

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU CANDAYA 2024, 720 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish ‘At the end of the reading one is left uncontrolled and hallucinating’ Mario Vargas Llosa. Gustavo Faverón Patriau draws on the need to tell stories, the philosophy of defeat, the dark smile of realism, the horror story, the delirium of the fantastic and the humour of the marvellous to seek unity, however murky and shaky, in the rubble of today’s world. Written after...

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A Simple Fable

A Simple Fable

Matías Néspolo CANDAYA,  2024, 192 p. LITERARY UPMARKET, Spanish, Argentine ‘The true novel is always an art of human knowledge. And Néspolo’s novel certainly is’, J. Ernesto Ayala-Dip, Babelia, El País ‘A novel without frills by an author who, slowly but surely, is building a work charged with depth’, Alvaro Colomer, La Vanguardia Behind the mask of a crime plot, this novel tells the story of a few days in...

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Theory of Touch

Theory of Touch

The stories that make up Theory of Touch are snapshots of the many senselessnesses of the contemporary world. Trapped characters, confused between redemption and sinking, are entangled between surrogacy, pornography, prostitution, madness, death, social networks, bereavement and illness, social networks, grief and illness. A delicate and at the same time savage book, of dark light and painful humour and mournful humour.A devastating look at...

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Santa María del Circo

Santa María del Circo

Mario Vargas Llosa : Talking about The weight of Living on Earth (“I think David Toscana has written one of the best novels in Spanish language”. José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major voices of the current Latin American narrative”, EL Cultural, El Español, 15 enero 2023 “David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador. A...

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What only happens to others

What only happens to others

Andreu MARTIN CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2024, 332 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish (Alrevés) Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsThe new novel from Barcelona’s master of the Crime Novel. Tricky and revealing of the problems of Barcelona and Catalan society. Marc Olván is a lawyer in a bad situation, in love and an alcoholic, who is not exactly going through a great time. Lidia Pedralba is a mother...

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Les condamnés de l’air

Les condamnés de l’air

Massimo di Ricco, 2019, 286 p., Non Fiction, Journalisme littéraire/Reportage Original TitleLos condenados del aire Territoires représentésLangue françaiseAutres droits : Oh!Books agency, juanjoboya@ohbooks.es Droits vendus Colombia (Icono)Netflix (série en avril 2024, sous-titrée en 26 langues et doublée en anglais, russe, français, portugais et italien) : trailer More about the rights available for this book...

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MAREA Gráfica, avril 2024, 252 p., 17 cm × 24 cm, Roman graphique biopique, Espagnol Nacho Nava, Aitor Iturriza Mendia, Guillermo Gracia-Santos Original Title Feltrinelli English sample available Territory of representationFrench languageAgent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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The Lives I Did Not Live

The Lives I Did Not Live

Patricia ALMARCEGUI CANDAYA, 2023. Fiction, Spanish A story of gardens, migration, exodus and women in search of a place of their own. In Spain and Iran. The lives I did not live is a book that oscillates between the intimate and the public in a conversational, everyday, fragmentary and delicate language. Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands Anna and Pari are two women who meet in Menorca, around an abandoned and...

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Carnets de l’opium

Carnets de l’opium

David JIMENEZ ARIEL (Planeta), 2023, 269 p., Non Fiction, Journal de voyage littéraire, Espagnol 7500 copies sold, fifth print Original TitleLos diarios del opio English Sample available Territory of representationFrench languageOther languages : contact Juanjo Boya (Oh!books literary agency) juanjoboya@ohbooks.esRights sold : Russian (Alpina) More about the rights available for this book...

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The Weight of Living on Earth

The Weight of Living on Earth

Mario Vargas Llosa : “Acabo de leer esta novela del escritor mexicano David Toscana que ha ganado el Premio Bienal de Novela que lleva mi nombre, celebrado en Guadalajara, y creo que es uno de los textos más originales publicados en los últimos años”. “Lo que está en juego en este texto notable es el humor. Un humor extraño e incandescente”. “Uno de los aspectos originales de este libro es ese juego mediante el...

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The Fourth Girl On The Left

The Fourth Girl On The Left

Andreu MARTIN CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2023, 480 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish (Alrevés) Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants World War I. While the main European cities are bleeding into conflict, Barcelona is one of the great pearls of the Mediterranean. Despite its status as a neutral territory, no one ignores the fact that on the coast there are ports where they can illegally stock up on fuel...

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Those who listen

Those who listen

Diego SÁNCHEZ AGUILAR CANDAYA, 2023, 544 p. LITERARY FICTION, Spanish In Those who listen, Diego Sánchez Aguilar explores all the forms of Anxiety and Fear that define our contemporary society. “A thoughtful novel that avoids sermons: the best way to be a political novel” José María Pozuelo Yvancos . A novel that reminds us Thomas Pinchon, David Foster Wallace, Don DeLillo, and the Bulgarian Guéorgui Gospodínov. And something to do...

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L’île cachée. Chroniques de Cuba.

L’île cachée. Chroniques de Cuba.

Abraham JIMENEZ ENOA Libros del KO, 2023, 296 p., Non Fiction, Espagnol “Quitter Cuba pour la première fois n’est pas la même chose que de quitter n’importe quel autre pays. Sortir de Cuba c’est tomber dans le monde, c’est se rendre compte que Cuba est une île prise en otage par un système politique qui fait que le pays est encore au XXe siècle.” Original TitleLa isla oculta. Historias de Cuba. Territory of representationFrench language More...

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Morts non accidentelles

Morts non accidentelles

Paz Velasco de la Fuente, Rosamerón, 2023, 386 p., Non Fiction, Criminologie, langue espagnole Titre original Muertes nada accidentales Territoires représentésLangue françaiseOther rights : Oh!Books agency, juanjoboya@ohbooks.es More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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Women who Fuck

Women who Fuck

Adaia Teruel LKO, 2023, 338 p., Non Fiction, Sujet féminin, Sexologie, Espagnol Original TitleMujeres que follan Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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The City that the Devil took with him

The City that the Devil took with him

A novel about survival and the ruins of our time.In the end, although everything went wrong, everyone thought they were heroes. David Toscana reinvents a wounded city where reality is overcome with imagination, nostalgia, rebellion and a good dose of alcohol. “David Toscana is one of the most innovative contemporary Mexican storytellers.” Eduardo Espina, El Observador.José Manuel Fajardo: “David Toscana is one of the major...

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The Art of Writing Standing up

The Art of Writing Standing up

Eight chronicles on the idea of the great life journey and the different typologies of the postmodern traveller.As Stendhal or Vila-Matas did. A urban Wanderer, a walking thinker. Aitor ROMERO ORTEGA CANDAYA,  2023, 160 p. NON FICTION, Travel chronicle, Spanish The Art of Writing Standing up is a travel book that, through eight chronicles with a clear guiding thread, traces a personal history of the travelling illness, from the Rome of the...

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Stein (Pierre)

Stein (Pierre)

Agustín COMOTTO Co-édition prévue pour fin 2023 Espagne (Nórdica)/ Allemagne (Bahoe ), 170 p. Roman graphique, 24 X 30.5 cm, couleur, espagnol. Subvention de l’Institut Ramón Llull pour financer l’avance (aux illustrateurs vivant en Catalogne). Autobiographie, Mémoire politique, anarchisme, Argentine. Barcelone, 2020. Un homme de la quarantaine, auteur, cherche à comprendre son passé : l’engagement politique de son père,...

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Nobody House

Nobody House

The story of a migrant mother and daughter, both of them together, working as prostitutes in Barcelona. And the life of Laureano Debat sharing a flat with them. Laureano DEBAT CANDAYA,  2022, 296 p. NOVEL, spanish Shortly after arriving in Barcelona, Laureano Debat went to visit a flat in the Eixample district with the intention of renting a room. The women who showed him around, a mother and daughter, seemed very nice and the room was...

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Mia is 20 years old. She takes care of almost everything in her family now, her little brother, her absent mother, her mentally disturbed father.A novel about the essence of family relationships and the almost always confusing web that shapes them. Guilt is one of the primary themes of the novel and family secret. There is also a special focus on violence in relationships, abuse, intimate partner violence, especially between young people. What...

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The Natural State of Things

The Natural State of Things

With The Natural State of Things, originally published in 2016 by Caballo de Troya, Alejandro Morellón became the first Spaniard to win the prestigious Gabriel García Márquez International Short Story Prize (the so-called Oscar of short stories), making him one of the most relevant voices of the new Spanish narrative, as evidenced by his inclusion in the first selection of 10 out of 30, the anthology of the AECID and Acción Cultural for the...

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The Book Of Our Absences

The Book Of Our Absences

Eduardo RUIZ SOSA CANDAYA,  2022, 464 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Mexico) A journey through the scenes of the disappeared people in contemporary Mexico. “Estado Crítico awards in 2022, in its Narrative section, the work by Eduardo Ruiz Sosa El libro de nuestras ausencias (Candaya, 2022). For its daring formula for telling the story of the violence of disappearances in Mexico. For its atrocious lyricism. For maintaining the pain in...

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Air Hospital

Air Hospital

Documentary poetry that reflects on memory, history and the limits of language.In the line of books like Anne Carson’s The Beauty of the Husband, Wallace Stevens’ Notes for a Supreme Fiction, William Carlos Williams’ Patterson, or Raúl Zurita’s Zurita, Hospital del aire adds to the tradition of poetry books that transcend the conventional barriers of genres and propose to re-signify registers that seem irreconcilable. An...

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The Heartbeat Of The Maghreb

The Heartbeat Of The Maghreb

Pablo MARTIN CARBAJAL Mar editor, 2022, 444 p. Fiction, Novel, spanish A journey to the west of the Maghreb, in Mauritania and Morocco, with two protagonists we already met in Maybe Dakar, Álvaro and his sister Carol. A socio-historical and adventure novel. Álvaro and Cárol are two brothers who have a difficult relationship with each other, both working in the family business located in the Canary Islands. For business reasons they have to...

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Berlin Meeting, Ukranian Death

Berlin Meeting, Ukranian Death

Pepe Ribas Altamarea, 2022, 272 p., Novel, spanish Original Encuentro en Berlín, muerte en Ukrania English sample available Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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And They Were a Single Shadow

And They Were a Single Shadow

Isabel-Cristina ARENAS SEPULVEDA CANDAYA,  2022, 240 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Colombia) A first novel that explores the mysteries of family, death and the debts of the past. Isabel is a living memory and, although everything that surrounds her causes deep sadness in those who knew her, loving her seems to be obligatory. Fearful of the possibility of repeating a life, the narrator, who is named after her grandmother, needs at the same...

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What The Future Was

What The Future Was

Daniela ALCÍVAR BELLOLIO CANDAYA,  2022, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish (Ecuador) “A luminous and illuminating work, furiously tender” María Bastarós. What The Future Was is the story of a disintegration, the chronicle of a devastating crisis that threatens a marriage, a house, sanity, and unleashes in the narrator an intimate and profound reflection in which writing and life, landscape and affection, memory and future...

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The Shadow

The Shadow

David Cabrera Libros del KO, 2022, 256 p., NON-FICTION, LITERARY JOURNALISM, spanish After years of painstaking interviews and research, David Cabrera has produced an absorbing psychological and police drama, which reads like a high tension novel. Original La sombra Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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The Distracted Condition

The Distracted Condition

The Distracted Condition is a vast journey that traces, throughout history and culture, the value, the human weight of absent-mindedness, carelessness or distraction. This book will be of interest to readers of the essay genre, but also to readers of history, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, etc. Jesús GARCIA CIVICO CANDAYA,  2022, 376 p. ESSAY, spanish The Distracted Condition is a fascinating invitation to a cultural journey...

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As Long As We Could

As Long As We Could

Pablo Herrán de Viu Altamarea, 2020, 208 p., Novel, spanish Original Mientras pudimos Sample in english available Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams

The Happy Death of William Carlos Williams

Marta APONTE ALSINA CANDAYA, 2022, 208 p., NOVEL, spanish National Novel Prize of the Pen Club of Puerto Rico 2007 Marta Aponte Alsina is considered the great contemporary master of Puerto Rican narrative. Cristina Rivera Garza included her in a selection of 12 must-read Latin American women authors, published in Publisher’s Weekly magazine in 2018. At once a novel of family saga, a travelogue, a story of initiation and growth, a hybrid...

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The Order of the Aleph

The Order of the Aleph

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU CANDAYA 2021, 352 p. LITERARY ESSAY, spanish An essay written by a bookish detective: an investigation into the origins and meanings of one of the most important short stories in world literature, The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges. The Order of the Aleph is an exploration of Jorge Luis Borges’s aesthetics based on his most famous short story, in a reading that weaves together filology, cartography, filosophy and history...

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The Correspondent. A novel inspired by real events

The Correspondent. A novel inspired by real events

NOVEL published the 26th of January 2022 David JIMENEZ A formidable docufiction. A mixture of Graham Greene and Kapuscinski, reminiscent of films like Missing or The Year of Living Dangerously Original Title El corresponsal. Una novela inspirada en hechos reales English Sample available Territory of representationFrench language Rights soldPortuguese (Minotauro) More about the rights available for this book...

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The Odd Names

The Odd Names

Álex CHICO CANDAYA, 2021, 256 p. NOVEL / ESSAY, spanish Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30″ project, 2020.A narrative about the blurred margins of identity and a suggestive literary exercise. Sometimes a story begins with a single sentence or the mention of a name. Here it begins when the film director Tomás Acosta meets...

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I die and I come back

I die and I come back

Rafael Guerrero MAR editor, 2nd edition, 2023; CÍRCULO ROJO, 2013, 213 p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish “Rafael Guerrero” serie, #2 Prefaced by Paco Camarasa A real-life Detective, Writer. The novels are based on cases experienced by the author/detective. Rafael Guerrero, a detective, is both author and protagonist of his novels. A case in the turbulent North Africa of 2011 almost cost private detective Rafael Guerrero his life. To forget what...

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Truth Does Not Make Friends

Truth Does Not Make Friends

Rafael Guerrero MAR editor, 2021, 192 p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish “Rafael Guerrero” serie, #5 10th Wilkie Collins Award for Crime Novels Franchesca plans to murder her husband and induces her lover to help her. But the man hires detective Rafael Guerrero so that this proposal is on record and he can denounce the ideologue with evidence or escape conviction if she acts on her own and implicates him. He is frightened, believing that if she...

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How many things have we seen disappear

How many things have we seen disappear

Miguel SERRANO LARRAZ CANDAYA, 2020, 288 p. Fiction, spanish A novel about lost illusions and a disappearing people, about the possibility of changing the past.A unique tribute to science fiction, horror, sentimental novels and other genres of popular literature. Sonia is a girl obsessed with death. Berta’s obsession is the passage of time. Their friendship is inevitable in the Pyrenean village where they spend the summer, a small town...

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The Anthropoid

The Anthropoid

Fernando PARRA NOGUERAS CANDAYA, 2021, 288 p. Fiction, spanish A novel about identity and hidden desires. About the conflict between what we are, what we want to be and what others expect of us. Eduardo, the son of a powerful publisher, is removed from the family business because of an obscure affair. Banished to a provincial town, he is taken in by his uncle, the editor of a local newspaper, where he first works as a spellchecker and...

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Lost Notebooks of Japan

Lost Notebooks of Japan

Patricia ALMARCEGUI CANDAYA, 2021. Essay, travel book, spanish The discovery, amazement and fascination of an ancient culture. Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands Lost Notebooks of Japan is the chronicle of a traveller who crosses interior and exterior geographies to recognise herself and assert her voice, to investigate writing as a record of the past, the fragility of women who travel alone and memory as a family...

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El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN Literatura juvenil, novela negra, castellano Adrià, estudiante de historia e historiador vocacional, verá cambiar su vida cuando encuentre las pistas para encontrar tres cuadros de Vermeer que están escondidos en alguna parte. En el camino, conocerá a Diana, la chica más intrépida, hermosa e inteligente que ha encontrado en su vida. Pero siempre podrá contar con Sonia, su amiga del alma, la que en definitiva habrá de sacarle las...

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El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN, ilustraciones de RUI CAVALEIRO INFÁNTIL ILUSTRADO, Castellano ILUSTRACIONES y lectura del manúscrito por Rui Cavaleiro : aquí Los monstruos dan miedo a los demás, de manera que no deben de tener miedo. Por eso Luis quería ser un monstruo. Rui Cavaleiro Rui Cavaleiro Rui Cavaleiro Territory of representationWorld Wide What only happens to othersThe Fourth Girl On The LeftEl libro de los tesoros_manuscritoEl niño que quería ser un...

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Fernando CLEMOT PRE-TEXTOS, 2021, 280 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “Fiume de Fernando Clemot: preludio poético del fascismo”, José Ovejero A political novel, exhilarating and disturbing, which works on the memory of the past century to better understand our present. In which we experience the fascination that fascism and providential men can produce, and the destruction that they ultimately engender. Fiume September 1919. Two...

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The Weight of Stars

The Weight of Stars

Agustín COMOTTO Original Title El peso de las estrellas Foreign rights soldEnglish (AK press) Territory of representationFrench languageAgent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century

Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century

Miguel PAJARES RAYO VERDE , 2021, 236 p. NON FICTION, Social Sciences and Politics, Spanish An atlas of the impacts and migrations resulting from the ecological crisis.An appeal on the urgency of changing global policies. The issue of climate refugees is one that demands to be explored in greater depth. Climate change or global change will irreversibly transform the planet, and the most severely affected areas will witness massive human...

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Building the World

Building the World

Enrique Gracián Original Title Construir el mundo Foreign Rights sold China and Russia Territory of representationFrench languageAgent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

Ara direu que estic boig Andreu MARTIN ALREVÉS editorial,  2021, 236 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants “Now I fall asleep, now I wake up, now I fall asleep”. This is the life of Francesc Ascás, an extravagant young man who hears voices and says strange things, who draws comics and is hooked on the predictions of a television magician, and all of this...

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Lady Tyger

Lady Tyger

Silvia CRUZ Original Title Lady Tyger English sample available Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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The Analyst. An accidental spy in the Assange and Snowden cases

The Analyst. An accidental spy in the Assange and Snowden cases

Héctor JUANATEY Original Title El analista. Un espía occidental en el caso Assange y Snowden English Sample https://www.dropbox.com/s/qb1b2v8a60huh3g/The%20Analys%20ENG%20Sample%20Chapter%201.pdf?dl=0 Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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The Happiest Place in the World

The Happiest Place in the World

David JIMENEZ Original Title El lugar más feliz del mundo English Sample https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4uctb3o4o3ox6h/TheHappiestPlaceOnEarth%20ENG%20SAMPLE.pdf?dl=0 Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book sophiesavary@sosavbooks.com

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Children Of The Monsoon

Children Of The Monsoon

David JIMENEZ Original Title Los hijos del Monzón Rights soldUSA (Autumn Hill Books) http://www.autumnhillbooks.org/children-of-the-monsoon.htmlAlemania (Campus Verlag); Italia (Marco Tropea); Taiwán (Ecus) English Sample https://medium.com/@DavidJimenezTW/the-invincible-child-boxer-for-a-living-a50d1334dee Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book...

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