Gerard GUIX

49th Joaquim Ruyra Award for Youth Novel for A lighthouse at the end of the world , most important Youth’s literature prize in Catalonia (2022)
Pin i Soler de Novel-la Award for Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me (2011)
Fundació Romea de Textos Teatrals Award for Genesi 3.0 (2006)

Gerard Guix (Vic, 1975) is a writer and a playwright, he teaches at the famous Ateneu de Barcelona writing school. He has published the novels The Continental Drift (2005) and Hunting Day (Columna, 2007). He is also the author of novels for young people (a fantasy trilogy, My Season at the Hell, 2021). Among his works as a playwright, Gènesi 3.0 (winner of the 2006 Fundació Romea de Textos Teatrals Award), awarded at the Grec Festival in Barcelona, and the trilingual play U, Due, Três, also performed in Portugal and Italy, stand out. Dirrrty Boys is his last play staged in September 2022 at the Akadèmia Theatre in Barcelona. Everything You Should Know Before You Love Me won the Pin i Soler de Novela Award, and was translated into Spanish by Suma (Penguin Random House) and in french by Les Forges de Vulcain (published in 2022). This publisher translated as well The Cemetery in french (2019) and will publish in first edition his next novel in 2025.
FRANCE (El cementiri, Tot el que hauries de saber abans d’estimar-me, Doppelgänger – Original edition in 2025-,Editions Les forges de Vulcain)
Audiobooks (All novels, Saga-EGMONT)
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