A Lighthouse at the End of the World

A Lighthouse at the End of the World

Gerard GUIX Winner of the most important children’s literature prize in Catalonia: Joaquim Ruyra 2022 Illustrations by Cristina Bueno ELASTIC BOOKS ( Grup Enciclopèdia ), 2023, 240 p. Teen Novel, Catalan They say that adolescence is the age of discoveries and anguish. Max knows this well. At the age of fourteen he has just seen how his life takes an unexpected turn: his father has been commissioned to renovate a lighthouse on a remote...

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Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Philosophical Delights series – Practical Philosophy in Comics

Armella Leung (Art-mella) POURPENSER, 2015, 2018, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French Till 14 years old to any age of life ALMOST 50 000 COPIES SOLD IN TOTAL FOR THE SERIES Tome #1 30 000 copies sold in France Art-mella is a young woman who likes to look for answers to the questions she asks herself. Curious and quick-witted, she observes, goes out to meet people and tries things out. In these pages, Art-mella shares some of the...

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Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Armella Leung (Art-mella) POURPENSER, 2017, 2019, 2020, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French 220 000 COPIES SOLD IN TOTAL FOR THE SERIES IN FRENCH #1 Welcoming an emotion : Having a lot of trouble with her emotions, between periods of emotional turmoil and aridity, Art-mella decides one day that it can’t go on any longer, and begins her investigation of emotions in order to feel better. After having participated in many courses,...

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El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

El libro de los tesoros_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN Literatura juvenil, novela negra, castellano Adrià, estudiante de historia e historiador vocacional, verá cambiar su vida cuando encuentre las pistas para encontrar tres cuadros de Vermeer que están escondidos en alguna parte. En el camino, conocerá a Diana, la chica más intrépida, hermosa e inteligente que ha encontrado en su vida. Pero siempre podrá contar con Sonia, su amiga del alma, la que en definitiva habrá de sacarle las...

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El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

El niño que quería ser un monstruo_manuscrito

Andreu MARTIN, ilustraciones de RUI CAVALEIRO INFÁNTIL ILUSTRADO, Castellano ILUSTRACIONES y lectura del manúscrito por Rui Cavaleiro : aquí Los monstruos dan miedo a los demás, de manera que no deben de tener miedo. Por eso Luis quería ser un monstruo. Rui Cavaleiro Rui Cavaleiro Rui Cavaleiro Territory of representationWorld Wide What only happens to othersThe Fourth Girl On The LeftEl libro de los tesoros_manuscritoEl niño que quería ser un...

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TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

TRILOGY The Prodigy, The Wit, The Talent

Gerard GUIX   ESTRELLA POLAR 2011, 2011, 2012 Book eligible for TRANSLATION GRANTS from the RAMÓN LLULL INSTITUTE in Barcelona. THE PRODIGY His name is Axel because their parents liked Guns’n’Roses and this was the name of the leader. His name is Axel, but he could have called Odin, the guy from Sweden he has never seen but that each year sends him a birthday gift. Odin is a mysterious and improbable character, and...

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