Theory of Touch

The stories that make up Theory of Touch are snapshots of the many senselessnesses of the contemporary world. Trapped characters, confused between redemption and sinking, are entangled between surrogacy, pornography, prostitution, madness, death, social networks, bereavement and illness, social networks, grief and illness.
A delicate and at the same time savage book, of dark light and painful humour and mournful humour.
A devastating look at family, procreation or sex as territories from which we always emerge dented and confused, cannibals with half a devoured body.” Carlos Zanón, El País
CANDAYA, 2023, 128 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish (Argentina)

With trembling, irreverence and a radical poetics of the uncomfortable, the Argentinean writer Fernanda García Lao turns into bodies a set of emotions of the contemporary world: surrogacy, social networks, loneliness, prostitution, pornography, death, old age and madness. Everything that doesn’t fit. Assembling false and true events, these sharp stories displace the plausible to the delirious and make the real a strange object, in a clear link with the best tradition of the Latin American short story.
Theory of Touch, Fernanda García Lao’s third book for Candaya, and the fifteenth in her career, closes with one of the author’s most intimate and autobiographical texts: “My Two Hemispheres”, a journey through the family past, exile, migration, loss and the reconstruction of identity.
Original Title
Teoría del tacto
Ricardo Baixeras, El Periódico, 21 de noviembre de 2023
“Asumir el cuerpo, el tacto y la piel de los otros, sean lo masculino o lo femenino, y mostrar la paradoja que supone nombrar algo para convertirlo en una herida la mayor de las veces o en una pura contradicción (“Practico la contradicción como método de resistencia”) está en el centro de gravedad de estos relatos que formalizan el tormento de un pensamiento desordenado.”
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