Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

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Emotions: Inquiry and Roadmap series

Armella Leung (Art-mella)

POURPENSER, 2017, 2019, 2020, 19 x 29,5 cm. Self Help, Youth, Comics, French


Couv Enquete mode-emploi tome2

#1 Welcoming an emotion : Having a lot of trouble with her emotions, between periods of emotional turmoil and aridity, Art-mella decides one day that it can’t go on any longer, and begins her investigation of emotions in order to feel better. After having participated in many courses, trainings, conferences, etc., Art-mella finds out :”I am better! These tools work! But then, why didn’t they teach me that at school ?? (it would have saved 30 years of my life !! So, to share this essential knowledge and make it accessible to all, I’m going to make a comic book” she decides.

To know everything about emotions.
The book that therapists prescribe to their patients.
For anyone who wants to know more about themselves, till 7 years old to any age of life.

100 000 copies sold in France, reprinted in May 2024

Original Title : Emotions : enquête et mode d’emploi – Tome 1 – A la source des émotions (48 pages)

Samples available :
french sample on author’s website, french sample 2,
english samples #1,
chinese, spanish

Spanish (Libsa editorial), English (Summersdale, UK), Japanese (Kanki), Chinese (Post and Telecoms Press)

#2 The source of our emotions: our needs : The long-awaited sequel to Emotions :the user’s guide. An investigation that invites us to visit our inner garden, to go back to the source of emotions, and in this volume 2, to take care of our needs. Take back your power, take care of yourself, of your relationships, and make your life beautiful?
Nothing could be easier and more fun! With lots of tools that Rator will test for us.

With the collaboration of Isabelle Padovani !
For anyone who wants to know more about themselves, till 12 years old to any age of life.

70 000 copies sold in France, reprinted in May 2024

Original Title : Émotions : enquête et mode d’emploi #2 La source des émotions : les besoins (48 pages)

Samples available :
french sample on author’s website, french sample 2,
english samples #2

Spanish (Libsa editorial)

#3 The different parts of oneself : In the first volume of the series, Art-mella has taken an interest in the nature of emotions, in particular through the compass of emotions. After having walked, in the 2nd volume, to go to the source of our emotions, we find Rator, Porco and Renardo who discover that to make peace with one’s emotions, it is a question of becoming aware of the different parts of oneself…

The last published opus.The different parts of oneself and the healing of past wounds!
For anyone who wants to know more about themselves, till 12 years old to any age of life.

55 000 copies sold in France

Original Title : Émotions : enquête et mode d’emploi #3 Les différentes parts de soi (88 pages)

Samples available :
french sample on author’s website,
english sample #3,

Territory of representation for whole series: World wide

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