
PRE-TEXTOS, 2021, 280 p. LITERARY FICTION, spanish
“Fiume de Fernando Clemot: preludio poético del fascismo”, José Ovejero
A political novel, exhilarating and disturbing, which works on the memory of the past century to better understand our present. In which we experience the fascination that fascism and providential men can produce, and the destruction that they ultimately engender.

Fiume September 1919. Two hundred volunteers led by the writer Gabriele D’Annunzio occupied a town on the Croatian coast with the intention of forming their own state attached to Italy: the Free State of Fiume. For fifteen months, the writer tried to create a government “of free and heroic men” and developed all the discourse and paraphernalia that fascism would use for its rise over the next two decades. Thirty years later, Tristam Vedder, a correspondent for the New York Tribune at the time, returns to Italy with his family to see the place where his youngest son died in the recent Italian campaign. The encounter with the scenes of yesteryear will make Vedder relive his time in Fiume, the rise of fascism, his initial attachment to it and all that has changed his life during that time. He will reflect on the consequences of totalitarianism and war while trying to put back together some of the pieces that were lost thirty years ago.
“Clemot se ha tomado en serio la disección de la violencia, la alerta contra la irracionalidad.”, Jesús García Cívico, El Hype.
” Una novela esclarecedora sobre nuestros espejismos y nuestras mentiras, sobre la fragilidad de la vida y la imposibilidad de dejar atrás nuestros errores más graves…”, José Ovejero , La Marea.
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