Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

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Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Armella Leung (Art-mella)

POURPENSER, 2015, 2018, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French

Till 14 years old to any age of life


Tome #1 30 000 copies sold in France

Art-mella is a young woman who likes to look for answers to the questions she asks herself. Curious and quick-witted, she observes, goes out to meet people and tries things out. In these pages, Art-mella shares some of the questions she asks and the answers she has gleaned along the way.
You can read this book from cover to cover, or savour it, treat by treat, opening it at random.
By chance?
But… does it really exist?
It’s a fun way to explore topics such as quantum physics, time, love, non-duality, the power of our thoughts, meditation, and much more, always with simplicity, humour and lightness!

Original Title : Friandises Philosophiques – Tome 1 (48 pages)

Samples available :
French sample on author’s website
Whole book available in English

Tome #2 16 000 copies sold in France

More sustained than the first volume, many teenagers will enjoy this second volume of Philosophical Delights.
And adults who like to ask questions will love these new treats!

Armella Leung is an artist, illustrator and animator, curious about life and its mysteries.
Passionate about personal development, she shares her thoughts as she investigates and meets people in the form of comic strips.
Chaos and harmony
Compliments for growth
Happy cat!
Virtual space
Cuddly rabbits
The treasure book
The gift of the inner child
The little apple that wanted to be a mango
What if dreaming were an ecological act?
The power of your observation
Dare to be magnificent!

Original Title : Friandises Philosophiques – Tome 2 (48 pages)

Rights sold :
Chinese (Metabooks)

French sample on French edition website available

Territory of representation for whole series: World wide

More about the rights available for this book