Manuscrit : Marseille

Manuscrit : Marseille

Un roman-balade poétique, intime et socio-écologique dans la ville mythique. Les yeux du narrateur sont du nord, son cœur du sud. Par l’auteur du très remarqué Vies déposées (Seuil, 2018) relatant le quotidien de trois personnages vivant dans la rue dans le nord de Paris.Une belle écriture, imagée et finement humoristique. Tom-Louis TEBOUL Étienne, consultant en risque climatique et jeune parent, se retrouve bloqué à Marseille, une...

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Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama

Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama

Gilles DEL PAPPAS FICTION / Adultes, Jeunes adultes, Français Un roman plein de générosité, avec des personnages émouvants et truculents, un roman où la cuisine est omniprésente et met l’eau à la bouche. La vie d’un quartier populaire de Marseille, le Panier, sa solidarité, la beauté du partage, la vie belle et cruelle des personnes aux vies décalées (réfugiés, marginaux). Une famille de réfugiés est chassée de son appartement au...

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Theory of Touch

Theory of Touch

The stories that make up Theory of Touch are snapshots of the many senselessnesses of the contemporary world. Trapped characters, confused between redemption and sinking, are entangled between surrogacy, pornography, prostitution, madness, death, social networks, bereavement and illness, social networks, grief and illness. A delicate and at the same time savage book, of dark light and painful humour and mournful humour.A devastating look at...

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Santa María del Circo

Santa María del Circo

Mario Vargas Llosa : Talking about The weight of Living on Earth (“I think David Toscana has written one of the best novels in Spanish language”. José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major voices of the current Latin American narrative”, EL Cultural, El Español, 15 enero 2023 “David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador. A...

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The Lives I Did Not Live

The Lives I Did Not Live

Patricia ALMARCEGUI CANDAYA, 2023. Fiction, Spanish A story of gardens, migration, exodus and women in search of a place of their own. In Spain and Iran. The lives I did not live is a book that oscillates between the intimate and the public in a conversational, everyday, fragmentary and delicate language. Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands Anna and Pari are two women who meet in Menorca, around an abandoned and...

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The Weight of Living on Earth

The Weight of Living on Earth

Mario Vargas Llosa : “Acabo de leer esta novela del escritor mexicano David Toscana que ha ganado el Premio Bienal de Novela que lleva mi nombre, celebrado en Guadalajara, y creo que es uno de los textos más originales publicados en los últimos años”. “Lo que está en juego en este texto notable es el humor. Un humor extraño e incandescente”. “Uno de los aspectos originales de este libro es ese juego mediante el...

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Those who listen

Those who listen

Diego SÁNCHEZ AGUILAR CANDAYA, 2023, 544 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish In Those who listen, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores all the forms of Anxiety and Fear that define our contemporary society. “A thoughtful novel that avoids sermons: the best way to be a political novel” José María Pozuelo Yvancos . A novel that reminds us Thomas Pinchon, David Foster Wallace, Don DeLillo, and the Bulgarian Guéorgui Gospodínov. And something to do...

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The City that the Devil took with him

The City that the Devil took with him

A novel about survival and the ruins of our time.In the end, although everything went wrong, everyone thought they were heroes. David Toscana reinvents a wounded city where reality is overcome with imagination, nostalgia, rebellion and a good dose of alcohol. “David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador.José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major...

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Óscar GUAL Trata del mundo urbano en qué casi estamos, dónde la inteligencia artificial ha acabado con la conciencia colectiva y la autoconciencia. Con mucho humor, personajes potentes y escenas a veces casi teatrales, la novela es a la vez entretenida y lleva a reflexionar sobre nuestra sociedad y sus futuros posibles. “¿Hay vida inteligente en el universo ? ¿tendremos visita algún día ? ¿vamos preparando merienda ?”...

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Nobody House

Nobody House

The story of a migrant mother and daughter, both of them together, working as prostitutes in Barcelona. And the life of Laureano Debat sharing a flat with them. Laureano DEBAT CANDAYA,  2022, 296 p. NOVEL, spanish Shortly after arriving in Barcelona, Laureano Debat went to visit a flat in the Eixample district with the intention of renting a room. The women who showed him around, a mother and daughter, seemed very nice and the room was...

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Mia is 20 years old. She takes care of almost everything in her family now, her little brother, her absent mother, her mentally disturbed father.A novel about the essence of family relationships and the almost always confusing web that shapes them. Guilt is one of the primary themes of the novel and family secret. There is also a special focus on violence in relationships, abuse, intimate partner violence, especially between young people. What...

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Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me

Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me

Gerard GUIX Les FORGES de VULCAIN, Tout ce que tu devrais savoir avant de m’aimer, 2022, 384 p. FICTION, French (trad. Carole Fillière)COLUMNA, Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me, 2011, 250 p. FICTION, Catalan Novel eligible for translation grants for Catalan novels from the Institut Ramón Llull Pin i Soler de awards 2001 A novel, with a very personal poetic style that opens up to the fantastic, therefore has a...

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The Book Of Our Absences

The Book Of Our Absences

Eduardo RUIZ SOSA CANDAYA,  2022, 464 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Mexico) A journey through the scenes of the disappeared people in contemporary Mexico. “Estado Crítico awards in 2022, in its Narrative section, the work by Eduardo Ruiz Sosa El libro de nuestras ausencias (Candaya, 2022). For its daring formula for telling the story of the violence of disappearances in Mexico. For its atrocious lyricism. For maintaining the pain in...

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And They Were a Single Shadow

And They Were a Single Shadow

Isabel-Cristina ARENAS SEPULVEDA CANDAYA,  2022, 240 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Colombia) A first novel that explores the mysteries of family, death and the debts of the past. Isabel is a living memory and, although everything that surrounds her causes deep sadness in those who knew her, loving her seems to be obligatory. Fearful of the possibility of repeating a life, the narrator, who is named after her grandmother, needs at the same...

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What The Future Was

What The Future Was

Daniela ALCÍVAR BELLOLIO CANDAYA,  2022, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Ecuador) “A luminous and illuminating work, furiously tender” María Bastarós. What The Future Was is the story of a disintegration, the chronicle of a devastating crisis that threatens a marriage, a house, sanity, and unleashes in the narrator an intimate and profound reflection in which writing and life, landscape and affection, memory and future...

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The World Begins

The World Begins

Marià Veloy Bromera, 2022, 327 p., Novel, catalan Grants Ramón Llull for translation available Original El món comença Long spanish sample available Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book

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As Long As We Could

As Long As We Could

Pablo Herrán de Viu Altamarea, 2020, 208 p., Novel, spanish Original Mientras pudimos Sample in english available Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book

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The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams

The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams

Marta APONTE ALSINA CANDAYA, 2022, 208 p., NOVEL, spanish National Novel Prize of the Pen Club of Puerto Rico 2007 Marta Aponte Alsina is considered the great contemporary master of Puerto Rican narrative. Cristina Rivera Garza included her in a selection of 12 must-read Latin American women authors, published in Publisher’s Weekly magazine in 2018. At once a novel of family saga, a travelogue, a story of initiation and growth, a hybrid...

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The Odd Names

The Odd Names

Álex CHICO CANDAYA, 2021, 256 p. NOVEL / ESSAY, spanish Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30″ project, 2020.A narrative about the blurred margins of identity and a suggestive literary exercise. Sometimes a story begins with a single sentence or the mention of a name. Here it begins when the film director Tomás Acosta meets...

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Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Gerard GUIX COLUMNA, 2011, 424 p. FICTION, Catalan Awarded with the XXI Pin i Soler Prize A somewhat fantastic road movie that takes us from Catalonia to London to the centre of Europe, punctuated by flashbacks and music. Five years ago in London Gerard and Anastasia meet casually. Soon after, the girl goes to live with him in Barcelona, ​​where the young boy had tried to turn her in someone other than the Russian student who attracted him, as...

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The Cemetery

The Cemetery

Gerard GUIX COLUMNA, 2013, 176 p. FICTION, Catalan The perfect adaptation of his play Genesi 3.0, a success at the 2003 GREC Festival.Gerard Guix is inspired by the dystopian worlds of three works of science fiction, George Orwell’s 1984, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, to locate its futuristic fable, although the atmosphere, the characters and the story more approach the...

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My Season at the Hell

My Season at the Hell

Gerard GUIX FANBOOKS, 2021, 276 p. CROSSOVER, Catalan A story that seems simple at the beginning and ends up taking us into a spiral of facts and emotions that will shake us and reveal the darker side of our society. A novel that echoes an adult novel he wrote ten years ago, Hunting Day, set in the same mountain and snowy village, Vic. For ages 14 and up. 13 years ago, in a mountain village where nothing ever happens, a teenager died during a...

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How many things have we seen disappear

How many things have we seen disappear

Miguel SERRANO LARRAZ CANDAYA, 2020, 288 p. Fiction, spanish A novel about lost illusions and a disappearing people, about the possibility of changing the past.A unique tribute to science fiction, horror, sentimental novels and other genres of popular literature. Sonia is a girl obsessed with death. Berta’s obsession is the passage of time. Their friendship is inevitable in the Pyrenean village where they spend the summer, a small town...

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The Anthropoid

The Anthropoid

Fernando PARRA NOGUERAS CANDAYA, 2021, 288 p. Fiction, spanish A novel about identity and hidden desires. About the conflict between what we are, what we want to be and what others expect of us. Eduardo, the son of a powerful publisher, is removed from the family business because of an obscure affair. Banished to a provincial town, he is taken in by his uncle, the editor of a local newspaper, where he first works as a spellchecker and...

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Fernando CLEMOT PRE-TEXTOS, 2021, 280 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “Fiume de Fernando Clemot: preludio poético del fascismo”, José Ovejero A political novel, exhilarating and disturbing, which works on the memory of the past century to better understand our present. In which we experience the fascination that fascism and providential men can produce, and the destruction that they ultimately engender. Fiume September 1919. Two...

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Factbook. The Book of Facts

Factbook. The Book of Facts

Diego SÁNCHEZ AGUILAR CANDAYA, 2019, 352 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish A vibrant dystopia full of ethical dilemmas that invites the reader to rethink his most intimate convictions. Factbook is a lucid analysis, neither complacent nor nostalgic, of the last thirty years of Spanish society and of the generation who lived the 15M as a turning point that seemed to open a door to something that was not well known what it was. In a country living in...

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Carlos FRONTERA CANDAYA, 2020, 144 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish What makes a man fall apart when, apparently, nothing has happened? Two years after the break-up with La Rubia and in full post-operative convalescence, the protagonist of this novel suffers an unexpected crisis that cannot be explained, a collapse that buries him in the rubble of disaffection and in the devastating memory of childhood: a persistent echo that, mute to his ears,...

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The Machine of The Future

The Machine of The Future

Juan TREJO TUSQUETS, 2014, 449 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “Perhaps it is the flow of the narrative, and not the meaning of the story, that shows us that we are alive.” A prodigious story about a secret project: the machine that anticipates the future. Túsquets Price 2014 When his mother dies, Óscar travels to Berlin to take charge of her belongings. He hasn’t had word from her in years because, in fact, she was living with...

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The Other Part of The World

The Other Part of The World

Juan TREJO TUSQUETS, 2017, 256 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish A love story in the 21st century, cold, sweet, unforgettable. A novel about the loss and recovery of oneself, an unforgettable tale about love in the 21st century. The narrator of this novel, a character suspiciously similar to the author, needs to dive, as if it were a patient archaeologist, in the most significant facts of his past, after a critical and decisive episode that will...

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The End of the Cold War

The End of the Cold War

Juan TREJO BELACQVA, 2008, 299 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “[…] this narrative goes far beyond the political statement and the redistribution of the cards of power: in reality, it turns them around and asks us to judge what is really going on in everyone’s head. “Albert Bensoussan, En attendant Nadeau (french) The End of the Cold War unfolds the parallel stories of three characters, Dona (flight attendant), Tomás (young...

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The Last Time it was Yesterday

The Last Time it was Yesterday

Agustín MÁRQUEZ DÍAZ CANDAYA 2019, 160 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Chambéry’s first novel festival award (category spanish literature) France The life of a lost slum, narrated with humour, tenderness and fierce criticism. The run over of Chico B, an event all too common in the hostile environment where the novel takes place, is the trigger for a change in the two protagonists of this story: the narrator and the neighbourhood. This painful...

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Living Below

Living Below

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU CANDAYA 2019, 672 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Short list of The Vargas Llosa Awards A key novel in 21st century Latin American literature Living Downstairs is an adventure book, a horror story, a police mystery, a story made up of a thousand stories and a chronicle of journeys through the territories of insanity and terror. It is also a quixotic humorous novel, populated by crazed artists, erudite spies, ghost poets and...

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Gabriela PONCE CANDAYA, 2020, 160 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “A novel of resistance. From body and against the body. One novel that screams…” In an environment of wild nature and wild relations, the protagonist of Sanguínea enters and leaves caves and bodies, ghostly inhabited or uninhabited spaces, links crossed by loss, denial of the future and despair. Sanguínea is the record of her flow of consciousness and of an...

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Mónica OJEDA CANDAYA, 2018, 208 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Finalist for the 2022 US National Book Award for Translated LiteratureLonglisted for the 2023 US PEN Translation Prize Was Nefando a horror game for freaks, an immoral staging or a poetic exercise? Nefando, Journey to the Insides of a Room, was a little-known online video game that was soon removed from the net because of its controversial sensitive content. Players’...

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Siberia, One Year Later

Siberia, One Year Later

Daniela ALCÍVAR BELLOLIO CANDAYA,  2019, 160p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish The devastating experience of surviving a child. First novel. Siberia is the writing of a duel that is lived in the body, in the mind and in the language. It is the mourning of a mother who loses her child and leaves the city that has been her home for fifteen years, but it is also the search for the word that expresses, at the same time, the pain of absence and the...

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The Sound Wall

The Sound Wall

Juan TREJO TUSQUETS, 2019, 320 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish A writer recounts his personal biography and confronts his own work and also that of his favorite authors when life poses the most difficult challenge. The narrator of this novel, a character suspiciously similar to the author, needs to dive, as if it were a patient archaeologist, in the most significant facts of his past, after a critical and decisive episode that will mark him...

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You are Cobalt Blue

You are Cobalt Blue

Pablo MARTIN CARBAJAL Ediciones Idea, 2006 (1ère édition), M.A.R. editor, 2014, 148 p. The story of a woman who sought her way through the art and life of Frida Kahlo. You are Cobalt Blue, the exciting story of a woman who sought her way through the art of Frida Kahlo. Dori has just turned thirty, she lives for her husband, her son and her work, one day she meets a disturbing man who penetrates her intimacy and discovers Frida Kahlo....

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Maybe Dakar

Maybe Dakar

Pablo MARTIN CARBAJAL M.A.R. editor,   2016, 420 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish TRAILER Spain, 2012, the hardest year of the current economic crisis. Álvaro Camino, a young Canary Islands businessman, is convinced by his father to make a trip to Dakar to look for new economic opportunities for the family business. But what does he know about Africa, which is so close? On the first day of his arrival, he met an attractive woman at...

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And The Sky Was a Beast

And The Sky Was a Beast

Robert Juan-Cantavella ANAGRAMA  2014, 375 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish A choral novel, of love and literature, which handles the registers with mastery. A fabulous reading pleasure. Sigurd Mutt returns to Barcelona. Nearly thirty years have passed. Back then he was a young cryptozoologist determined, alongside his colleagues Belaire and Sjögren to unravel the mysteries of Hidden Naturalism and trace, against the dictates of official...

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Robert Juan-Cantavella GALAXIA GUTENBERG   2018, 340 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish A magnificent novel about subversion, the subversive, the use of the enemy’s language to turn it against itself. The enemy is the European Union, the institutions of this Union, which the European people, like myriads of worms, nibble on with humour and rebellion. A grammar of revolt, which the novel masterfully adopts. Qwerty, a Brussels official,...

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The Last Days of Roger Lobus

The Last Days of Roger Lobus

Óscar GUAL ARISTAS MARTINEZ, 2015, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Quadrilogy “Sierpe” #3 Short listed for the 2014 Herralde Prize “Gual has assumed the conventions of the novelistic format in order to subject them to a systematic reprogramming in the service of a new realism: an unusual look at a reality in expansive mutation” Juan Francisco Ferré “There was a time when Spanish literature admitted in its pavilions brutality,...

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The Man with the Look of Stone

The Man with the Look of Stone

Óscar GUAL ARISTAS MARTINEZ, 2018, 252 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Quadrilogy “Sierpe” #4 A journalist and writer whose name is unknown, follows in the footsteps of a certain Drákos Vasiliás who, according to rumours, is able to “see” the global flow of speculative investments, give it meaning and predict its behaviour. A strange being with Savant syndrome who nevertheless paid a high price for turning into this kind of human...

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The Afrikaner

The Afrikaner

Arianna DAGNINO GUERNICA Editions, 2019, 240 p. CANADA, english. A woman’s adventure story set between South Africa and Namibia, The Afrikaner covers the terrains of race, love, historical guilt, scientific obsession and the tensions of a society “lost in transition.”The book is inspired by the five years the author spent in South Africa working as an international reporter for the Italian press and is currently being adapted to film by...

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In Chopin’s heart

In Chopin’s heart

Mònica BATET   Editorial Empúries, 2020, 141 p., FICTION, Short stories, catalan Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. In Chopin’s heart is fruit of the fascination that exerts Poland on the writer Mònica Batet. Since the 2007, the notebooks of the writer collect histories of every type related with this country of cosy persons, sentimental and wound for the History. The reader will...

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An Ending for Benjamin Walter

An Ending for Benjamin Walter

Álex CHICO CANDAYA, 2017, 256 p. ESSAY/FICTION, spanish. The last hours of Walter Benjamin’s life in Portbou The end of an european cross-border village Recommended by Enrique Vila-Matas (blog, enero 2018) In September 1940, a group of refugees left France through a clandestine passage in the Pyrenees. They hoped to cross Spain and follow their route to America, fleeing the barbarism that had taken over Europe. Their...

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The Split Bodies

The Split Bodies

Álex CHICO CANDAYA, 2019, 256 p. NARRATIVE NON-FICTION, spanish Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30” project, 2020. A sharp reflection on language, memory and emigration During the 1960s, many Spanish workers left their place of origin and sought employment in Europe. Some time later, with the oil crisis and the rise of...

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The Gulf of Poets

The Gulf of Poets

Fernando CLEMOT BARATARIA, 2009, LITERARY FICTION, spanish The protagonist and narrator, Leo Carver, is a perceptive figure who takes a tragic approach to life through an excess of alcohol, sex, and parties, even though he knows his struggle against the void is condemned to failure. Looking for something to give meaning to his life, he sets off on a journey in search of lost memories: the clues he needs to clear up the death of a young woman...

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Fernando CLEMOT SALTO DE PÁGINA, 2015, 192 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “It succeeds, indeed, in transferring to the reader the oppressive atmosphere of the ship and subjecting us to a reading navigation that fills us with anxiety”. S. Birado, Librújula “In Clemot’s own words “no storyteller is reliable”, but ‘Polaris’ will take us to the height of insecurity”. M. Suero, La cueva del...

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Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Mònica BATET METEORA, 2015, 184 p. LITERARY FICTION, catalan Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. A 10-year-old girl is left at home with her paternal grandfather when her parents have to flee, for political reasons, from an Arctic country that is currently experiencing a climatic phenomenon called the Great Snowfall. Paris is the destination of fugitives. Time passes and the little girl and then the...

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Nine Islands in the North

Nine Islands in the North

Mònica BATET   BROMERA, 2019, 224 p., FICTION, catalan Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. Can I tell a story that doesn’t belong to me? What can I talk about and what can I keep quiet about? These are some of the questions raised by the six narrators of this story, which tells the story of a past that may also be the present. In any case, we are talking about certain islands that...

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