Turned into soup

CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA), 2022, 180 p. FICTION, Crime’s Novel, Catalan
Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
A dark book full of humour
IX ex-aequo Memorial Agustí Vehí-Vila Award in Tiana Black Novel Festival 2022

The protagonist of this story is Avel·lí Baldoví, a psychopath convinced that the world works against him and who does not hesitate to eliminate anyone who offends his dignity. He is driven by his inner voices, more specifically that of a sly and ill-spoken iguana that encourages him to commit his crimes, despite the fact that he is persecuted by both the police, a private detective and a journalist, all of them involved in different theories that move groping between egolatry, good faith and stupidity.
In your hands you have a satirical novel, an acid and perverse criticism, ntertainment that castigates institutions and values : the police and the law, the church, the family, private business, psychiatry, journalism… whose banality and corruption plays in favor of the killer and allows him to move freely between this rot to achieve his goals.
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