Women without Name

Women without Name

Silvestre VILAPLANA CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2020, 250 p. FICTION, Thriller Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grantsThe novel that begins the trilogy featuring Inspector Araceli Lavila In a flush on the outskirts of Valencia appears the body of an unidentified young woman with the phalanges of her fingers cut off and obvious signs of rape. When Inspector Araceli Lavila begins the investigation, she...

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Don’t be so sure

Don’t be so sure

Lluís LLORT CRIMS.CAT (CLANDESTINA),  2016, 296 p. FICTION, Crime’s Novel, Catalan Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants Monday morning. The week begins for Mossos d’Esquadra sergeant Jaume Fuentes and his colleague, Santi Planes, with the case of the corpse of a young man snuggled up in a small office in the center of Barcelona. Over the next seven days, what initially seemed like a routine case...

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I die and I come back

I die and I come back

Rafael Guerrero MAR editor, 2nd edition, 2023; CÍRCULO ROJO, 2013, 213 p. DETECTIVE NOVEL, spanish “Rafael Guerrero” serie, #2 Prefaced by Paco Camarasa A real-life Detective, Writer. The novels are based on cases experienced by the author/detective. Rafael Guerrero, a detective, is both author and protagonist of his novels. A case in the turbulent North Africa of 2011 almost cost private detective Rafael Guerrero his life. To forget what...

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Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Everything You Should Know Before Loving Me

Gerard GUIX COLUMNA, 2011, 424 p. FICTION, Catalan Awarded with the XXI Pin i Soler Prize A somewhat fantastic road movie that takes us from Catalonia to London to the centre of Europe, punctuated by flashbacks and music. Five years ago in London Gerard and Anastasia meet casually. Soon after, the girl goes to live with him in Barcelona, ​​where the young boy had tried to turn her in someone other than the Russian student who attracted him, as...

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The Cemetery

The Cemetery

Gerard GUIX COLUMNA, 2013, 176 p. FICTION, Catalan The perfect adaptation of his play Genesi 3.0, a success at the 2003 GREC Festival.Gerard Guix is inspired by the dystopian worlds of three works of science fiction, George Orwell’s 1984, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, to locate its futuristic fable, although the atmosphere, the characters and the story more approach the...

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You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

You’re Going To Say I’m Crazy

Ara direu que estic boig Andreu MARTIN ALREVÉS editorial,  2021, 236 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, Spanish Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants “Now I fall asleep, now I wake up, now I fall asleep”. This is the life of Francesc Ascás, an extravagant young man who hears voices and says strange things, who draws comics and is hooked on the predictions of a television magician, and all of this...

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TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

Gerard GUIX   ESTRELLA POLAR 2011, 2011, 2012 Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. THE PRODIGY His name is Axel because their parents liked Guns’n’Roses and this was the name of the leader. His name is Axel, but he could have called Odin, the guy from Sweden he has never seen but that each year sends him a birthday gift. Odin is a mysterious and improbable character, and...

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Children Of The Monsoon

Children Of The Monsoon

David JIMENEZ Original Title Los hijos del Monzón Rights soldUSA (Autumn Hill Books) http://www.autumnhillbooks.org/children-of-the-monsoon.htmlAlemania (Campus Verlag); Italia (Marco Tropea); Taiwán (Ecus) English Sample https://medium.com/@DavidJimenezTW/the-invincible-child-boxer-for-a-living-a50d1334dee Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book...

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Wild Bolaño

Wild Bolaño

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU, co-authored with Edmundo PAZ SOLDAN CANDAYA, 2008 504 p. LITERARY Essay, spanish Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) has gone, in just a few years, from being a marginal poet to occupying a central space in the imagination of the last generations of readers, who perceive in him a new way of conceiving the world of letters as a passionate adventure and of assuming the task of the writer with the rebelliousness of a perpetual...

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The End of the Cold War

The End of the Cold War

Juan TREJO BELACQVA, 2008, 299 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish “[…] this narrative goes far beyond the political statement and the redistribution of the cards of power: in reality, it turns them around and asks us to judge what is really going on in everyone’s head. “Albert Bensoussan, En attendant Nadeau (french) The End of the Cold War unfolds the parallel stories of three characters, Dona (flight attendant), Tomás (young...

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Mónica OJEDA CANDAYA, 2018, 208 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Finalist for the 2022 US National Book Award for Translated LiteratureLonglisted for the 2023 US PEN Translation Prize Was Nefando a horror game for freaks, an immoral staging or a poetic exercise? Nefando, Journey to the Insides of a Room, was a little-known online video game that was soon removed from the net because of its controversial sensitive content. Players’...

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You are Cobalt Blue

You are Cobalt Blue

Pablo MARTIN CARBAJAL Ediciones Idea, 2006 (1ère édition), M.A.R. editor, 2014, 148 p. The story of a woman who sought her way through the art and life of Frida Kahlo. You are Cobalt Blue, the exciting story of a woman who sought her way through the art of Frida Kahlo. Dori has just turned thirty, she lives for her husband, her son and her work, one day she meets a disturbing man who penetrates her intimacy and discovers Frida Kahlo....

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Black Secret Society

Black Secret Society

Andreu MARTIN RBA, LA MAGRANA, 2013,  304 p. BLACK NOVEL, catalan, spanish Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants V Crims de Tinta Award in 2012 “Soong, Dona, Home i Nen, Señora, Caballero y Niño, Lady, Gentleman and Child Fashions, Wholesale Only”. This is how it appears on the business poster of some Chinese businessmen that camouflages the secret bank that is robbed before the macabre...

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The Fair Violence

The Fair Violence

Andreu MARTIN RBA, LA MAGRANA, 2016,  448 p. BLACK NOVEL, catalan, spanish Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants The murder of two partners in a financial consulting firm triggers a major police operation involving Germán Rojo, a powerful man who believes he is untouchable and far above the other mortals, those annoying cockroaches he can crush whenever he wants. However, it has a weakness. Melba, a young...

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The cockroach sputum does not reach the seventh basement of the pedestal from which my statue rises

The cockroach sputum does not reach the seventh basement of the pedestal from which my statue rises

Andreu MARTIN BROMERA, 2014, 336 p. BLACK NOVEL, catalan CIENTO CUARENTA EDITORIAL, 2014, 384 p., spanish Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants The murder of two partners in a financial consulting firm triggers a major police operation involving Germán Rojo, a powerful man who believes he is untouchable and far above the other mortals, those annoying cockroaches he can crush whenever he wants. However, it has a...

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Everyone Will RememberYou

Everyone Will RememberYou

Andreu MARTIN ALREVÉS editorial,  2019, 290 p. FICTION, Black Novel, Catalan, spanish Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants Vila-Real town Novel Award 2018 A few months after the Jihadist attack on Barcelona’s Ramblas, and with days to go before controversial regional elections, the lifeless body of National Police inspector Santiago Ortuño appears in the port, between concrete blocks and a raging dark...

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And The Sky Was a Beast

And The Sky Was a Beast

Robert Juan-Cantavella ANAGRAMA  2014, 375 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish A choral novel, of love and literature, which handles the registers with mastery. A fabulous reading pleasure. Sigurd Mutt returns to Barcelona. Nearly thirty years have passed. Back then he was a young cryptozoologist determined, alongside his colleagues Belaire and Sjögren to unravel the mysteries of Hidden Naturalism and trace, against the dictates of official...

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The Last Days of Roger Lobus

The Last Days of Roger Lobus

Óscar GUAL ARISTAS MARTINEZ, 2015, 288 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish Quadrilogy “Sierpe” #3 Short listed for the 2014 Herralde Prize “Gual has assumed the conventions of the novelistic format in order to subject them to a systematic reprogramming in the service of a new realism: an unusual look at a reality in expansive mutation” Juan Francisco Ferré “There was a time when Spanish literature admitted in its pavilions brutality,...

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Gildas Girodeau Au-delà du raisonnable, 2015, 250 p. To be republished, FICTION, Black Novel, french A brave woman like the Captain, like the Passionaria, like so many who found energy and strength to fight for ideas and for life. It makes us want to follow in her footsteps, it awakens our longing for political and ordinary heroism.Her name was Antonia. The press in the ’70s called it the Pistolera. Antonia, a young activist and her...

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Chiado tobacco stores

Chiado tobacco stores

Fernando CLEMOT PARALELO SUR, 2008, SHORT STORIES, spanish Distinguished and terrible characters, echoes of childhood, looks of yearning and of disgust at life run through ‘Estancos del Chiado’, a volume that brings together the best stories by the Barcelona author Fernando Clemot, all written before 2005. Disappointment and irony go hand in hand in all the stories here, in a less than idyllic vision of a time that, in a journey to...

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The Gulf of Poets

The Gulf of Poets

Fernando CLEMOT BARATARIA, 2009, LITERARY FICTION, spanish The protagonist and narrator, Leo Carver, is a perceptive figure who takes a tragic approach to life through an excess of alcohol, sex, and parties, even though he knows his struggle against the void is condemned to failure. Looking for something to give meaning to his life, he sets off on a journey in search of lost memories: the clues he needs to clear up the death of a young woman...

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A Traveller Woman in Central Asia. What’s left of the world

A Traveller Woman in Central Asia. What’s left of the world

Patricia ALMARCEGUI Universitat de Barcelona, 2016, 172 p. NON-FICTION, spanish. Very little is still known about Central Asia in the West; travel books written by a woman about these regions are rare. In 2007, Patricia Almarcegui travelled alone through Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan for two months. Tashkent, Samarkand, Bujara, Jiva, Fergana, Osh, Biskek, Karakol…, magical names that invite you to dream and fantasize. This trip was seen...

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The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman

The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman

Patricia ALMARCEGUI Ediciones B, 2011, 208 p. FICTION, spanish. Historical novel. A fiction that is both entertaining and theoretical. Both the aesthetic debates and the beautiful friendship imagined between Ingres and Lady Montagu in Paris delight the reader. In The Painter and the Traveller’s Woman, Ingres, tormented and lacking inspiration, fled Paris and isolated himself in the countryside. He regained his confidence and the desire to...

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The Body’s Memory

The Body’s Memory

Patricia ALMARCEGUI FÓRCOLA EDICIONES, 2017, 192  p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish A feminine novel, very personal, yet universal. The origin of this novel is a question by Patricia Almarcegui: what would have happened if, instead of continuing her studies in Zaragoza, she had gone to Russia and become the first Spanish dancer to enter the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg, the most important ballet in the world? This experience, she...

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