The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture

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The myths of the Travel. Traveling aesthetics and culture


FÓRCOLA EDICIONES, 2019, 312  p. Non-fiction, essay, spanish

An essay, in short, erudite and entertaining, which reformulates the traveller’s imagination from the perspective of the genre.

Book eligible for translation grants from the Balearic Islands

Since Antiquity, travel has been one of the preferred ways of representing human beings. Getting to know new places and new people is a form of culture and describes the society and mentality of men and women. It is impossible to think of a culture without the encounter with otherness, and the travel story becomes the aesthetic, documentary and testimonial proof of that encounter. Patricia Almarcegui, a renowned chronicler and essayist who has travelled to Egypt, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Japan, India and Iran, aims in this volume – which brings together an anthology of her best writings on the subject over the last decade and several unpublished ones – to advance the study of travel aesthetics and culture, in an attempt to identify the elements that organise it and the literature it generates. Almarcegui unravels the myth of travel from the adventures of Marco Polo and Ruy González de Clavijo; from the journeys to the East of Lady Montagu, Alí Bey and Carsten Niebuhr; and from the literature of Annemarie Schwarzenbach and Ryszard Kapuściński.

Original Title
Los mitos del viaje. Estética y cultura viajeras

Territory of representation

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