
Mia is 20 years old. She takes care of almost everything in her family now, her little brother, her absent mother, her mentally disturbed father.
A novel about the essence of family relationships and the almost always confusing web that shapes them.
Guilt is one of the primary themes of the novel and family secret. There is also a special focus on violence in relationships, abuse, intimate partner violence, especially between young people. What is the life of a 20 year old girl in this world?
CANDAYA, 2022, 224 p. NOVEL, spanish

Seven years ago, Mia’s father was kidnapped for 21 days. He is now in hospital; this is the fourth time he has been admitted since then, as if the captivity has brought to light traces of something that neither the doctors nor his family understand. Since the kidnapping, many things have also changed in Mía’s life: the birth of her brother Victor, for example, or her relationship with Claudio, a boy her family knows almost nothing about. Now it is Mía who takes care of everything. Her mother, who is more and more absent every day. Her gifted brother, who questions everything. Her group of friends.
Mía is the story of a young girl who, between rebellion and resignation, races towards a destiny from which she cannot seem to escape. Through everyday scenes in which, above all, what is left unsaid is important, Miguel Dueñas traces a story, delicate and disturbing at the same time, about family secrets and about the breakdown of the apparent normality that protects us from chaos.
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