Arianna DAGNINO (English Canadian)

In the last thirty years Arianna Dagnino has built a diversified cultural and professional experience across many borders and four continents. She was born in Genoa, Italy, and studied in London, Moscow and Boston before starting her career in journalism and international reporting, which led her to spend five years in South Africa. She holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and Sociology from the University of South Australia and currently teaches at the University of British Columbia. Her publications include a creative nonfiction, Transcultural Writers and Novels in the Age of Global Mobility (2015), two novels – The Afrikaner (Toronto, 2019) and Fossili (Rome, 2010), and several books on the social impact of science, digital technology and global mobility – among them, I nuovi nomadi (Rome, 1996), ans Uoma. La fine dei sessi (Milan, 2000). A member of the Writers’ Union of Canada and the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada, she holds Australian, Canadian and Italian citizenship.
Author website :
Territory of representation
Europe, except Germany and Italia
GERMANY (PalmArtPress, 2020), ITALIA ( Watson Edizioni, 2021), Afrikaans (2021), EGYPT ( National Centre for Translation and Publishing )