Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

LE CAVALIER BLEU, 2020, 216 p. NON-FICTION, french
A brilliant, original and committed essay on a major geopolitical issue, borders.

Paradoxical geographical objects, borders have criss-crossed the world since modern times and form the basis of international relations, presupposing on the one hand the equality of law between the territories they delimit and on the other hand an exclusive distribution of sovereignty. But this concept is now unstable: beyond the binary limits of the inside/outside of the state, borders have indeed become mobile, like so many complex devices for sorting out the flows of globalisation.
If their linearity seems to be reinforced by the increase in the number of walls that close them, this is only a trompe-l’oeil because a large part of the border mechanisms is invisible. Through a geo-historical approach that shifts the European gaze and allows an economic as well as a political re-reading of borders, this book proposes an original dive into the implicit aspects of their construction. Now dislocated, operating on the basis of heterogeneous locations, contemporary borders are evolving in a way that profoundly transforms our relationship to identity. Throughout the pages, we understand how to reopen the political possibilities from these lines that seem to lock up our imaginations.
Original Title
Géopolitique des frontières. Découper la terre, imposer une vision du monde
French sample “Lire un extrait“
Territory of representation
World Wide
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