

MAREA Gráfica, avril 2024, 252 p., 17 cm × 24 cm, Roman graphique biopique, Espagnol Nacho Nava, Aitor Iturriza Mendia, Guillermo Gracia-Santos Original Title Feltrinelli English sample available Territory of representationFrench languageAgent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Armella Leung (Art-mella) POURPENSER, 2015, 2018, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French Till 14 years old to any age of life ALMOST 50 000 COPIES SOLD IN TOTAL FOR THE SERIES Tome #1 30 000 copies sold in France Art-mella is a young woman who likes to look for answers to the questions she asks herself. Curious and quick-witted, she observes, goes out to meet people and tries things out. In these pages, Art-mella shares some of the...

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Stein (Pierre)

Stein (Pierre)

Agustín COMOTTO Co-édition prévue pour fin 2023 Espagne (Nórdica)/ Allemagne (Bahoe ), 170 p. Roman graphique, 24 X 30.5 cm, couleur, espagnol. Subvention de l’Institut Ramón Llull pour financer l’avance (aux illustrateurs vivant en Catalogne). Autobiographie, Mémoire politique, anarchisme, Argentine. Barcelone, 2020. Un homme de la quarantaine, auteur, cherche à comprendre son passé : l’engagement politique de son père,...

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Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Armella Leung (Art-mella) POURPENSER, 2017, 2019, 2020, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French ALMOST 200 000 COPIES SOLD IN TOTAL FOR THE SERIES #1 Welcoming an emotion : Having a lot of trouble with her emotions, between periods of emotional turmoil and aridity, Art-mella decides one day that it can’t go on any longer, and begins her investigation of emotions in order to feel better. After having participated in many courses,...

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Miguel Angel MARTÍN REINO DE CORDELIA, 2020, 160 p. Black and white, Graphic Novel, 17×22, spanish Preface by Rubén Lardín Twelve years after Playlove, Miguel Ángel Martín returns to comics with a new graphic novel, a very particular and sophisticated history of gastronomy. As soon as he got out of prison, Sandoval accepted a temporary job as a security guard in a semi-abandoned industrial estate. That’s how he met Belasco,...

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Playlove. Where Streets Have No Name

Playlove. Where Streets Have No Name

Miguel Angel MARTÍN REY LEAR, 2008, 232 p. Black and white, Graphic Novel, spanish Preface by Hernán Migoya (comic book author) Martín in Playlove puts his finger on the wound that hurts: couple relationships. His gaze is acidic and humorous as always. The worst day of Ari’s life was about to turn into the best day of her life. Abandoned by her fiancé and kicked out of her job, she meets Dani, the ideal man. But as Hernán Migoya...

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