Manuscrit : Marseille

Manuscrit : Marseille

Un roman-balade poétique, intime et socio-écologique dans la ville mythique. Les yeux du narrateur sont du nord, son cœur du sud. Par l’auteur du très remarqué Vies déposées (Seuil, 2018) relatant le quotidien de trois personnages vivant dans la rue dans le nord de Paris.Une belle écriture, imagée et finement humoristique. Tom-Louis TEBOUL Étienne, consultant en risque climatique et jeune parent, se retrouve bloqué à Marseille, une...

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Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama

Manuscrit inédit L’improbable restaurant de Madame Udama

Gilles DEL PAPPAS FICTION / Adultes, Jeunes adultes, Français Un roman plein de générosité, avec des personnages émouvants et truculents, un roman où la cuisine est omniprésente et met l’eau à la bouche. La vie d’un quartier populaire de Marseille, le Panier, sa solidarité, la beauté du partage, la vie belle et cruelle des personnes aux vies décalées (réfugiés, marginaux). Une famille de réfugiés est chassée de son appartement au...

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Welcome to Syntropy!

Welcome to Syntropy!

Anaëlle Théry Terre vivante, April 2024, 160 p. 21×29,7 cm. Practical Ecology, French The only book to date written on Syntropic Agriculture for temperate environments, emerging concept all over the world.After Permaculture, the new revolution in your garden!This book, based on the field experiments of Anaëlle Théry, a pioneer of syntropy in France, provides methods adapted to temperate latitudes, for vegetable gardening (from 50 m²),...

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This is not a Western

This is not a Western

Xavier ALIAGA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2024, 280 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsAfter The Neons of Sodom and Two square meters of young blood ( 12), Xavier Aliaga returns with a new installment of his peculiar policeman of Guinean origin. With the same load of irony and social criticism, but with a much more poignant and violent story, in what could be considered the...

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Massilia Dreams

Massilia Dreams

Gilles DEL PAPPAS Editions d’Avallon (réédition),  2024, (Librio, 2000; CLC édition, 2004), 94 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, French One of the Best Sellers by Gilles del Pappas, Marseilles’ Crime and Adventure Novels Master. Gilles del Pappas. Massilia Dreams, New edition in French by Editions d’Avallon. Before a middle-aged woman claimed to have lost her jewels in Loule’s taxi, life was pretty quiet for him in...

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Women without Name

Women without Name

Silvestre VILAPLANA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2020, 250 p. FICTION, Thriller Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsThe novel that begins the trilogy featuring Inspector Araceli Lavila In a flush on the outskirts of Valencia appears the body of an unidentified young woman with the phalanges of her fingers cut off and obvious signs of rape. When Inspector Araceli Lavila begins the investigation, she...

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Vienna, 1912

Vienna, 1912

Antoni ROCA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2023, 214 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants X Agustí Vehí-Vila de Tiana Memorial Prize 2023 In 1912, Vienna was a seemingly quiet city, the center of a continental empire that has survived the uprisings of the nineteenth century. It has more than two million inhabitants and the Universal Exposition has given it an unquestionable prestige,...

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Angels of Death

Angels of Death

Silvestre VILAPLANA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2023, 290 p. FICTION, Crime Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsAfter Women without Name and Suburbs of Paradise, Silvestre Vilaplana completes with Angels of Death the trilogy of detective Araceli Lavila, three crime novels with a strong social denunciation that have corruption and abuses of power as a background. Death seems to have taken over the...

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Suburbs of Paradise

Suburbs of Paradise

Silvestre VILAPLANA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2022, 268 p. FICTION, Crime’s novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsA novel denouncing the darkness of factual powers set against the backdrop of political crimes, the rise of fascism and abuses of power. After Women Without a Name, Inspector Araceli Laula returns. Removed from the body while battling health problems, her life is disturbed by the...

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Quasi-poetic justice

Quasi-poetic justice

Jordi CERVERA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2021, 380 p. FICTION, Thriller, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants A wood, a park and a courthouse. What can these three places have in common? Well, more than you think, especially if we also take a look at the protagonists who move there. Because it’s hard to imagine the things that might unite a media philosopher, a respected judge woman, a young woman...

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Turned into soup

Turned into soup

Pere FIGUERAS CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2022, 180 p. FICTION, Crime’s Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsA dark book full of humour IX ex-aequo Memorial Agustí Vehí-Vila Award in Tiana Black Novel Festival 2022 The protagonist of this story is Avel·lí Baldoví, a psychopath convinced that the world works against him and who does not hesitate to eliminate anyone who offends his dignity. He...

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The Parking Lot

The Parking Lot

Rabia AHMED FEROZSONS,  2022, 200 p. FICTION, Novel, English (Pakistan) A story of the ongoing struggle between power and poverty in Pakistan’s town. It’s an investigative novel because the author is a journalist, at times a social novel, but also an intimate novel, and always in a simple and elegant writing. Pakistan, with its social and urban problems, has so much to tell us. “Set within the framework of a family coming to...

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Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Armella Leung (Art-mella) POURPENSER, 2015, 2018, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French Till 14 years old to any age of life ALMOST 50 000 COPIES SOLD IN TOTAL FOR THE SERIES Tome #1 30 000 copies sold in France Art-mella is a young woman who likes to look for answers to the questions she asks herself. Curious and quick-witted, she observes, goes out to meet people and tries things out. In these pages, Art-mella shares some of the...

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Dans les yeux noirs de Lucile

Dans les yeux noirs de Lucile

Gilles DEL PAPPAS FICTION / Jeunesse à partir de 13 ans, français Un roman tendre et au langage direct, où une jeune adolescente et un vieil homme fantôme urbain se rencontrent. Des personnages complexes, sûrement pas unichromes qui se heurtent et se connaissent à Marseille, troisième personnage du roman. C’est dans le décor antique de Marseille que se passe cette histoire. Sous le signe du Mistral, le Maitre des vents, gansaillé par sa force,...

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En négociation avec une maison d’édition Gilles DEL PAPPAS FICTION /Polar, français Ainsi Gilles del Pappas introduit-il son roman : “En plein confinement, j’ai entendu une journaliste prouver que les agressions contre les femmes, au foyer conjugal, avaient été augmentées de 35%. J’en fus horrifié. Comment cela était-il possible. Que mes collègues, les hommes pouvaient être capable de telles ignominies me surprenait. Pourquoi ?...

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Gildas Girodeau Horsain, 2022, 246 p. FICTION, Detective Novel, french When Alfons Duru discovers a decapitated illegal immigrant in his vat of Banyuls wine, his world is swept away by a veritable tsunami. Paul Feder gets involved in the old man’s affairs, comes across mafiosi from La Jonquera, unscrupulous thugs from Collioure, and a not-so-gentleman who organises parties in a château in Saint Jean Lasseille; not forgetting the cliffs of...

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Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Gerard GUIX COLUMNA, 2011, 424 p. FICTION, Catalan Awarded with the XXI Pin i Soler Prize A somewhat fantastic road movie that takes us from Catalonia to London to the centre of Europe, punctuated by flashbacks and music. Five years ago in London Gerard and Anastasia meet casually. Soon after, the girl goes to live with him in Barcelona, ​​where the young boy had tried to turn her in someone other than the Russian student who attracted him, as...

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The Cemetery

The Cemetery

Gerard GUIX COLUMNA, 2013, 176 p. FICTION, Catalan The perfect adaptation of his play Genesi 3.0, a success at the 2003 GREC Festival.Gerard Guix is inspired by the dystopian worlds of three works of science fiction, George Orwell’s 1984, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, to locate its futuristic fable, although the atmosphere, the characters and the story more approach the...

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My Season at the Hell

My Season at the Hell

Gerard GUIX FANBOOKS, 2021, 276 p. CROSSOVER, Catalan A story that seems simple at the beginning and ends up taking us into a spiral of facts and emotions that will shake us and reveal the darker side of our society. A novel that echoes an adult novel he wrote ten years ago, Hunting Day, set in the same mountain and snowy village, Vic. For ages 14 and up. 13 years ago, in a mountain village where nothing ever happens, a teenager died during a...

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Dribble assassin

Dribble assassin

Gilles DEL PAPPAS et Emmanuel PETIT RAMSAY, 2021, 243 p. CRIME FICTION, french Second opus of the Trilogy of football polars, with the Commissioner Clémentine Paccini Tignes, November 97, oxygenation course for the French national team, a local FIFA representative is found with his throat cut and his hands hanged. Casablanca, May 98, Hassan II competition, a young FIFA representative is found dead, with her throat cut. At the scene, in the...

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El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN Literatura juvenil, novela negra, castellano Adrià, estudiante de historia e historiador vocacional, verá cambiar su vida cuando encuentre las pistas para encontrar tres cuadros de Vermeer que están escondidos en alguna parte. En el camino, conocerá a Diana, la chica más intrépida, hermosa e inteligente que ha encontrado en su vida. Pero siempre podrá contar con Sonia, su amiga del alma, la que en definitiva habrá de sacarle las...

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El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN, ilustraciones de RUI CAVALEIRO INFÁNTIL ILUSTRADO, Castellano ILUSTRACIONES y lectura del manúscrito por Rui Cavaleiro : aquí Los monstruos dan miedo a los demás, de manera que no deben de tener miedo. Por eso Luis quería ser un monstruo. Rui Cavaleiro Rui Cavaleiro Rui Cavaleiro Territory of representationWorld Wide What only happens to othersThe Fourth Girl On The LeftEl libro de los tesoros_manuscritoEl niño que quería ser un...

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Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary LE CAVALIER BLEU,  2020, 216 p. NON-FICTION, french A brilliant, original and committed essay on a major geopolitical issue, borders. Paradoxical geographical objects, borders have criss-crossed the world since modern times and form the basis of international relations, presupposing on the one hand the equality of law between the territories they delimit and on the other hand an exclusive distribution of...

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Gildas Girodeau Au-delà du raisonnable, 2015, 250 p. To be republished, FICTION, Black Novel, french A brave woman like the Captain, like the Passionaria, like so many who found energy and strength to fight for ideas and for life. It makes us want to follow in her footsteps, it awakens our longing for political and ordinary heroism.Her name was Antonia. The press in the ’70s called it the Pistolera. Antonia, a young activist and her...

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Destroy Roma

Destroy Roma

Gildas Girodeau Rivière blanche, 2019, 220 p. FICTION, medieval fantasy, french Saga Xavi el Valent #3 Montsegur resisted! But the fight continues. Xavi El Valent and his Katalans are leading the reconquest against the Evil Forces. In disarray, Pope Posel Virt Schneesturm and Seneschal Laguerre asked for help from the terrible Teutonic knights. As for the alien cardinals, they gather their reptilian forces in the eastern deserts. Ready for...

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Gildas Girodeau Horsain, 2020, first publication, 2018, 292 p. FICTION, Black Novel, french On a beach near Perpignan, the body of a decapitated man is discovered. Around him, in the sand, there are signs calling out to a young PJ investigator recently posted in the South, a woman called Laurence Guéguen. “Miguel Cesplugas stopped chewing his meat and stared at it with astonishment. When he saw that she was not joking, the colossus burst...

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The Afrikaner

The Afrikaner

Arianna DAGNINO GUERNICA Editions, 2019, 240 p. CANADA, english. A woman’s adventure story set between South Africa and Namibia, The Afrikaner covers the terrains of race, love, historical guilt, scientific obsession and the tensions of a society “lost in transition.”The book is inspired by the five years the author spent in South Africa working as an international reporter for the Italian press and is currently being adapted to film by...

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In Chopin’s heart

In Chopin’s heart

Mònica BATET   Editorial Empúries, 2020, 141 p., FICTION, Short stories, catalan Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. In Chopin’s heart is fruit of the fascination that exerts Poland on the writer Mònica Batet. Since the 2007, the notebooks of the writer collect histories of every type related with this country of cosy persons, sentimental and wound for the History. The reader will...

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What’s a border today?

What’s a border today?

Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary PUF,   2015, 142 p. NON-FICTION, french It is a book about borders written in the foreboding of what is now commonly known as the “migrant crisis”. Based on a longstanding partnership with scientific writings on the border issue (multidisciplinary texts written in different languages), it escapes the constraints of academia to propose a writing open to all. What is a frontier today? poses a thesis,...

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The Constantine’s Goya

The Constantine’s Goya

Gilles DEL PAPPAS DE BOREE,  2018, 240 p. FICTION, polar adventure novel, french Serie of adventure polar books Constantine the Greek, 22 volumes already publishedLast published, Constantin n°22 Takes place in Marsella and HamburgoEach one is a part of Marsella’s chronicle, from the 90’s, and often an adventure in another place in the world. The Marseille’s Bob Morane. Two new Manuscripts, rights available in french and in foreign...

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Last Tackle

Last Tackle

Gilles DEL PAPPAS et Emmanuel PETIT SEUIL, 2019, 256 p. POLAR FICTION, french First opus of the Trilogy of football polars Immersed in FIFA’s hot topic, Clémentine Paccini, a young commissioner at 36 quai des Orfèvres, with a strong head and a passion for gastronomy, was sent to Marseille as a matter of urgency. Astonishment throughout France: the charismatic OM coach was found murdered. Alongside the director of the investigation,...

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Chiado tobacco stores

Chiado tobacco stores

Fernando CLEMOT PARALELO SUR, 2008, SHORT STORIES, spanish Distinguished and terrible characters, echoes of childhood, looks of yearning and of disgust at life run through ‘Estancos del Chiado’, a volume that brings together the best stories by the Barcelona author Fernando Clemot, all written before 2005. Disappointment and irony go hand in hand in all the stories here, in a less than idyllic vision of a time that, in a journey to...

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The Gulf of Poets

The Gulf of Poets

Fernando CLEMOT BARATARIA, 2009, LITERARY FICTION, spanish The protagonist and narrator, Leo Carver, is a perceptive figure who takes a tragic approach to life through an excess of alcohol, sex, and parties, even though he knows his struggle against the void is condemned to failure. Looking for something to give meaning to his life, he sets off on a journey in search of lost memories: the clues he needs to clear up the death of a young woman...

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Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Snow, Polar Bears and some Braver Men than the Others

Mònica BATET METEORA, 2015, 184 p. LITERARY FICTION, catalan Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. A 10-year-old girl is left at home with her paternal grandfather when her parents have to flee, for political reasons, from an Arctic country that is currently experiencing a climatic phenomenon called the Great Snowfall. Paris is the destination of fugitives. Time passes and the little girl and then the...

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Nine Islands in the North

Nine Islands in the North

Mònica BATET   BROMERA, 2019, 224 p., FICTION, catalan Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. Can I tell a story that doesn’t belong to me? What can I talk about and what can I keep quiet about? These are some of the questions raised by the six narrators of this story, which tells the story of a past that may also be the present. In any case, we are talking about certain islands that...

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The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman

The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman

Patricia ALMARCEGUI Ediciones B, 2011, 208 p. FICTION, spanish. Historical novel. A fiction that is both entertaining and theoretical. Both the aesthetic debates and the beautiful friendship imagined between Ingres and Lady Montagu in Paris delight the reader. In The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman, Ingres, tormented and lacking inspiration, fled Paris and isolated himself in the countryside. He regained his confidence and the desire to...

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New books soon

New books are updated regularly and shown specifically here : list of Manuscripts list of Books to be published soon Visit this page often to be kept informed, or request by email to receive new entries at

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