Morts non accidentelles

Morts non accidentelles

Paz Velasco de la Fuente, Rosamerón, 2023, 386 p., Non Fiction, Criminologie, langue espagnole Titre original Muertes nada accidentales Territoires représentésLangue françaiseOther rights : Oh!Books agency, More about the rights available for this book

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Women who Fuck

Women who Fuck

Adaia Teruel LKO, 2023, 338 p., Non Fiction, Sujet féminin, Sexologie, Espagnol Original TitleMujeres que follan Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book

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Death of the Forests

Death of the Forests

Francisco LLORET ARPA, 2022, 272 p., ESSAY, ECOLOGY, spanish Forests around the world are collapsing.Some of them are primary, of incalculable value. It is a current phenomenon, very serious and still little known. Original TitleLa muerte de los bosques English Sample available Territory of representationFrench language More about the rights available for this book

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Eduardo Infante, Cristina Macía Rosamerón, 2022, 272 p., ESSAY, Philosophy and Gastronomy, spanish A vegan Pythagorean menu, a Kantian menu served on the hour, a medieval meal with a background of Carmina Burana or a Banquet worthy of the best Socrates. An entertaining journey through what some of the most illustrious philosophers thought about food -and what they ate or drank-. Original TitleGastrosofía English Sample available Territory of...

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The Distracted Condition

The Distracted Condition

The Distracted Condition is a vast journey that traces, throughout history and culture, the value, the human weight of absent-mindedness, carelessness or distraction. This book will be of interest to readers of the essay genre, but also to readers of history, philosophy, sociology, cultural studies, etc. Jesús GARCIA CIVICO CANDAYA,  2022, 376 p. ESSAY, spanish The Distracted Condition is a fascinating invitation to a cultural journey...

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The Order of the Aleph

The Order of the Aleph

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU CANDAYA 2021, 352 p. LITERARY ESSAY, spanish An essay written by a bookish detective: an investigation into the origins and meanings of one of the most important short stories in world literature, The Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges. The Order of the Aleph is an exploration of Jorge Luis Borges’s aesthetics based on his most famous short story, in a reading that weaves together filology, cartography, filosophy and history...

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The Odd Names

The Odd Names

Álex CHICO CANDAYA, 2021, 256 p. NOVEL / ESSAY, spanish Álex Chico is one of the 10 authors chosen in the second edition of Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation’s “10 out of 30″ project, 2020.A narrative about the blurred margins of identity and a suggestive literary exercise. Sometimes a story begins with a single sentence or the mention of a name. Here it begins when the film director Tomás Acosta meets...

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Lost Notebooks of Japan

Lost Notebooks of Japan

Patricia ALMARCEGUI CANDAYA, 2021. Essay, travel book, spanish The discovery, amazement and fascination of an ancient culture. Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands Lost Notebooks of Japan is the chronicle of a traveller who crosses interior and exterior geographies to recognise herself and assert her voice, to investigate writing as a record of the past, the fragility of women who travel alone and memory as a family...

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Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century

Climate Refugees. A Crucial Challenge for the 21st century

Miguel PAJARES RAYO VERDE , 2021, 236 p. NON FICTION, Social Sciences and Politics, Spanish An atlas of the impacts and migrations resulting from the ecological crisis.An appeal on the urgency of changing global policies. The issue of climate refugees is one that demands to be explored in greater depth. Climate change or global change will irreversibly transform the planet, and the most severely affected areas will witness massive human...

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Building the World

Building the World

Enrique Gracián Original Title Construir el mundo Foreign Rights sold China and Russia Territory of representationFrench languageAgent for all other language : Oh!Books agencia literaria More about the rights available for this book

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Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Geopolitics of Borders. Cutting out the Earth, Imposing a Vision of the World

Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary LE CAVALIER BLEU,  2020, 216 p. NON-FICTION, french A brilliant, original and committed essay on a major geopolitical issue, borders. Paradoxical geographical objects, borders have criss-crossed the world since modern times and form the basis of international relations, presupposing on the one hand the equality of law between the territories they delimit and on the other hand an exclusive distribution of...

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Wild Bolaño

Wild Bolaño

Gustavo FAVERÓN PATRIAU, co-authored with Edmundo PAZ SOLDAN CANDAYA, 2008 504 p. LITERARY Essay, spanish Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) has gone, in just a few years, from being a marginal poet to occupying a central space in the imagination of the last generations of readers, who perceive in him a new way of conceiving the world of letters as a passionate adventure and of assuming the task of the writer with the rebelliousness of a perpetual...

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What’s a border today?

What’s a border today?

Anne-Laure Amilhat-Szary PUF,   2015, 142 p. NON-FICTION, french It is a book about borders written in the foreboding of what is now commonly known as the “migrant crisis”. Based on a longstanding partnership with scientific writings on the border issue (multidisciplinary texts written in different languages), it escapes the constraints of academia to propose a writing open to all. What is a frontier today? poses a thesis,...

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The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture

The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture

Patricia ALMARCEGUI FÓRCOLA EDICIONES, 2019, 312  p. Non-fiction, essay, spanish An essay, in short, erudite and entertaining, which reformulates the traveller’s imagination from the perspective of the genre. Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands Since Antiquity, travel has been one of the preferred ways of representing human beings. Getting to know new places and new people is a form of culture and describes...

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An Ending for Benjamin Walter

An Ending for Benjamin Walter

Álex CHICO CANDAYA, 2017, 256 p. ESSAY/FICTION, spanish. The last hours of Walter Benjamin’s life in Portbou The end of an european cross-border village Recommended by Enrique Vila-Matas (blog, enero 2018) In September 1940, a group of refugees left France through a clandestine passage in the Pyrenees. They hoped to cross Spain and follow their route to America, fleeing the barbarism that had taken over Europe. Their...

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