A few of Crims.cats authors

Clandestina, col.lecció Crims.cat
Below is a list of authors and at the bottom of the page some books from the catalogue for which rights are available. This list is not complete, of course, as it is still being compiled.
Authors supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, Translation Grants
Xavier Aliaga

Journalist and writer (Madrid, 1970). He has done (almost) everything: director of the regional weekly newspaper, editor, columnist, radio and television talk show, political and cultural communication, television scripts… Currently, he is responsible for culture of the weekly El Temps. He had written, to date, four novels, each of a father and a mother, from the satire of If I don’t say so, burst (2005), to the black The Neons of Sodom (2008), to the generational drama of Lives in Disarray (2011, Critics’ Prize) or the initiation but transversal novel My name is not Irina (2013). His last book published by Crims.cat (This is not a Western Book, 2024) is a godson from The Neons of Sodom, the first in which Inspector Feliu Oyono appears. This is a novel indebted to Boris Vian, Chandler, Vázquez Montalbán, Torrent, Chirbes and a few others, in the style of a thriller.
Mariló Àlvarez

Mariló Àlvarez Sanchis (Picassent, 1987) has a degree in Journalism, editor and writer. She has cultivated above all genre young people’s literature, especially science fiction and fantasy.
In 2018 she published her first novel, La primera onada (First Wave, Edicions Bromera, translated into Spanish as La primera oleada, Algar, 2021), as well as her first collection of science fiction short stories, Relats d’un futur imperfecte (Stories of an Imperfect Future, Edelvives – Baula).
In 2020 she was awarded the Valencia Nova Prize for Narrative for La taxidermista d’emocions (The taxidermist of emotions, Edicions Bromera), a realistic crossover novel between adult literature and young people’s literature.
In addition, she has also published several stories and illustrations in magazines, newspapers and cultural supplements, such as Doodles or Arts. Her last book published by Crims.cat is Suicidis Company.
Jordi Cervera

Jordi Cervera Nogués (Reus, 1959). Journalist, blog editor (http://blogs.ccma.cat/jordicervera.php). He won the Vila de Martorell award, Blocs Catalunya and Vila de Lloret awards. Author of Serial Chicken, the first novel in Europe written through Twitter at BCNegra 2010. He has won several prizes in Catalunya, in poetry, crime novels or general novels. He has published more than 50 works, such as Menú de degustació, the first book of poems written around the restaurant El Bulli, the futuristic dystopia L’enigma Perucho, and Novela negra, a book of poems in Spanish in the prestigious collection El Bardo de Poesía.
Pere Figueras

Pere Figueras i Vigara (Terrassa, 1963). Degree in Art History. He has been a documentalist and member of the board of trustees of the Tobella Photography Archive. Author of several works on graphic history published by different entities. Founding member of the Centre d’Estudis Històrics de Terrassa and the magazine Terme. Journalist and member of the Professional Association of Journalists. He left journalism to devote himself to advertising. As a publicist he has been director of commercial production at UPN and Radio Club 25, art director and creative director of different agencies.
Lluís Llort

Lluís Llort (1966) signed the novels only as Llort. Since February 1986 he has worked for the newspaper Avui, currently El Punt Avui. He has published hundreds of articles, many of them information, but most of them opinion, creation or criticism; the last fifteen years in the Culture supplement.
Since 1999, he has published ten novels and thirteen children’s titles, participated in eight collective books of narratives and written some twenty scripts for television comedy series. His last title published by Crims.cat is Temps mort (Time out).
Andreu Martín

Pepe Carvalho Prize from the BCNegra Festival (Barcelona, 2011)
Dashiell Hammett Prize of the Semana negra de Gijón (three times winner)
Deutsche Krimi Prize (Germany, 1993)
National Prize for Children’s Literature (1987)
and about TWENTY other awards
(1949, Barcelona)
Andreu Martín is one of the great masters of the Spanish Black Novel. Accomplice of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Francisco González Ledesma, he is now the last living Barcelona author of this generation who introduced the Spanish criminal and detective novel to France in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly through his novels published in the Série Noire (Gallimard). His work includes both adult novels (more than fifty) and novels for young people, including the Flanagan series published by Gallimard jeunesse, written in collaboration with Jaume Ribera. Very active (he has published several novels in the last five years) he is also a screenwriter of films, comics and playwrights. It has been awarded the highest prizes for noir fiction and children’s literature and is translated into several languages including French, German, Italian and Dutch. His last novels are published in the Crims.cat collection, in 2024 the last title is What only happens to others.
Author’s Website: https://andreumartin.wordpress.com/
In catalan
Audiobooks : 30 TITLES, Audible for serie Flanagan and several polar titles in catalan and spanish; Storytel (El haren del Tibidabo, Todos lo recordarán, La favorita del harén), 80 TITLES, Saga Egmont Group.
Works translated in France :
Société noire (Asphalte, 2016), Bien sous tous rapports (série noire Gallimard, 2005), Un de ces jours (Caribéiennes, 2004), L’homme au rasoir (série noire Gallimard, 2001), Le Poulpe : Vainqueurs et cons vaincus (1999, Librio 2001), , Barcelona connection (série noire Gallimard, 1998), Jésus aux enfers (série noire Gallimard, 1996), Un homme peut en cacher un autre (Seuil, 1995), Prothèse (série noire Gallimard, 1994), Pour l’amour de l’art (1988, série noire Gallimard 1994). Série Flanagan : 5 titles (Hachette and Gallimard, 2 youth titles (Gallimard and Flammarion).
Other translations : German (Beltz und Gelberg, CBT, Europa Verlag), Nederland (Uitgeverij Signature), Italian (Mondadori-Junior), Arabic (Al Arabi, Egypt), Serbian (Magnus)
Available : PDFs in English (one Flanagan), French; ebooks in Italian, German.
Antoni Roca

Antoni Roca i Jerez (Mallorca, 1956), primary school teacher and teacher of Catalan language in secondary school, has participated in movements for pedagogical renewal and normalization of the language, and prepared materials for workshops on equality and integration of immigrant students or those at risk of social exclusion. In 2004 he received the 25 “d’Abril” prize from the town of Benissa (Valencian Country) with the novel Black and white picture. He is co-author of the children’s novels Sara in the Known World (1994) and Jambo, Kumi (1996), the adult novels 30 days, a life (1999) and Amortized Territory 114 (2001), and the illustrated story Yuriana (2009). His last novel published by Crims.cat is Vienna, 1912.
Silvestre Vilaplana

Silvestre Vilaplana (Alcoy, 1969). Degree in Catalan Philology and secondary school teacher. She has cultivated poetry, essays and narrative for adults and young people. He has won numerous prizes such as the Miguel Hernández National Poetry Prize, the Miquel Martí i Pol Prize, or the City of Alzira Prize. In narrative for young people he has published numerous works such as La mirada d’Al-Azraq, Els dimonis de Pandora, Les urpes del diable, Les cendres del cavaller (Serra d’Or Critics Prize), La frontera negra, Resurrecció (Samaruc Critics Award 2012) or La mèdium. Also in adult literature, L’estany de foc (Blai Bellver Prize), El quadern de les vides perdides (Alfons el Magnànim Prize), Un sepulcre de lletres minúscules (Valencia Negra Best Novel Award 2016). With Els ossos soburats he won the III Agustí Vehí-Vila de Tiana Memorial Prize for Crime Novel in 2016. Some of his works have been translated into Spanish.
A few books from Crims.cat
All authors and books can be found in Crims.cat