry’s first novel festival award (category spanish literature) France

Alejandro MORELLÓN (Spain)

Alejandro Morellón (Madrid, 1985). In 2010 he received a grant from the Antonio Gala Foundation. He has published the book of short stories La noche en que caemos (2013), which won him the Monteleón Foundation Prize, and some of his texts have appeared in magazines such as Quimera, Prosa inmortal, Eñe and Energehia. In 2015 he was a finalist for the Nadal Prize for his work He aquí un caballo blanco. In 2017 he won the Gabriel García Márquez Hispano-American Short Story Prize for his book The natural state of things, reedited by Candaya in 2022, as well a the novel Caballo sea la noche (Candaya, 2019). His stories have been translated into English, Dutch, Czech, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Polish and Serbian. He currently lives in Madrid.


(Argentine, 1975). Matías Néspolo is an Argentine writer and journalist who has been living in Barcelona for more than two decades. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1975 and studied Literature. He has written and published in various genres: poetry, essays, novels, short stories and children’s stories. His best-known novel, Siete maneras de matar a un gato, has been translated into English, French, Italian and Dutch, and is forthcoming in German. In 2010 Granta magazine listed him as one of the best young storytellers in Spanish. He has been a cultural journalist for El Mundo and El Periodico de Cataluña and currently writes for La Nación.

His last book has been published in 2024 : A Simple Fable (Fiction, 2024)

Mónica OJEDA (Ecuador)

(Ecuador, 1988). Master in Literary Creation and in Theory and Criticism of Culture, teaches Literature at the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil. She is currently studying a Doctorate in Humanities with a research on Latin American pornographic literature. Nefando is her first novel, she published another one, Mandíbula (2018, Candaya). Her last book is a a book of poetry, Milk Story (2020).
She has been selected as one of the most relevant literary voices in Latin America by the Hay Festival, Bogotá 2017 and awarded the Next Generation Prize by the Prince Claus Fund 2019 for her literary career.
Her novels has been translated into italian by Alessandro Polidoro, into English by Coffee House (US), New Ruins (UK), into Greek by Skarifima Editions, into French by Éditions Gallimard, into Portuguese (Brazil) by Autêntica Editora.

Fernando PARRA NOGUERAS (Spain)

(Tarragona, 1978). Writer, literary critic and language and literature teacher.
For the last decade he has published a weekly column of literary criticism and reflection in the Tarragona’s Newspaper, entitled “El cura y el barbero” (The priest and the barber), which, along with other contributions in the press, is published in his blog Cesó todo y dejéme (It all stopped and leave me alone). Some of his articles have been finalists for the prestigious Francisco Valdés Literary Journalism Prize and will soon be published in an anthology. Literature as salvation. His first novel, Shutters (2019), was a finalist for the Azorín Prize and was warmly received by readers and critics alike. The Anthropoid is his second novel.

Gabriela PONCE PADILLA (Ecuador)

(Ecuador, 1977). Gabriela Ponce is a writer, theatre director and professor of performing arts at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito. She has published the book of short stories Antropofaguitas (2015, Prize of the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador), two plays, which one won the Gallegos Lara Prize). His stories have appeared in several national and international anthologies. He is a member of the editorial board of the digital magazine Sycorax, dedicated to reflection and cultural criticism. She is part of the Mythomaniac/Artes Escénicas collective and co-founder of Casa Mitómana, a cultural greenhouse. As a writer, director and producer, she has staged several plays, such as Esas Putas Asesinas, adaptation for the stage of Roberto Bolaño’s short story (2015); Caída, Hemisferio Cero (2014). His play Entrada en Pérdida (2013) won the international prize Escritura de las Diferencias and was staged in Cuba and published in France.
Sanguínea has been translated into English (US and UK) by Restless Books and Galley, into italian by Cencellada.

Solange RODRÍGUEZ PAPPE (Ecuador)

Ecuador, 1976). is a writer interested in the genre of the strange and the fantastic. With Lost Bullets she won in Ecuador the Joaquín Gallegos Lara National Storytelling Prize for the best book of the year 2010. University professor for several decades and coordinator of creative writing workshops, she has done research on the end of the world in Latin America for her master’s thesis in Cultural Studies. As a narrator she has published seven books.


Aitor Romero Ortega was born in Barcelona in 1985. He studied Industrial Engineering in Barcelona and Lyon. He has lived in Madrid since 2012. He is the author of the novel Deflagración (2015) and the book of short stories Fantasmas de la ciudad (Candaya, 2019) and has collaborated with chronicles and essays in cultural and travel magazines such as Altaïr Magazine, Negratinta and Culturamas. His last essay released by Candaya (2023) is a literary chronicle and travel book : The art of writing standing up.

Eduardo RUIZ SOSA (Mexico)

(Mexico, Culiacán, 1983). He took a doctor’s degree in History of Science and a doctor’s degree in Spanish Philology. He has been professor of the Faculty of History at the Autonomous University of Sinaloa and Head of the Literature Department of the Sinaloa Institute of Culture. He currently resides in Barcelona.
He has published the short story book La voluntad de marcharse (2008) with which he won the Inés Arredondo National Literature Prize and Cuánto de los tuyos han muerto (Candaya, 2019) ; the acclaimed novel Anatomía de la memoria (Candaya, 2014), for which he won the 1st Han Nefkens Scholarship for Literary Creation (which allowed him to study the Master’s Degree in Literary Creation at Pompeu Fabra University) and for which he was included in the Mexico 20 anthology (the 20 most outstanding Mexican authors under 40 years, fiction and non-fiction). His last novel published is El libro de nuestras ausencias (Candaya, 2022).


(Cartagena, 1974) Doctor in Hispanic Philology and professor of Spanish Language and Literature. Nuevas teorías sobre el orgasmo femenino won the Setenil Prize for the best book of short stories published in Spain in 2016. As a poet he has published several books, he is also the author of Poesía vertical, a critical edition of Roberto Juarroz’s work for Cátedra publishing house. He has published articles of literary criticism in magazines such as Quimera. His two Novels were published by Candaya, Factbooks. El libro de los hechos (2019) and Los que escuchan (2023).
BOOKS’ Forms in this Website : Los que escuchan (Fiction, 2023); Factsbook. El libro de los hechos (Fiction, 2019).


(Zaragoza, 1977) Miguel Serrano Larraz began a degree in Physical Sciences, which he abandoned in his final year to devote himself to literature. He has worked as a cashier, professional illusionist, bookseller, administrative assistant and Ghostwriter. He currently works as a translator (among others, he is the author of the Spanish versions of a biography of Nick Drake and of a book that reviews the career of the group Belle and Sebastian, both published by Metropolitan). His work has appeared in numerous periodicals (Quimera, Turia, Laberintos, la Mandrágora and Heraldo de Aragón, among others) and in various anthologies. He is one of the coordinators of Eclipse, the journal of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Zaragoza. He has three books published by Candaya, two novels and a short stories book.

David TOSCANA (Mexico)


(Monterrey, Mexico, 1961). He graduated as an Industrial and Systems Engineer. He was part of the International Writers Program at the University of Iowa and the Berliner Künstlerprogramm.
He is the author of Estación Tula (1995), Lontananza (1997), Santa María del Circo (1998), Duelo por Miguel Pruneda (2002), El último lector (2004, Antonin Artaud, Bellas Artes de Narrativa and José Fuentes Mares awards), El ejército iluminado (2006, Casa de las Américas José María Arguedas Prize), Los puentes de Königsberg (2009), La ciudad que el diablo se llevó (2012, Candaya 2020), Evangelia (2016) and Olegaroy (2017, Xavier Villaurrutia and Elena Poniatowska prizes).
“Toscana’s writing proves overall to be witty and disarming, alluding amusingly to Latin American writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Carlos Fuentes.”

A few books from Candaya.

All authors and books can be found in Candaya’s catalogue

A few of Crims.cats authors

Clandestina, col.lecció

Below is a list of authors and at the bottom of the page some books from the catalogue for which rights are available. This list is not complete, of course, as it is still being compiled.

Authors supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, Translation Grants

Xavier Aliaga

Journalist and writer (Madrid, 1970). He has done (almost) everything: director of the regional weekly newspaper, editor, columnist, radio and television talk show, political and cultural communication, television scripts… Currently, he is responsible for culture of the weekly El Temps. He had written, to date, four novels, each of a father and a mother, from the satire of If I don’t say so, burst (2005), to the black The Neons of Sodom (2008), to the generational drama of Lives in Disarray (2011, Critics’ Prize) or the initiation but transversal novel My name is not Irina (2013). His last book published by (This is not a Western Book, 2024) is a godson from The Neons of Sodom, the first in which Inspector Feliu Oyono appears. This is a novel indebted to Boris Vian, Chandler, Vázquez Montalbán, Torrent, Chirbes and a few others, in the style of a thriller.

Mariló Àlvarez

Mariló Àlvarez Sanchis (Picassent, 1987) has a degree in Journalism, editor and writer. She has cultivated above all genre young people’s literature, especially science fiction and fantasy.
In 2018 she published her first novel, La primera onada (First Wave, Edicions Bromera, translated into Spanish as La primera oleada, Algar, 2021), as well as her first collection of science fiction short stories, Relats d’un futur imperfecte (Stories of an Imperfect Future, Edelvives – Baula).
In 2020 she was awarded the Valencia Nova Prize for Narrative for La taxidermista d’emocions (The taxidermist of emotions, Edicions Bromera), a realistic crossover novel between adult literature and young people’s literature.
In addition, she has also published several stories and illustrations in magazines, newspapers and cultural supplements, such as Doodles or Arts. Her last book published by is Suicidis Company.

Jordi Cervera

© Mireia Cervera

Jordi Cervera Nogués (Reus, 1959). Journalist, blog editor ( He won the Vila de Martorell award, Blocs Catalunya and Vila de Lloret awards. Author of Serial Chicken, the first novel in Europe written through Twitter at BCNegra 2010. He has won several prizes in Catalunya, in poetry, crime novels or general novels. He has published more than 50 works, such as Menú de degustació, the first book of poems written around the restaurant El Bulli, the futuristic dystopia L’enigma Perucho, and Novela negra, a book of poems in Spanish in the prestigious collection El Bardo de Poesía.

Pere Figueras

Pere Figueras i Vigara (Terrassa, 1963). Degree in Art History. He has been a documentalist and member of the board of trustees of the Tobella Photography Archive. Author of several works on graphic history published by different entities. Founding member of the Centre d’Estudis Històrics de Terrassa and the magazine Terme. Journalist and member of the Professional Association of Journalists. He left journalism to devote himself to advertising. As a publicist he has been director of commercial production at UPN and Radio Club 25, art director and creative director of different agencies.

Lluís Llort

Lluís Llort (1966) signed the novels only as Llort. Since February 1986 he has worked for the newspaper Avui, currently El Punt Avui. He has published hundreds of articles, many of them information, but most of them opinion, creation or criticism; the last fifteen years in the Culture supplement.
Since 1999, he has published ten novels and thirteen children’s titles, participated in eight collective books of narratives and written some twenty scripts for television comedy series. His last title published by is Temps mort (Time out).

Andreu Martín

© Ana Portnoy

Pepe Carvalho Prize from the BCNegra Festival (Barcelona, 2011)
Dashiell Hammett Prize of the Semana negra de Gijón (three times winner)
Deutsche Krimi Prize (Germany, 1993)
National Prize for Children’s Literature (1987)
and about TWENTY other awards

(1949, Barcelona)
Andreu Martín is one of the great masters of the Spanish Black Novel. Accomplice of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Francisco González Ledesma, he is now the last living Barcelona author of this generation who introduced the Spanish criminal and detective novel to France in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly through his novels published in the Série Noire (Gallimard). His work includes both adult novels (more than fifty) and novels for young people, including the Flanagan series published by Gallimard jeunesse, written in collaboration with Jaume Ribera. Very active (he has published several novels in the last five years) he is also a screenwriter of films, comics and playwrights. It has been awarded the highest prizes for noir fiction and children’s literature and is translated into several languages including French, German, Italian and Dutch. His last novels are published in the collection, in 2024 the last title is What only happens to others.

Author’s Website:
In catalan


Audiobooks : 30 TITLES, Audible for serie Flanagan and several polar titles in catalan and spanish; Storytel (El haren del Tibidabo, Todos lo recordarán, La favorita del harén), 80 TITLES, Saga Egmont Group.

Works translated in France :
Société noire (Asphalte, 2016), Bien sous tous rapports (série noire Gallimard, 2005), Un de ces jours (Caribéiennes, 2004), L’homme au rasoir (série noire Gallimard, 2001), Le Poulpe : Vainqueurs et cons vaincus (1999, Librio 2001), , Barcelona connection (série noire Gallimard, 1998), Jésus aux enfers (série noire Gallimard, 1996), Un homme peut en cacher un autre (Seuil, 1995), Prothèse (série noire Gallimard, 1994), Pour l’amour de l’art (1988, série noire Gallimard 1994). Série Flanagan : 5 titles (Hachette and Gallimard, 2 youth titles (Gallimard and Flammarion).
Other translations : German (Beltz und Gelberg, CBT, Europa Verlag), Nederland (Uitgeverij Signature), Italian (Mondadori-Junior), Arabic (Al Arabi, Egypt), Serbian (Magnus)

Available : PDFs in English (one Flanagan), French; ebooks in Italian, German.

Antoni Roca

Antoni Roca i Jerez (Mallorca, 1956), primary school teacher and teacher of Catalan language in secondary school, has participated in movements for pedagogical renewal and normalization of the language, and prepared materials for workshops on equality and integration of immigrant students or those at risk of social exclusion. In 2004 he received the 25 “d’Abril” prize from the town of Benissa (Valencian Country) with the novel Black and white picture. He is co-author of the children’s novels Sara in the Known World (1994) and Jambo, Kumi (1996), the adult novels 30 days, a life (1999) and Amortized Territory 114 (2001), and the illustrated story Yuriana (2009). His last novel published by is Vienna, 1912.

Silvestre Vilaplana

Silvestre Vilaplana (Alcoy, 1969). Degree in Catalan Philology and secondary school teacher. She has cultivated poetry, essays and narrative for adults and young people. He has won numerous prizes such as the Miguel Hernández National Poetry Prize, the Miquel Martí i Pol Prize, or the City of Alzira Prize. In narrative for young people he has published numerous works such as La mirada d’Al-Azraq, Els dimonis de Pandora, Les urpes del diable, Les cendres del cavaller (Serra d’Or Critics Prize), La frontera negra, Resurrecció (Samaruc Critics Award 2012) or La mèdium. Also in adult literature, L’estany de foc (Blai Bellver Prize), El quadern de les vides perdides (Alfons el Magnànim Prize), Un sepulcre de lletres minúscules (Valencia Negra Best Novel Award 2016). With Els ossos soburats he won the III Agustí Vehí-Vila de Tiana Memorial Prize for Crime Novel in 2016. Some of his works have been translated into Spanish.

A few books from

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A few of Oh!Books agency’s authors


Agustín Comotto was born in Argentina but has spent half a lifetime travelling from one end of the planet to another. He writes to draw and he draws to write. Author and illustrator of numerous books, his graphic novel, Matricula 155, about the life of the anarchist Simon Radowinsky, has been published in the USA, France (Vertige graphic) and Germany. He has since written an account of the life of a Perpignan anarchist he met (El peso de las estrellas), and Stein, an autobiographical graphic novel currently being published (2023).

Silvia CRUZ

Silvia Cruz Lapeña (Barcelona, 1978) is a journalist who writes about whatever catches her interest, although she is particularly drawn to topics that refuse to fit into neat categories or that are riven by contradictions, such as flamenco or boxing. As a freelancer, her writing has appeared in some of Spain’s leading publications and online outlets, including ABC, La Vanguardia, El País Semanal,
El Mundo, Altaïr Magazine, Letras Libres and Ctxt. She lives in Madrid, is a regular contributor to Spanish public radio broadcaster, RNE, and to El Periódico de Cataluña, and is head of current affairs at Vanity Fair magazine.


Laura Gonzalvo was born in Mataró in 1978. With an interdisciplinary background ranging from humanities to marketing through children’s and young people’s literature and publishing, her career has always been linked to the word. She has worked as a storyteller, editorial assistant, editor, communications manager and marketing director. She has coordinated editorial and business projects. She has written, written, organized, corrected and implemented content, marketing plans and communication strategies. And she has always done so by translating into words the emotion and meaning of each project, telling the story that was beating behind it. The List of Impossible Things,Carlemany awards 2021, is her first novel.


Enrique Gracián was the scriptwriter of Redes, the now legendary programme by Eduardo Punset at TVE. He is the author of Prime numbers (RBA) with more than 300,000 sold copies and translated into 14 languages.


Born in Barcelona in 1971 is an award-winning author and journalist, a columnist for the Spanish edition of the New York Times and a feature writer for Vanity Fair. He is a former editor-in-chief of El Mundo, the second largest newspaper in Spain. Praised by critics as the “Spanish Kapu ́sci ́nski”, he has covered conflicts, revolutions and crises in more than twenty countries. His reports have been published in the Guardian, the Sunday Times, the Toronto Star and Corriere della Sera, and he has contributed to CNN and the BBC. A Nieman fellow at Harvard University, Jiménez is the author of four books and has been translated into English, Chinese, German, Italian and Catalan. He wrote several reporter books as Children of the Moonson, a novel The Correspondent, a polemic one about journalism today written from his experience as Director of the newspaper El Mundo (The Director) a literary and travel book, his last one, The Opium Diaries (2023).


Héctor is a journalist who has contributed to several newspaper and TV channels in Spain, like Público, Vanity Fair,, Playground, La Voz de Galicia or CTXT. He also worked for several years in the communications department of Podemos, the political party that Txema Guijarro (the Analist) represents in Spain’s Congress of Deputies. Juanatey convinced Guijarro of the need to tell his story, not out of vanity (the whole story is riddled with comic and surreal episodes that will quickly disabuse the reader of any romantic notions they may have of politics and espionage) but to emphasize the courageous and vital role played by Ecuador in these events.

Francisco LLORET

Francisco Lloret Maya is Professor of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona UAB and researcher at CREAF (Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications). His research focuses on the study of the structure, functioning and dynamics of forests in relation to different sources of human-caused disturbances, such as climate change, fires and invasions of exotic species. He has participated in several environmental projects for the improvement of forest resilience and the monitoring of a climate vulnerability warning system in mountain forests. He has been president of the Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology and writes the blog “Festina Lente“, where he shares his ideas, concerns and hopes about the environment and human beings.


(Argentine, 1975). Matías Néspolo is an Argentine writer and journalist who has been living in Barcelona for more than two decades. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1975 and studied Literature. He has written and published in various genres: poetry, essays, novels, short stories and children’s stories. His best-known novel, Siete maneras de matar a un gato, has been translated into English, French, Italian and Dutch, and is forthcoming in German. In 2010 Granta magazine listed him as one of the best young storytellers in Spanish. He has been a cultural journalist for El Mundo and El Periodico de Cataluña and currently writes for La Nación.

His last book has been published in 2024 : A Simple Fable (Fiction, 2024)


Miguel Pajares holds a degree in Biological Sciences and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology. Additionally, he is a research fellow of the Research Group on Exclusion and Social Control at the University of Barcelona, where he also contributes to the design of the European Studies programme for the European Social Research Unit. He is currently president of the Catalan Commission for Refugee Aid. He was one of the heads of SOS Racismo, has directed the trade union structure of the Information Centres for Foreign Workers (CITE) and has served as an external advisor to the European Economic and Social Committee.

All authors and books can be found in