In Chopin’s heart

Editorial Empúries, 2020, 141 p., FICTION, Short stories, catalan
Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona.

In Chopin’s heart is fruit of the fascination that exerts Poland on the writer Mònica Batet. Since the 2007, the notebooks of the writer collect histories of every type related with this country of cosy persons, sentimental and wound for the History. The reader will find the tale of the Catalan writer that does not achieve to talk for telephone with his father, the of the boys that view like a night of December some tanks cross Warsaw, the tale of the dish of more that there has to be at each table for Christmas, the of the Japanese that gross every year the contest of piano Frederic Chopin… The author has endinsat at the heart of Poland and offers at the readers this book that makes to smile and makes to mourn.
Original title
Dins del cor de Chopin
Territory of representation
World Wide
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