Living Below

CANDAYA 2019, 672 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish
Short list of The Vargas Llosa Awards
A key novel in 21st century Latin American literature

Living Downstairs is an adventure book, a horror story, a police mystery, a story made up of a thousand stories and a chronicle of journeys through the territories of insanity and terror. It is also a quixotic humorous novel, populated by crazed artists, erudite spies, ghost poets and wrong revenge. It begins in Peru, when an American filmmaker commits a murderous homicide in the basement of a house on the day of the capture of Abimael Guzmán, leader of Shining Path. The prehistory of that crime comes twenty-five years earlier and its solution will take another twenty-five. The reader will discover in wonder how the pieces of the enigma emerge from catacombs, madhouses and underground jails along an infinite journey through the dark dungeons of the history of Latin America, Europe and the United States.
Original Title
Vivir abajo
Rights sold
French (Christian Bourgois, released in january 2024)
Audiobook rights sold in spanish (Audible)
English sample available
Territory of representation
World Wide
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