You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

Ara direu que estic boig
ALREVÉS editorial, 2021, 236 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish
Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants

“Now I fall asleep, now I wake up, now I fall asleep”. This is the life of Francesc Ascás, an extravagant young man who hears voices and says strange things, who draws comics and is hooked on the predictions of a television magician, and all of this locked up in the flat where he lives, with the only light offered by the slits in the lowered blinds. Until one day Blanca Benito, her neighbour and only friend, turns up dead, and it is then that the police accuse him of murder, for being the madman of the staircase, because it is well known that a madman is capable of anything.
Under this plot, Andreu Martín takes us into a wheel of fortune full of unforeseen events and events of all kinds, where finally everyone takes you for crazy because “crazy people always say they are not, so that when you say you are not crazy, they immediately think you are crazy”. And it is precisely here that the reader will play an important role: to discover who really is and who isn’t, who is telling the truth and who is lying, and which voices are mistaken. A novel full of intertextualities, bizarre characters and emblematic places, some of which are already well known in the writer’s universe. After titles such as Tibidabo’s Harem, Everyone will remember you and The Harem’s Favorite, Andreu Martín returns to offer us a story full of ambiguities and with a theme he is passionate about: disorders and psychopathies.
“Es una trama diferente a la mayoría de las de Andreu Martín. Sin querer desmerecer de ningún otro título, y porque no me gusta ser categórico de la especie de “es mejor que” […], sólo diré que me lo he pasado bomba. Pero bomba atómica. Como hacía tiempo que no me lo pasaba leyendo una novela.” Lluis Llort, black novels’ author.
Original Title
Ara direu que estic boig
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