Nine Islands in the North

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Nine Islands in the North

Mònica BATET

  BROMERA, 2019, 224 p., FICTION, catalan

Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona.

Can I tell a story that doesn’t belong to me? What can I talk about and what can I keep quiet about? These are some of the questions raised by the six narrators of this story, which tells the story of a past that may also be the present. In any case, we are talking about certain islands that seem to come from a very distant world, where exotic trees grow that bloom during the sleepless nights in a village on the island of Skogar, a ferry that the inhabitants take on summer Sundays to spend the day on the mainland, a school teacher who does not want to get married, a young boy who only dreams of travelling when his mother abandoned by her husband refuses the idea that he is leaving her a light that belongs only to the northern landscape. About world maps that make you dream, make you travel. Finally, everything is a journey in this history, a journey to discover the world and language.

Original title
Nou illes al Nord

Territory of representation
World Wide

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