This is not a Western

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This is not a Western


CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2024, 280 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan

Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

After The Neons of Sodom and Two square meters of young blood ( 12), Xavier Aliaga returns with a new installment of his peculiar policeman of Guinean origin. With the same load of irony and social criticism, but with a much more poignant and violent story, in what could be considered the author’s first thriller.

This story begins with cynical Inspector Feliu Oyono and his partner Marga Pitarch hearing the lick of death in a wasteland, about to be buried alive. The landscape harks back to frontier tales, with the heroes waiting for the saving irruption of the Seventh Cavalry. But don’t be fooled by mixed-race codes, because this is not a western: the cops have ended up there investigating the death of a young woman, daughter of a Russian businessman rooted in the Navy. A savage murder that takes us into a sordid web of mafias, shady businesses, fanaticism, totalitarian ideologies and men who did not love women. A story at once of secret services with derivatives in the Kremlin and the background of a war that was supposed to be short and becomes a long and endless carnage.

Original Title
Això no és un western

Territory of representation
World Wide

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