Author supported by the Ramón Llull Institute, translation grants
Pepe Carvalho Prize from the BCNegra Festival (Barcelona, 2011)
Dashiell Hammett Prize of the Semana negra de Gijón (three times winner)
Deutsche Krimi Prize (Germany, 1993)
National Prize for Children’s Literature (1987)
and about TWENTY other awards

(1949, Barcelona)
Andreu Martín is one of the great masters of the Spanish Black Novel. Accomplice of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán and Francisco González Ledesma, he is now the last living Barcelona author of this generation who introduced the Spanish criminal and detective novel to France in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly through his novels published in the Série Noire (Gallimard). His work includes both adult novels (more than fifty) and novels for young people, including the Flanagan series published by Gallimard jeunesse, written in collaboration with Jaume Ribera. Very active (he has published several novels in the last five years) he is also a screenwriter of films, comics and playwrights. It has been awarded the highest prizes for noir fiction and children’s literature and is translated into several languages including French, German, Italian and Dutch. His last novels are published in the collection, in 2024 the last title is What only happens to others.
Author’s Website:
In catalan
Audiobooks : 30 TITLES, Audible for serie Flanagan and several polar titles in catalan and spanish; Storytel (El haren del Tibidabo, Todos lo recordarán, La favorita del harén), 80 TITLES, Saga Egmont Group.
Works translated in France :
Société noire (Asphalte, 2016), Bien sous tous rapports (série noire Gallimard, 2005), Un de ces jours (Caribéiennes, 2004), L’homme au rasoir (série noire Gallimard, 2001), Le Poulpe : Vainqueurs et cons vaincus (1999, Librio 2001), , Barcelona connection (série noire Gallimard, 1998), Jésus aux enfers (série noire Gallimard, 1996), Un homme peut en cacher un autre (Seuil, 1995), Prothèse (série noire Gallimard, 1994), Pour l’amour de l’art (1988, série noire Gallimard 1994). Série Flanagan : 5 titles (Hachette and Gallimard, 2 youth titles (Gallimard and Flammarion).
Other translations : German (Beltz und Gelberg, CBT, Europa Verlag), Nederland (Uitgeverij Signature), Italian (Mondadori-Junior), Arabic (Al Arabi, Egypt), Serbian (Magnus)
Available : PDFs in english (one Flanagan), french; ebooks in italian, german.