A few of Oh!Books agency’s authors

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A few of Oh!Books agency’s authors


Agustín Comotto was born in Argentina but has spent half a lifetime travelling from one end of the planet to another. He writes to draw and he draws to write. Author and illustrator of numerous books, his graphic novel, Matricula 155, about the life of the anarchist Simon Radowinsky, has been published in the USA, France (Vertige graphic) and Germany. He has since written an account of the life of a Perpignan anarchist he met (El peso de las estrellas), and Stein, an autobiographical graphic novel currently being published (2023).

Silvia CRUZ

Silvia Cruz Lapeña (Barcelona, 1978) is a journalist who writes about whatever catches her interest, although she is particularly drawn to topics that refuse to fit into neat categories or that are riven by contradictions, such as flamenco or boxing. As a freelancer, her writing has appeared in some of Spain’s leading publications and online outlets, including ABC, La Vanguardia, El País Semanal,
El Mundo, Altaïr Magazine, Letras Libres and Ctxt. She lives in Madrid, is a regular contributor to Spanish public radio broadcaster, RNE, and to El Periódico de Cataluña, and is head of current affairs at Vanity Fair magazine.


Laura Gonzalvo was born in Mataró in 1978. With an interdisciplinary background ranging from humanities to marketing through children’s and young people’s literature and publishing, her career has always been linked to the word. She has worked as a storyteller, editorial assistant, editor, communications manager and marketing director. She has coordinated editorial and business projects. She has written, written, organized, corrected and implemented content, marketing plans and communication strategies. And she has always done so by translating into words the emotion and meaning of each project, telling the story that was beating behind it. The List of Impossible Things,Carlemany awards 2021, is her first novel.


Enrique Gracián was the scriptwriter of Redes, the now legendary programme by Eduardo Punset at TVE. He is the author of Prime numbers (RBA) with more than 300,000 sold copies and translated into 14 languages.


Born in Barcelona in 1971 is an award-winning author and journalist, a columnist for the Spanish edition of the New York Times and a feature writer for Vanity Fair. He is a former editor-in-chief of El Mundo, the second largest newspaper in Spain. Praised by critics as the “Spanish Kapu ́sci ́nski”, he has covered conflicts, revolutions and crises in more than twenty countries. His reports have been published in the Guardian, the Sunday Times, the Toronto Star and Corriere della Sera, and he has contributed to CNN and the BBC. A Nieman fellow at Harvard University, Jiménez is the author of four books and has been translated into English, Chinese, German, Italian and Catalan. He wrote several reporter books as Children of the Moonson, a novel The Correspondent, a polemic one about journalism today written from his experience as Director of the newspaper El Mundo (The Director) a literary and travel book, his last one, The Opium Diaries (2023).


Héctor is a journalist who has contributed to several newspaper and TV channels in Spain, like Público, Vanity Fair, Eldiario.es, Playground, La Voz de Galicia or CTXT. He also worked for several years in the communications department of Podemos, the political party that Txema Guijarro (the Analist) represents in Spain’s Congress of Deputies. Juanatey convinced Guijarro of the need to tell his story, not out of vanity (the whole story is riddled with comic and surreal episodes that will quickly disabuse the reader of any romantic notions they may have of politics and espionage) but to emphasize the courageous and vital role played by Ecuador in these events.

Francisco LLORET

Francisco Lloret Maya is Professor of Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona UAB and researcher at CREAF (Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications). His research focuses on the study of the structure, functioning and dynamics of forests in relation to different sources of human-caused disturbances, such as climate change, fires and invasions of exotic species. He has participated in several environmental projects for the improvement of forest resilience and the monitoring of a climate vulnerability warning system in mountain forests. He has been president of the Spanish Association of Terrestrial Ecology and writes the blog “Festina Lente“, where he shares his ideas, concerns and hopes about the environment and human beings.


(Argentine, 1975). Matías Néspolo is an Argentine writer and journalist who has been living in Barcelona for more than two decades. He was born in Buenos Aires in 1975 and studied Literature. He has written and published in various genres: poetry, essays, novels, short stories and children’s stories. His best-known novel, Siete maneras de matar a un gato, has been translated into English, French, Italian and Dutch, and is forthcoming in German. In 2010 Granta magazine listed him as one of the best young storytellers in Spanish. He has been a cultural journalist for El Mundo and El Periodico de Cataluña and currently writes for La Nación.

His last book has been published in 2024 : A Simple Fable (Fiction, 2024)


Miguel Pajares holds a degree in Biological Sciences and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology. Additionally, he is a research fellow of the Research Group on Exclusion and Social Control at the University of Barcelona, where he also contributes to the design of the European Studies programme for the European Social Research Unit. He is currently president of the Catalan Commission for Refugee Aid. He was one of the heads of SOS Racismo, has directed the trade union structure of the Information Centres for Foreign Workers (CITE) and has served as an external advisor to the European Economic and Social Committee.

All authors and books can be found in https://sosavbooks.com/categorie_pmonolangue/ohbooks-catalogues/